June 2015

How do I go about booking one of the feel good courses?





Barbara hiya, back sorted, luckily only bad couple of days. Hair stuff, I’m ok. Not brave enough to be in public bald, but feeling good in bandanas. Getting little fuzzy bits back, but odd knowing it will go again!! Sazza, try annabanda, mine came mega quick! Plus I had some light long neck scarfs I’ve used. Wack up in a triangle flip over head and tie. Dead easy!

Ooh and sazza, don’t know if will help, but as soon as water started tasting off I found tons of ice helped me. That or switching to fizzy.

Jacqui I got signed up to the look good feel better course through the Maggies Centre in Edinburgh…
you can also Google look good feel better to locate their nearest workshop via their website. If you have any problems then I have taken note of their phone number for you its 01372747500.
Well worth going to and you get a stash of make up products to use on day and to keep. Let us know how you get on. Barbara x

Jacqui I found my course on their website, seem to be all over so there should be one near you. With regard to monitoring tumour shrinkage I had a mastectomy before chemo so that doesn’t apply to me I’m afraid.
Round 2 has been tougher. Sleeps not been a problem though as I haven’t had the steroids, apart from the pre med, this time round. I’ve felt much less spaced out and bloated without them and haven’t had those night time wakings. Foods tasted better as well but wine still tastes grim.
Roll on 2 weeks of normality now, seem to feel miles better like you Barbara. Anyone else feel that by the end of week 2 they’re feeling so ok and just want to get the next one over to speed things up???
Sazza I got some stuff from Bohemia Headwear. Bit pricier but really nice (for what they are) x

Thanks, that is really helpful - I will give them a call.


Jacqui xx

Sooo small infection on exit on Hickman line. A ton of bloods sent off, and daily trip to hospital this week for iv antibiotics. Feel okay, just so flipping frustrated as this is meant to be my good week!!!

Hi Vic,


Can sympathise had to stay in hospital last week for 3 nights due to small urine infection and iv antibiotics 4 times a day.


Jacqui xx

Nor so good ladies, hope your feeling better soon.xx

That’s rubbish Vic. Fingers crossed you’re sorted for the weekend xx

Cheers, am back in at 9 tonight for another dose, then hopefully just daily trips rest of week. We have good friends getting married on sat, so just want to be okay for that.

Oh and naturally today I ended up sitting by captain cheerful who kept banging on about their line infections, how many they had etc! Brilliant, just what I wanted to hear.

They should have separate wards for people like that, it’s bloody hard enough work for us to be positive without them dragging us down. Next time cough on them and then feign sleep! Hope you’re on the mend x

I so wish there was a like button on the forum as they do on facebook!!!

Cheers folks. Am doing ok. 3rd set antibiotics going in now. 9pm visit last night was weird…so quiet! I feel okay (bar tiredness) just need this manky blip sorting.

I did Look Good Feel Better yesterday and yes the goodie bag is pretty amazing. I honestly think you should all get yourselves booked into it though ladies, sitting around a table with other women at different stages of treatment (whether for breast cancer or not) was like being in a real life version of this forum. There was something really supportive about being with a group of women, with 5 of us in varying degrees of baldness, and feeling normal rather than being ‘the one with cancer’.
Give it a go, at the very least you’ll get a few new lipsticks xxx

Booked!! Cant get one till Sept, as next was my chemo day. Heard nothing but good things about it.

2nd round of fec-t done, cold capped again list quite a lot of hair between Friday and today but was still able to use the cold cap. Hoping all this extra time will be worth it, and also the chemo gods allow me to sleep more this time. I can reduce my steroids on day 2 see how I go. Anyone else done this and if so, how did it go?? Xx

Hi all, sorry for the lack of replies, I sometimes don’t know where time goes! I went to the hospital about my leg and long story short they have no idea and I’ve been told as long as it doesnt get any worse not to worry! I had cycle 3 yesterday and whilst the emend has stopped me being sick I feel awful, this has definitely been the worst so far for tiredness and nausea. How is everyone else getting on? X

Forgot my good news, I had my MRI on Monday and it has shown that my tumour is responding well ? keep going ladies it will all be worth it! X