July 2024 chemo starters

Hi @kerrylou1
I’m glad pac is going well for you.
Yes, 22 weeks of EC but first i have to meet my new oncologist and get another PICC line fitted. They took it out thinking it was infected.
This is msy second set of 2 weeks off so hopefully from now on, it will be straightforward!!
Clare xx

Oops 12 weeks!!

Are you having your EC every two weeks for 12 weeks? @cf640

I’ll soon be joining you - I’m having 4 doses one every fortnight xx

Good luck with your second picc. At least you know what to expect this time.

I’m having my PAC dose reduced by 20 % this week which is my 10th weekly dose.
I went to Asda today to do the shopping and my hands went crazy with the tingling - however I have just been to yoga tonight and none at all - a great mystery!

Have a great evening all ! Xxx

@kerrylou1 Next time you are in clinic mention the tingling in your hands and feet, it could be the start of peripheral neuropathy. I also had. 12 weekly Pacliatxel and cold capped, keeping most of my hair. I had tingling on and off in my hands and feet, my oncology team were not too bothered as it wasn’t all the time. They said if it comes and goes they just want you to keep an eye on it. It continued for sometime after chemotherapy stopped, I’m now 9 months post chemo and still have an issue with the nerves in my neck down to my hands, it it’s not permanent.

Taxanes like Paclitaxel or Docetaxel can both cause peripheral neuropathy.

Take care :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks for your message… @naughty_boob yes that’s why my dose is being reduced due to the tingling with a view to stopping it if it gets any worse. It’s being reviewed each week.


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Hope all doing ok today?

I had Pac No. 11 yesterday, weird how you get near the end it just seems still a long way to go! I have 3 weekly (4 doses) of EC next but not sure when that starts?? Should I expect a break in between??

I had did pass out on Sat at a family gathering, that was embarrasing used to be due to too much alcohol how things change :rofl: mentioned it yesterday to nurse who said as a one off not to worry too much as bloods are fine :+1: will note for onco who I am seeing in two weeks and may have been to a sudden drop in blood pressure.

Feeling ok today just glad no drugs and jabs this week.

Wishing you all a good week with no drama’s :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Take good care of yourselves xxx


How do you feel now that you are moving onto EC?

Hopefully less side effects :pray:t2:

I had my last filgristrim injection last night & for the first time, felt like I had the flu

Real aches pains and AWFUL headache

So taking it easy today

Need to make it to a school mtg and just want to sleep ….

My daughter has reminder me it’s less than 99 days to Xmas :laughing:

How did that happen? X

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Yes the jabs are not great :pensive: I had my last one on Monday I had less pain than last time but was injecting in thigh in the am so switched to tummy i the eve which may have helped??

Nervous about EC due to lots of feedback online, but feel better about going every 3 weeks and not weekly! Hope I do not suffer too much :unamused: time will tell.

Mmm cannot quite beleive we are heading towards Xmas but at least we should be through the worst by then…I think :thinking:

Hello lovelies! Hope all are ok?
Im currently awaiting a negative covid test! Need my picc line dressing changed but i darent go in until im better because i dont want anyone else to get this!
Im currently patching my dressing up with surgical tape :rofl::rofl: its not looking infected so thats good. I feel much better in myself but just got a dreadful cough now.

@idcand49 i have to say, the jabs are awful arent they?? I didnt have much bone ache before with them but the last round i had, the jabs knocked me on my backside!! I dont know if that was because i was getting an infection at the same time or what but i felt dreadful!

Hi ladies @zaran hope it negative soon lovely.
After the worst week after Doxetactel to feeling well enough to have a lovely but tiring weekend in north Yorkshire then everyone else at home with colds and aches and pains. Worried that they will pass something on to me. :crossed_fingers:so far im ok. Also my 85 year old mum who lives alone has got shingles so now i cant visit her and not sure how long to stay away. :cry: Today’s a bit strange. I feel so much better from the aches and pains from last week, today my legs hurt to touch like bruised all over and the back of my hands feel sore like chapped. But i suppose as we go on we find more and more side affects. My hands and feet do tingle but l thought that could be rhumatiod as im off my meds now. Feel these are only small things in the scheme of things. X

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Hi all
Im looking forward to Christmas. I should have finished chemo by then. It seems i have another week off- I have an app with my appts on and this week’s chemo has been removed. No phone calls or exolanations so im supposing it is because of my eyesight which is still blurry.
I feel free without a PICC line!! Im going sea swimming today.
My EC is supposed to be every 3 weeks @kerrylou1. I checked with other triple negative women and even though some of them didn’t do the whole course of pac/carb, they got a good result with EC. Fingers crossed. I dont know what is now is planned for me. I meet the new oncologist next week and im really hoping to get on with this.
I hope everyone improves. It feels like we are all battling one way or another.


