July 2024 chemo starters

The 7th is not too far away so that’s fab news

Odd my first mammo is April - they are using my surgery date

Not sure my boob is ready to be squished :wink:

I wasn’t sure what day they would go off. Like you still a bit sensitive Maybe different depending on where you live. Im sure they’ll be gentle :crossed_fingers: xx

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Here’s a link for Dr Peter Harvey After the treatment finishes.



Fascinating read. Thank you for posting it.

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Thanks @naughty_boob and @debi1 , sums it up, a good read and a great last couple of paragraphs :smile:


Pretty much summed it all up for me, made my hubby read it too so can understand how I may be feeling, thanks for sharing xx


Thank u

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Thank you for posting. An excellent read which sums it up really well x

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Had a bit of good news yesterday. I got the results of my last CT monitoring scan which has been checking on 3 pesky things in my lungs/ back. After 10 months and 3 scan’s throughout that period, I finally got a ‘there is no evidence of spread’. Unbelievably relieved :tada:


Great news what a relief for you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: x

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Great news x😁

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That’s great news!

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That’s brilliant. So happy for you :heartbeat:

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Fantasy news to hear there is no spread…
what a relief. Xx

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Brilliant news

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Hiya ladies. Been a weird couple of days. Felt a bit flat. Ive got the appointment next week to check the lump in my armpit out and i thought Id convinced myself that it would be nothing to worry about but i was looking at some holiday insurance and when it asks if you are waiting for any investigations i didn’t know what to put. Then it all came flooding back from last time. What if its all starting again? Ive gave my head a wobble and put the insurance quotes away for now. Its only next Friday and they may be able to say straight away if it’s nothing to worry about. Hope everyone is doing good. Have a great weekend. Thanks for listening :kissing_heart:


@debi1 it’s only natural to worry, especially after what you’ve been through and doing the holiday insurance has probably made you really think about it. I think we all try to do a good job of tucking our thoughts of the past year all away somewhere so we don’t have to think about it in great detail, but sometimes it just gets us when we’re least expecting it.

Have you told anyone else apart from us and the BCN about your lump? Is anyone going with you next week?

I’ve got my first contrast MRI in 2 weeks. Well not my first, but my first yearly check after I was diagnosed, almost to the day. I’m trying not to think about it so that I don’t panic too much. I don’t know if that will last the next 2 weeks, then waiting for the results though.

Hope you’re doing ok. :heart:Xx


That’s amazing news. So happy for you. :heart: xx

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@deb1 hope it all goes well on Friday and they can put your mind at rest. Only normal to be concerned & waiting for appointments brings back memories of last year. Chances are it won’t be anything to worry about and you can start planning that holiday xx :heart:

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Thanks @fluffy888 @booklover1 for your kind replies must admit im still a bit of an emotional wreck but hiding it well although my husband knows im worried he probably will be too. Anyone else ive mentioned it to ive just said it will probably be scar tissue. Think i was trying to convince myself that what it is anyway. Surely the consultant who felt it on my last radiotherapy would have known if it felt suspicious?? Anyway I will try and shut it out it not like we’re not used to all this waiting. Back in may after lumpectomy I was told it had all been removed and margins were clear so doesn’t make sense that it would come back straight after treatment ive got to stay positive until i know different. Thanks again for listening it is a lot easier to talk to you guys. Really dont want to upset my family or friends by talking about this.
Really hope things are positive on your appointment @fluffy888 please let me know. Its all the waiting that drives us mad. Take care. Xxx