July 2024 chemo starters

Hi @kerrylou1 @bex1
Not sure saying “welcome” is right but hello :wave:t2:

My lot are a bit older (18, 17, 15) and can say didn’t think this was how I was going to spend my summer before turning 50 in Sep

I was about to ask all who have had their first treatment was is best to wear - comfy attire it is

How did you two feel after the 1st session ?

Mine is this Thu (TC x 4) :pleading_face:

@lilo1973 how is the throat ?

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Hi All,

I’m not sure how this works exactly but it is nice to reach out to others going through this at the same time. We have similar age kids too.

I feel ok in myself, my biggest issue is ‘mum guilt’. The kids broke up on Friday and we are meant to be on an aeroplane to Orlando, Florida right now! Instead, I have just booked a 3 night break in Devon at a caravan park this weekend. Not quite the same.

How are you all feeling?


@bex1 i feel the exact same thing

We cancelled Amsterdam in April for my surgery

Cancelled our holiday in the South of France in Aug too

I wish I didn’t have to put my kids through this (they have been wonderful but I still crap!)

I pray the sun will be shining this weekend for you? :sun_with_face:

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Hi @kerrylou1 and @bex1 welcome to the ride an awesome journey of the unknown
@idcand49 went to hospital this morning as still sore but all infection markers low something was high but that’s cause is am still injecting Phil each night so supposed to be high I was was just happy to be out they said it’s all the meds but I was right to check it out just got unlucky yesterday.
A new week full of new adventures for us all stay positive guys take care xx


Hi lovely. Sorry you have joined this crappy club. Im the same love. Found a lump quite early luckily. Had a lumpectomy Found out it was tnbc. Started chemo 5th. Will be having 6 sessions before radiotherapy. Not been too bad yet. Im 56 with two boys at home age 26 and nearly 15. Atm i seem to be dealing with things. But i know its going to be a long tough road. Stay strong @bex1 xxx

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@kerrylou1 i just had paracetamol before and during. Its not nice but not that bad after the first 20mins love xx

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Hi I’ve haven’t started my chemo yet (July 18th) is my first so it’s all new to me x

Mum guilt is a thing with me as well. We were supposed to be going to rhodes on the 17th but have changed it to next year. I wanted to promise them loads of family days out. But as i bet your families will feel the same they just want their mum fit and well. And that’s all they want. That i am sure of. Sending :heart:



@bex1 @idcand49 @lilo1973 @debi1

Thanks for all your replies and hellos.

I’m starting Placlitaxel for 12 weeks and then EC for 3 cycles so 5 ish months of chemo before radio.
Hopefully we can all support each other on the way xxx


Thanks for the reassurance. Please keep me posted on your cold cap journey!


Hello I am starting chemo and immunotherapy on 16th July. X8 rounds every three weeks for triple negative bc. I’ve stayed away from reading too much. I’m meeting my oncology nurse tomorrow. My treatment has been delayed a week by illness. Lots of Covid in the hospital so my PICC line isn’t fitted until 15th.
Wishing everyone well with their treatments.

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@loobyloo1 i googled at first but that way you tend to read more negative things than positive. And there are positives all the time. So just stay strong and focus on yourself. We are all here for each other xxx


Hi All

I have just been catching up on this thread. Wishing you all well on your treatment journeys xx

Atm I am starting chemo with immunotherapy on the 17th July for triple negative bc. The plan is Paclitaxel with 3 weekly Carboplatin and Pembrolizumab over 12 weeks followed by 4 cycles of 3 weekly EC with Pembrolizumab.

I had another ultrasound yesterday where they biopsied a swollen lymph node (original ultrasound found nodes clear). I have a bit of a cold so hoping its just that but maybe wishful thinking. Also a ct pet scan which I am worrying about the results. Tuesday I have a test on my kidneys.

I am going to try the cold capping but have been buying a few hats & headscarfs. Also signed up to an online tai chi class on penny brohn in the hope it will help me destress at bit :grinning:

I am planning what books :books: to read or listen too, hoping to read 3 per cycle. Silly I know but it gives me something else to think about.



Hi @booklover1
You are on the same treatment as me. I started last week but no immunology one because my ALTs were raised.

