July 2024 chemo starters

Oh my goodness, what a week! So first EC chemo was last Friday. Fatigue was a major issue then had awful pains on the top of my stomach. I even rang the 24/7 mobile number. I thought the anti sickness meds would help and they didn’t. She thought it was possibly stomach acid from chemo. I definitely need help with that next time. She said I could be prescribed something but I didn’t follow it up. I should have. Then yesterday, felt slightly less fatigued and then painful S&D! But having said that, when stomach calmed down, did feel a bit better and managed a small walk in the evening. Today, day 6, I feel slightly more ‘normal’. Been feeling terribly low, first cycle and I’m already finding it tough. How on earth can I handle 6 months of this. I really have no idea. Appointment tomorrow for PICC care. The PICC has calmed down and amazingly getting used to it. Lots of best wishes to all you BC warriors! This forum has already been so very important to me. x

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Ahh sorry your feeling shitty we all react differently everyone’s on the forum I believe should share their experiences cause we can all learn from each other and support each other. Have you tried gavisgon for the acid or even just chewy mints I tend to have a supply on hand of both. Don’t be to hard on yourself we are all here for you xxx take care xxx


Thought I would try to edit last post.
I’ve just got home from my first weekly placitaxel for 12 weeks.

I cold capped 30 mins before , throughout, and 1 hour post treatment due to thick hair and disconnecting for quick toilet break.
No probs with the cold cap - the cold don’t bother me.

Nurses were lovely and have anti-emetics which I’m going to take before the sickness comes!
Waiting for any other side effects!
Any other tips welcome xxx


@kms1 its ultradex mouthwash i use. Ive used it for years. Hope you start feeling better now.
@kerrylou1 glad the cold cap wasn’t too bad. Hope you dont have bad side affects. Take care ladies. Night night :crescent_moon:


Listen to your body, if it doesn’t feel right, give your helpline a ring.

Rest when you need it, ask for help of others. Do check your temperature daily,if not a couple of times. I had a couple of weeks with high temperature and ended up in hospital for 6 days. The sooner it’s picked up the better and sometimes the first line of antibiotics don’t work.

Keep an eye out for UTI, urgency and stinging. Mouth thrush and keep on top of your oral hygiene. All can be treated.

Be kind to yourself :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Hi all, I’m on Day 9 after my first chemo of EC. Had some good and bad days, main problem being headaches, but I’ve woken up this morning with lower back pain. I’ve had 6 of my Filgrastrim injections and they did say it could cause bone pain but just wondering if anyone else has had this, when it started and how long it lasts, best painkillers to take etc. I only have 1 more injection to do tonight so I’m hoping it might start to ease off when the injections finish.

Hi @angieb1

Did you take an antihistamine when having the injections?

I did and managed to get away with little muscle aches

I did have a headache it but paracetamol did the trick and tons of water (like 4 l a day while having the injections)

No lower back pain.

Hope you feel better soon x

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@idcand49 they told me to take 2 x paracetamol an hour before the injection but didn’t mention anti histamine. Will give that a go before I take my last one tonight. Thank you :kissing_heart:

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@angieb1 maybe give your team/helpline a call and let them know. It might be something that needs flagging and they may be able to help reduce the pain.



Thank you @deb1, had first EC chemo Weds, that all went well, had a little moment of dizziness during but that passed. Managed the cold cap pretty well the tips of paracetamol beforehand and sipping flask of tea during first 15 mins helped and then didn’t feel it at all. First night was a bit rough, had horrible nausea moment (cheese on toast wasn’t a great idea) but took one of the extra anti sickness tabs metaclopramide and seemed to sort it. Didn’t sleep much fist night, was worried I was having allergic reaction,hubbie managed to calm me down, could see it was just my previous fears and I was just out of it on the meds & steroids! Of course he was right, so next day just slept mostly and yesterday managed a couple of hours work at my desk before being whacked out. Steroids making me woozy & a bit spaced out (not given me ‘pep’ that the nurse suggested it would do) am glad to have taken last ones this morning. Anyone else had feeling of heavy legs?
Hoping to do a walk today as weather cooler, really feel I need to get moving and shake this out.
All the best to everyone xx


My chemo didn’t go ahead. I had immunotherapy which was OK. I had 22 ml of chemo had a grade 3 anaphylactic shock to Paclitaxol. I spent the day in Rhesus and a night on AMU ward. It was all very traumatic but I am now calm. My Oncologist is switching me to nab-paclitaxol but I have to wait two weeks. I’m going from weekly to three weekly treatment.

Hope everyone else’s treatment is going well x


Hi @loobyloo1 How horrible for you, that sounds really scary. So glad you’re on an even keel again now. Really hope the rest of your treatment goes well with no more setbacks! :two_hearts:

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@loobyloo1 so sorry to hear about the reaction. I think it is not uncommon and I spoke to someone who had similar and the Doctors had to switch track. I met her when I was having my port insertion surgery, she was having her port removed as she is now cancer free and not having anymore chemotherapy. So wanted to share that just because the treatment plan is changed, they have options and they too will be successful.

I am also having a tailored plan, my blood results are showing increased ALT levels, so I am having 80% of the recommended dose. It worries me but I’m more scared of them stopping it all together.

I have only had 3 sessions of chemotherapy and not had another scan but I swear the lump is already shrinking, it was 4.5 cm but I can feel it’s smaller. I was another ultrasound/mamagram to check xx


Hope you feel a bit better soon xxx

Hi @olli3 glad you’ve got your first chemo out of the way and cold capping wasn’t too bad. Hope you’re ok now love. I had heavy legs after injections but didn’t last long. X @loobyloo1 so sorry you’ve had such a bad time. Hopefully you’re on the right one now. Ive also heard its not unusual to change treatment plan. I spoke to oncologists yesterday to see how i was after my first chemo. I told him not many side affects. I was giving 70% of the dose because ive had low neutrophils in the past. He is keeping in at the sane dose for my second session on fri. I suppose if my bloods are ok wed they may up the dosage for my 3rd. Not sure but was told they often lower dosage when necessary xxx


@loobyloo1 sorry you had such a difficult timexx :heart: Its good they were able to keep with the immunotherapy and change you to nab paclitaxol going forward. Hope you are able to rest up nowxx


@loobyloo1 that must have been a terrifying experience

I can’t imagine it!

How are you feeling now?

I hope you’re getting the rest you need


@loobyloo1 so sorry to hear of your experience, sending you lots of love & strength and good to hear that there are other options available to you x


Thank you @debi1 reassuring to hear the heavy legs thing is a thing!

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A long g way through July but only just hopping on to the thread .
Had my first chemo on 9th July after metastatic bone and liver diagnosis.
Having Pertuzamab and Trastuzamab target therapy alongside Docetaxol.
Had rough couple of weeks - had reaction to the Docetaxaol whilst having it so it had to be stopped , anti reaction drugs give and then given v slowly .
Felt a bit rubbish for a couple of days but started to pic up and then ended up spending 5 nights in AMU with neutropenia and raised infection markers . Was so glad to get home .
Enjoying this little bit of sun and sitting in my garden .
Hoping to be a lot more active and out and about this week :crossed_fingers: before round 2.
Take care all