Sea swimming :swimming_woman: wow. Enjoy. Good luck with everything x

I hope everyone who has had a hard time recently is on the mend now. I had paclitaxel treatment Tuesday all unevenful apart from nurse asking me something about my mum and me bursting in to tears. My mum died 14 years ago, poor nurse (!) she felt really bad. It did make me think there is a big toll on mental as well as physical health. I am looking at taking some counselling.

My haemoglobin and rbc have really dropped this cycle so I am trying to eat more iron rich foods. Has anyone else had this? Oncologist said no to supplements.

Looks like a few of us are moving onto to EC soon. I see my oncologist next week so need to ask more about it. Its been good to read peoples experiences on here, thanks for sharing it is always scary starting something new.

I hope your mum gets over the shingles soon @debi1 and you can visit again. The Yorkshire moors are beautiful, you are so lucky to live so close!

The sea bathing also sounds amazing @cf640! Hope it is a better fit with new oncologist, well done for making the changex


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@booklover1 it really does take a toll on your mental health!! The first 4 rounds of chemo i was so strong with, and then the 5th round i didnt stop crying the whole time. I was there for 5hrs and just cried on and off. It was like i couldnt believe what was happening to me, like i finally took in my surroundings and realised where i was! Which sounds crazy but it really did just all of a sudden sink in.
I really hope you have a better time of it and you feel brighter soon. Xx

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I think that was it, I have just been getting on with things all summer and now my children are back at university and college I have realised that this is really happening.

Wishing you all the best x

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@booklover1 l know we are all different but my experienceon EC was fairly non eventful with no real side affects. I definitely agree with you and @zaran about mental health. Reading you got upset about your mum. So sorry about that. But made me realise i don’t think ive actually cried. Early days i couldn’t stop thinking i can’t leave my boys but kept it all in so i didn’t upset anyone. Think that’s why everyone says im so brave as im just trying to get on with it. I don’t feel brave. But if it helps them to cope im glad thats what they think. I think it will all hit me at some point. My eldest broke down at work a few days ago. Think it all caught up to him and seeing me poorly for the first time last week will have affected him.
Hopefully mum will be ok soon and i can visit. Take care ladies xxxx


Have what I thought was my oncology meeting today ready for round 5 but today we discussed radiotherapy I will be having 15 sessions starting November time 3/4 weeks after my last chemo it was all a bit of a whirl wind oh and here a booklet on the hormone treatment you will be having Letrozole. But we won’t talk about that now let’s meet in 2 months as it starts after radiotherapy. Then it was this is what happens you go and they mark you here here and here you need to hold your breath for 20 seconds and that’s it the it’s only about 30 seconds in tearoom for 10/15 mins and expect to be in hospital about an hour and oh this will be in Oxford 90 mins each way joy they will be in contact sign here here and here bye
1st meeting I have been too on my own so not sure what I missed or even what I signed but I am sure they have my best interests at heart. And at least the bulk of my journey will be completed in 2024 just hormone and bone treatments in the future. Oh well let’s prepare for next weeks dotaxel as I am sure I will have 10 days of crap to deal with after.
Sorry guys for the negative post on the up side I need to tell you all I still have hairy legs I am devastated I have not lost my leg hair lol
All the best to you all sending hugs

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Thanks for your reply. I think you are right we want to protect our loved ones and don’t want them to worry. Your son sounds a lovely sensitive soul xx I get told how brave I am being from work and family but I don’t feel very brave just scared most the time. Maybe taking time out to have a good cry would be good. I am going for afternoon tea and a walkbwith an old friend tomorrow which will give me a lift.

Thanks for the info on EC. Hope your next treatment is easier :pray:

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@lilo1973 thats a lot to take in! Its pretty overwelming getting so much information fired at you. Good luck with the radiotherapy, I hadn’t realised you had to hold your breath with it.

What is it about leg hair!!

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@booklover1 @debi1
Its funny isnt it? When people say “youre so brave!”
Its a lovely thing to say but honestly… what other choice do we have? We have to do it in order to be here for our families and for us.
Ive had a couple of what i call my “poor me poor me” moments since that sudden realisation of "omg this is actually happening… and I think its good to let it out.
Having a cry is healthy, as long as thats where we leave it. The first person we hurt by falling apart is ourselves, so ONWARDS AND UPWARDS!! :muscle::muscle:
We. Have. Got. This.

@lilo1973 thats so much info to take in all at once!! Bless you! I absolutely HAVE to take someone with me to appointments because sometimes the doctors end up sounding like Charlie Browns teacher :rofl::rofl: and it all just jumbles up into one big ball of confusion!!