July 2024 chemo starters

Good morning ladies. @angieb1 welcome! We will all support you the best we can. Like @idcand49 and @olli3 we know exactly what you’re feeling. If you need to come on here to vent then do it love. Try not to shut friends and family out but I know what you mean. You don’t want to drag them down too. Im managing atm but believe me ive had dark days. Maybe because things are moving on now. I started my first chemo yesterday. Wasn’t too bad. A long day as given the cold cap a go. That was probably the hardest bit. But the first 15mins was the worst then it got bearable. Was ready for it to come off thought then soon forgotten. Felt surprisingly well last night. I took the antisickness tablets so that probably helped. Im ok this morning but im going to go back to bed for a couple of hours as i want to be ok go to my sons school for an event this afternoon​:crossed_fingers: ill be ok. I will listen to my body. Oh about nails i heard some ladies talking and one still kept hers. And some say dark nail varnish helps. My cancer nurse referred me to macmillian and got gift and treatment booked in. All great advise. Ive gog a couple of scarfs and im looking at wigs just in case. If its going to fall out it will probably be after second chemo. Take care my friends :orange_heart:


How are you doing now :heart: xx

Good to hear that yesterday went well @debi1 , encouraging to hear about cold cap experience too, hope today continues well and you get to your son’s event :blush: xx

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Thanks hun. Well i am up again bit of headache but not too bad. Tinnitus bugging me at bit more than usual but thats nothing really. Im not going to get too carried away i know i could feel worse later but i will take this and get ready for the bike fest lol. Its all for a good cause, air ambulance and a local food bank. The school is only minutes away so can easily pop back home if it gets too much. Xxx


Thanks @debi1 Good to hear your first chemo went ok and you managed to tolerate the cold cap. Hope you’re still feeling ok. I feel a little less apprehensive about my first chemo on Thursday after reading yours and lots of the other posts here. :two_hearts: x

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Hi all well I can say this week has gone better than expected I have done everything right or so I hope every night I get the Phil injections out of the fridge take an antihistamine and 2 paracetamol then about a hour later I inject and so far so good a little ache here and there but that’s it steroids have finished now so no more racing heart and anti sickness getting less to take . Taste buds are strange I had ready salted Pringles and all I can taste is salt it’s been 2 days I have brushed teeth used mouthwash and it’s still salty even my water is salty not impressed lol. I have been speaking with a friend who say that it does get worse the more chemo you have the tiredness gets more and for longer but I hope not we will have to see and my belly rumbles I have had to take delcoease as not been to the loo for 2 days and I have to say my arse stinks sorry tmi. I still have my very short shaved hair but apparently it will go many in the next week. I would say I am really tired but try and keep going. I am adding protein to my shopping list thanks for that and I am going to order a wooly beanie as this weather is not kind to my head. Take care you all try and stay positive and remember we are all here for you your not along in this journey xxx


Add Kefir ! I’ve heard amazing things about it & for some reason if you drink it before treatment & days after it helps the gut

Just sent my 15 yr old to buy some.

Also, my onco warned me too that the fatigue is cumulative. All side effects she said should not get worse & can be mitigated but the fatigue builds :face_holding_back_tears:

My kids are 18, 17, 15 so going to lean into them helping me more. My husband lost his mom suddenly before my diagnosis and works long office hrs. It’s been a lot ! He’s coming to my first treatment but don’t want this to consume us.

My kids have asked to come to one but unsure ….

@angieb1 I was meant to go Ibiza on a girls trip to Ibiza in Sep for my big 50

I’m going to have postpone & have a BIG party for my 50th / post chemo treatment instead this year and go to the party island when I have hair again :laughing:


@debi1 hope the bike fest was fun

Did you need any meds for the cold cap? I’m dreading it!

Glad to hear you seem to be coping well hun. Keep it up. I hope certain things get better for you. :poop: maybe tmi but makes me smile :smiley: :blush: take care lovely :heart:

Interesting to read about the kefir. Haven’t heard that mentioned in relation to breast cancer before but will definitely give it a go.
Good idea to have 50th party now and you can plan your Ibiza trip for next year. Will be good to have it to look forward to. :partying_face: x

@idcand49 i took paracetamol couple of hours before i went as i woke with headache then half way through a couple more. I will admit that was the worse bit for me but just get over the first 15 mins and you’ll be ok. Xxx

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Oh 'and thanks the bike fest was good i felt good all day. My cousin had her chemo on fridays felt fine until Sunday night then felt like she’d been hit by a bus. Her words. Watch this space.:roll_eyes:


I was reading your post last night in bed. You reminded me i hadn’t put the steroid in the fridge ooops. Ran down and sorted it. I hadn’t heard about taking the antihistamine os that for side affects from steroid? X

It was on an April thread I think but I have had no side effects or I have slept thru them or they are not working lol. Woke up to a rally sore throat today no temperature rang oncology ward bleep like it says they went through loads and said they would call be back in about an hour 4 hours still waiting been to Tesco pharmacy and he was very unhelpful but gave me a spray and said I need to tell my oncologist and if it does not get better to call hospital I did say twice to him that I had but seems like no one is listening so will see how today goes on a positive note I am less constipated the delcoease worked will take again today.

Well it’s been a pants day I have an extremely sore throat I have taken my temperature hourly and it’s ok 36. 1 / .3 max I called oncology bleep 3 times 0820 1430 and 1745 and sorry what a waste of time I have done everything they said and nothing works. Told me to go to pharmacy so went got a spray but only use it after you have told your team! In the end I said to a lovely nurse so what do I do tomorrow when it’s not gone away oh guess I have to call again. Or be worse. I feel so sorry for the NHS we get told one thing but they are not on the same page. Sorry rant over just feeling sorry for myself take care everyone xx

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Hope the severe sore throat gets better

Not a great start though on the “emergency line”!


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Hi. My first post. I have TNBC, grade 3, stage 3. Being treated at the Royal Marsden, Sutton. I was diagnosed on 17th June and had my first chemotherapy session on the 4th July.
I’m 45, and have young 2 teenage kids. (14 & 12)
Struggling a little to come to terms with everything, I feel that my near perfect life just jumped off a cliff, I haven’t died but now I am trying to climb back up the cliff and there is a 60% chance I will make it! My typical positive attitude is seriously being tested!

Anyone else in the same boat?
Also I had treatment on Thursday, I slept fine, then on Friday I didn’t sleep at all! Not a wink, I think it’s the steroids they give?



Hi everyone :heart:

My first post!

I’m 45 with two teenagers.

Starting chemo on the 18th July for grade 3 IDC. I’ve had a surgery and had one positive node :see_no_evil:

Terrified but trying to stay positive.

Anyone else going to try the cold cap?

Would be helpful in hearing any ideas I can get prepared for the start of chemo

Much love xxx


Hi Kerry,
I introduced myself yesterday, I am 45 years old with a triple negative bc (stage 3, grade 3) , I was diagnosed on the 17th June 2024. I had my first chemotherapy session last Thursday. I chose not to do the cold cap, I have seen some great success stories on social media, but also ones that haven’t worked. I have immense respect for those who have stuck it out. I am struggling with needles too. For me, it was just too much.

I have 6 months of chemo ahead of me. My advise for your first chemo session is make sure you wear something comfy, you’ll need a cardigan or similar, as you need to have one arm out. I also took a blanket and that was a real comfort. Good luck and feel free to reach out. I am being treated in Sutton.



Hi bex1

Thanks for the message!

Yes am starting weekly chemo on the 18th for 12 weeks. Plan is Placitaxel then EC.
My teenagers are 12 and 15 so similar to yours!

How are you feeling this week?
