Can I ask anyone who has shaved their hair off, was yours thinner on the top than the sides when it started coming back in? Mine never totally fell out, didn’t have any bald patches, it just thinned out so I shaved it off. I don’t wear a wig or anything, I just walk around bald, but I feel like since my last docetaxel around 6 weeks ago that the top of my head has thinned out again, it’s definitely thicker on the sides. I can’t see any new ones growing in and I’m starting to worry that I’m going to be left looking like an old, bald man!
We’re also going out for Christmas lunch this year (I didn’t want to cook it for everyone again and no one else offered to do it) but I’m really starting to wish I’d just stayed home. No idea what to wear, nothing goes with a bald head. Can’t even put mascara on to make things look a little bit better. Feel like a Christmas tree with no branches to decorate, looks a bit pitiful & crap!
I know i should be grateful for all the treatment and I really am but I find it hard to look at myself some times compared to what I used to look like. Sorry for the whinge.
@fluffy888 You’ve put into words exactly how I’m feeling. Like an old, bald man. Definitely male pattern balding return, but from everything I’ve seen (and believe me I’ve watched a lot!) it does take a bit longer for the top to come back in
I bought some thick hair bands, jersey type, to cover most of the fringe of my wigs, because they don’t look natural enough for my confidence. I’m planning to stick one of these on to hide the front once the side and back have a bit more ‘meat’ and actually look like a very short proper haircut. Not there yet, but would do at a push just to look a bit more normal than a chemo cap does.
I’m wearing earrings for the first time in donkeys years, and have more dresses in my wardrobe than ever in my life (still worn with Dr Martens!). Overcompensating the frippery bits which I can’t normally stand to look and feel a bit feminine. Nails done too.
You HAVE to go and nail the Xmas dinner - it’s a treat and a reward to you. Put enough bells and whistles on and no one will notice anything else . But I really do get how you feel. It’s shit and there’s nothing we can do to change it, no matter how grateful we feel. The treatment we’re having is to hopefully give us many many more Christmases, so this one has to be the one we stand proud (I’m starting to fill up writing this ) bald and bloody beautiful babe! And a partridge in a pear tree!! x
@fluffy888 I shaved mine off and yes it’s definitely coming back thicker on the sides and back than the top. I can see my scalp on the top but can’t anywhere else - it’s definitely not a very fetching look.
I never got a wig and just wore headscarfs/ chemo caps. I was not and still am not confident enough to go out the house without these on.
Go and enjoy your Christmas meal out, you totally deserve it and wear whatever you are comfortable in.
I totally understand what you are saying and feel the same too. A couple of friends have invited me to brunch next Saturday and I’m already stressing about it - before all of this I would of jumped at the chance now I’m just dreading it and haven’t really given a definite answer yet xx
@pipspops where did you get your thick hair bands from? I would like to get something to hide my lack of fringe xx
Good old Amazon - great value and good selection of colours etc. 6 for £9, can’t go wrong. The picture I’d say is a little misleading, might be 2 together there to be that gathered, but measure a good 5-6 inches in depth, so ample to cover a good part of head. 100% recommend.
@pipspops i’m not a headband person, can never find anything that suits me, I’m just riding out the baldness. Most of the time I don’t give a rats ass what people think. I think I just wanted to feel nice on Christmas Day for myself but might just have to have a few glasses of alcohol instead. I’ve even contemplated getting that coloured powder that bald men use just to cover the sheen from the top of my head, but then I had visions of me looking like the lead singer of The Cure if a hot flush hit whilst I was eating my dinner! Mind you, that might be an upgrade from how I look at the minute! Loving the nails by the way. I always have my nails done but they’re pretty rubbish at the minute.
@ldm go out with your friends and enjoy yourself if you can manage it. This has taken enough from us, don’t let it take anymore, enjoy the good times. Wear whatever you want or not on your head and don’t give a stuff what people think, do or say. Although for some reason people keep touching my head, I liken it to when you’re pregnant and people touch your stomach! What’s that all about and why do they think that’s ok? It’s a fluffy head but it’s mine!!
Hi everyone. Just catching up. @ldm so glad you have a plan in place. Im sure it won’t happen again thanks for posting pics and @pipspops ive just taken a pic of mine and looking at it on the photo it looks longer than l thought it was so we’ll all get there. @fluffy888 please go out with your friends and hold your high. Whenever i see bald ladies i see beautiful brave souls.
Im halfway through my radiotherapy now. It not been bad up to now. @alisona1 good adea about taking painkillers first though as my shoulders do ache so its a bit hard to relax.
One of the two machines broke down today so delayed treatments. It was the men l felt sorry for. Having to drink lots of water and when they couldn’t hold it any longer and rushed to loo they had to start drinking all over again. have a lovely weekend ladies xxxx
Hi everybody! Just dropping in to catch up. Been reading everyones updates and im happy to see that theres some light at the end of the tunnel for a fair few! @caz1970 im so sorry to hear about your loss. Im sending all the love i possibly can
Ive finished radiotherapy now glad thats done and dusted!! Im still waiting for the hormone stuff though… i have a telephone appointment with my oncologist on Monday but i thought i wouldve started it by now because all the others i know have already started… I’ll discuss it with him monday.