The scans are scary as we are still in shock of the breast cancer diagnosis but I try and think of them as baseline checks and nog stress about the results till they come.

I have a pile of books to read, I just can’t calm my brain to read yet.

Good luck



Just has my pre chemo chat & bloods done

Queue me bursting into tears & having a moment

The ward was v peaceful & nurses v kind

On the steroids from tomorrow, Thur (treatment day) and Fri

Also need GSF injections for 5 days and so guess I better buckle up

Hope everyone is feeling ok and getting through this v wet Tuesday (in London anyway)


Hi, @idcand49 I also start my chemo on 11th and I’ve also had my pre chemo appointment and bloods taken today. I assumed I would go in for my chemo and that would be it for 3 weeks until the next one so was a bit taken aback to find out I need to have blood taken before each time and take anti sickness and steroids at home afterwards as well as injecting myself in the stomach for 5 days. I also have to go to another hospital to have my PICC line flushed out every week.
I asked if I could try the cold cap but felt she was trying very strongly to persuade me against it.
Would be good to hear others experience of wearing the cold cap and if they have been able to endure it for all of their chemo or had to give up because of the cold or if it wasn’t working…
Good luck to you for Thursday. x


Hi angieb1, Only just catching up with posts on here. Sorry you have had to join this club. It is now 5 years since I had my mastectomy and lymph node clearance. I was 68 then. Like you I considered myself quite fit, did not really drink, ate well and was certainly not overweight. My mum also died from breast cancer. Unfortunately cancer can happen to anyone. As for tips. I had a port fitted so do not know much about a pic line. I tried a cold cap but after an hour or two had such a headache that the nurses took it off. I ended up with a migraine for two days afterwards. Yes I did loose my hair, it has now grown back but not the same as it was. I used colourful headscarves etc. ( easy to purchase) I used a soft toothbrush to clean my teeth and every day I used Nivea hand cream relentlessly on my hands and nails and massaged it in 3 or 4 times a day and I never lost my nails. Maybe I was just lucky. Others have said paint your nails black but I don’t know about that. I did not have a good time on chemo but everyone is different. Your oncologist should give you anti sickness tablets. I always took them 20 minutes before I ate and they worked for me. If you have not got one, get a small cushion to place under your arm. I was given one by the nurses in hospital. It makes you feel more comfortable and do your arm exercises to help keep your arm/ shoulder supple. I could not do exercises during chemo as I was very poorly and have still have trouble lifting my arm up although I now do exercises each day. When you have your radiotheraphy use plenty of moisturiser. The radiologists will advise what to use. I used plenty after each session and had no problems with my skin. If you do, ask for Medi honey, my consultant gave me some but I never needed it. You can also buy it from Amazon and chemists. You will have good days and bad days but there is light at the end of the tunnel. I wish you well. Take care Sunshine21.


Hi everyone we are getting a large group going here that’s really nice we are all here to help and support each other where are we all from I am in Milton Keynes

@cf640 @debi1 how r u guys doing now ?

@zaran you are same post chemo day as me how are you faring all ok I hope ?

@alisona1 @wrenny @olli3 do you have a start date yet or did I miss it ?

@kms1 have they confirmed delayed date
Welcome everyone else as it only lets you tag 10 users so sorry not to name you all

I hope everyone is ok take care xx


Hi @sunshine21 thank you for your positive reply. Sorry to hear you had a hard time with your chemo.
Sounds like your situation was very similar to mine. I am also having problems with raising my arm. I have cording and finding it quite painful when doing the exercises but I’m persevering and hoping it will get better.
It was good to hear your experience of the cold cap. I haven’t been able to find many good stories about it which is making me wonder if it’s a good idea.
Thanks also for hints about the moisturiser and the hand cream. Chemo nurse did mention to me about using black or very dark nail varnish to protect the nails.
Thank you for your good wishes. x


Hiya @lilo1973 I’m from Barnsley lovely. Yorkshire lass :laughing:. Ive been lucky after my first chemo. Not many side affects to report. Im certainly not expecting to get away with it the next time but I’ll take it for now. Good luck with everything ladies. Goodnight God bless xxx