Had a stinking cold during my last week of radiotherapy but it all still went ahead. Just got over it but have now got a sore throat AGAIN.
I was supposed to go shopping with one of my friends but she came down with a rotten cold too, i see her on the school run every day. She told me she thought she’d be ok to go shopping but i said i didnt want to risk getting poorly again if i could help it. She was a little put out to be honest and said “but youre over the chemo now, you cant avoid things forever”
She kept hanging around me even though i said i didnt want to catch her cold, and low and behold… sore throat. Marvellous. Feel like going round there and licking all her spoons so she gets it back
I wouldnt mind but when i was poorly i kept well clear because i didnt want her to catch it. I think she thought i was being overdramatic… ah well.
Total saviour during my thin scraggly hair phase & covered the top bit of my scalp
@fluffy888 the top bit of my head is still v thin & I lost about 30% ish of my hair and that’s the bit that is struggling to get thicker
My son kindly complimented my new short bob but also said my hair parting was still wide (charming - he’s slighting on the spectrum so I know he’s not being rude - he’s just very “factual”)
@zaran hooray to finish radio! And thank you have every right to not want to get a lurgy
@debi1 you made me giggle re the men & water drinking … my radio beam unit was full of mainly men sipping away
@ldm did you go out for the brunch today? It’s hard to feel yourself but I’m sure some girly company will be lovely
I’m stuck indoors
I had my first Zometa and feel so achy
My husband had to grab my painkillers in the middle of the night as just walking to the loo hurts
They said it causes flu like symptoms & totally forgot how awful flu is
I had some post surgery pain meds left so took one
@zaran Hiya. Great you’ve finished radio hope your appointment on Monday goes well. Really laughed out loud at the thought of you raiding your friends cutlery drawer licking spoons think some people will never get it just how careful you have to be. Sending love x @idcand49 sorry you’re not great too. Think indoors is the best place today. Having said that im out again must be making up for lost time as haven’t been out mychnin years. Club is very local. Nice of your son to complement your hair and like you said was being factual so your new bob looks good. fact!
Putting xmas tree up tomorrow. Think feeling down before radiotherapy started has passed now so just trying to get on with things while im feeling well. Xxx
Hope you are feeling better soon @zaran and @idcand49. Defintely a weekend for curling up on the sofa! Made me laugh about licking all the spoons
I hope everyone planning nights out has a great time . Whenever I see women out with no hair I always think they are beautiful and strongxx
I am impatient to get to the end of chemo. It feels a never ending road atm but only 1 more. I had an oncology appt the other day and he said the treatment after surgery will depend on the pathogy report after surgery. I had good shrinkage at the half way u/s but I won’t have another scan now. Hoping for a complete response not sure I can manage anymore chemo!
We have got the tree up which is making the house feel Christmassyxx
Hi all
Itsgreat to catch up on news!
I cold capped and haven’t had chemo for 4 weeks now but my hair is still falling out…no chance of the wind lifting it like @pipspops. I wear beanie all the time- even at night. @zaran congratulations on finishing radiotherapy! And too many people think cancer equals chemo /surgery and then you’re back to normal- they could educate themselves. There are plenty of cancer books and blogs out there.
I hope you feel better soon, @idcand49. And @deb1- how many more radiotherapy sessions do you have?
Isn’t it great we have the distraction of Christmas? I’m spending too much money but enjoying the idea of a colourful table set with red candles and gold and silver chocolates. Some food too but i want lots of glittery stuff. This year my grandsons (11 and 7) are spending with us (three of my children together plus my grandsons and daughter in law), so i am especially excited xx
I would be recovering from my last EC except it was cancelled. I hopep your final session goes well…isn’t your operation about the same time as mine? I’m going in on 7 January for a mascetomy and implant.
My son is also on the spectrum and very factual
The other day he came in to tell me goodnight and said “goodnight my beautiful bald boiled potato” good job i have a sense of humor hahaha.
The waiting room at radio is FULL of men drinking water I just sat there people watching and listening to them all talking about their bladder and bowel movements haha. They werent shy thats for sure!! Haha.
@ldm pleased they’ve redone your planning scan. Hope they get you started again soon. @fluffy888 I get what you’re saying and I feel just the same. I look in the mirror but it’s like someone else looking back at me. We’ll get back there though.
I’m sure everyone will just be pleased to have you with them for Christmas Day lunch and won’t care what you’re wearing. Make the most of having your meal made for you and no washing up to do afterwards. Win, win @zaran well done on finishing your radiotherapy. How have you found the side effects/tiredness?
I loved your comment on licking the spoons, made me belly laugh @idcand49 Hope your feeling better soon. x