June 2017 starters


I’m going in for my first chemo today. I went yesterday to have a picc line fitted and to get my meds.

I’m having chemo first then surgery.

It’s would be great to hear from anyone else starting in June. I’ll let you know how I get on today and how the side effects are.


Hi Skells,

What regime and cycles are you having? I had my first FEC cycle on 1st (Thurs), 5/6 to go. I didn’t feel any immediate effects, but now feeling some nausea, so taking the anti-sickness pills given. Feeling fatigued too but think that’s less chemo and more waking up with my 5week old daughter through the night.

I’ve been referred for a PICC line, just waiting for an appointment. How was the fitting?

All the best for today!

Dede x


I’m having 3 lots of fec then 3 lots of fec-t. I’m feeling a bit sick but I forgot to take my anti sickness pills at lunch time. I’ve taken them now so hopefully they’ll kick in.

I’ve got a 2 year old girl who still keeps me up at night. We have been cosleeping since she was born. I’ve had to wean her off breastfeeding in preparation for the chemo so she’s a bit unsettled at night. Usually she would have milk to get back to sleep but that’s no longer an option.

The picc line was a bit uncomfortable to fit. They had to adjust it after it was fitted was a bit of hassle but no pain. My biggest worry was my girl would want to pull on it. There is a bit that sticks out but you’re given a sleeve bandage to cover it all up. The other problem is I can’t go swimming
I usually take my girl weekly so my mum will have to take her from now on.

I’ve booked on to a looking good feeling better session at my local maggies centre. I recommend booking early for this as they get booked up quite quickly.

I’m glad you aren’t suffering too badly. Do you have support from family and friends?

My husband died when I was pregnant with my girl so I’m relying on my mum a lot. She’s been great and has come to stay while I go through treatment.

Hi Skells,

Sorry to hear about your husband, that must have been so hard.

I was diagnosed when I was 31 weeks pregnant, I was fortunate my GP agreed to refer me and not fob it off as ‘lactational changes’. I was diagnosed with Grade 3 25mm invasive dc and had a lumpectomy when I was 34 weeks pregnant. My mother had breast cancer 3 years ago and went though Chemo, 2 surgeries and is now on hormonal treatment so she has been a great support to me. I made the decision to breast feed until I had a start date for chemo, so I was able to breast feed for a month (which was important for me) and only stopped the morning of my Chemo. So im trying to cope with the pain of engorgement at the same time, I’m hoping things settle down within the next few days.

My mother in law is coming to stay with us from 1st July as my husband needs to start work again in a few weeks, until the end of my chemo. It’s tough juggling the sleepness nights and an energetic 4 year old son. Suffered abit of nausea this morning and seem to have lost my appetite, but I know it’s just my body adjusting to the medication. Hope you’re feeling better now x

Thanks Rosie, I’m trying to focus on the positives and think that when my girl turns 3 I should be fit and well again. She’s keeping me going.

I was feeling really sick yesterday so wasn’t up to posting on this thread. I forgot to take my pills at lunchtime so by the time I took them I was starting to feel really bad. I phoned the triage line and got advice about which pills to take but I was still vomiting last night and then up at 2 this morning unable to sleep. Today I’ve been better with taking my pills.

Has your sickness calmed down now Dede? Hope you’re feeling a bit better today too.

Dede, I understand about breastfeeding being important. I’ve found it hard to wean Katherine at 2 years so it must be harder for you at 1 month! It’s good your GP was on the ball and recognised it was something more serious.

I’m glad your mil is there to help once dh goes back to work.

I’m based in Oxford and just a couple of miles from the hospital which is really handy. My first lot of treatments are on Saturday which is really handy for work and having a near empty car park. I’m hoping to be able to work through treatment. Especially at the start when I’ve got more energy. I’ve heard that as I get towards the last cycle it will be harder with fatigue. My work have been good and are happy for me to work when I’m well enough. That’s a big relief.

Hi daffodil, great to hear from you. I hope the consultant appointment goes well. I found it really useful to write everything down because there’s so much information coming at you.


Hi Skells just thought I would mention an app that I use to remind me to take my pills.  I’ve had so many drugs, all starting and finishing on different days and needing different dosing times, with or without food etc.  Chemo brain doesn’t help!  The app is free and it’s called Medisafe.  If you’re the kind of person who has their phone on them most of the time it’s brilliant.  Although it’s no help if you’ve gone out for the day and forgotten to take the pills with you!  Hope you’re feeling better.

I’m feeling better this afternoon. I think I was abit too optimistic in thinking the first cycle wouldn’t affect me the slightest as I’m someone that hardly gets ill or takes medication, but it’s just the body adjusting, hopefully it’s all settled now. It’s tough thinking about going through it all again in a couple of weeks, but i know it’s a temporary sacrifice for a long and healthy life for us all. This too shall pass! Hope you’re feeling better with your medication now Skells? Positive thoughts to you and everyone about to start x

I think I’m exactly the same. Usually healthy which is part of the reason why I didn’t think about taking the meds and partly thinking I’d be OK without them. Until you start you don’t know how you’ll react because everyone is different.

Glad you’re feeling a bit better now.

Have you had any hair thinning? I think you started a couple of days ahead of me. I haven’t had any yet but don’t know when it’s meant to start. Did you have the cool cap treatment? I didn’t. I was advised it workshop work week with my chemo schedule so I didn’t bother.

Take care all and strong.

Hi Skells. I’m from the May 2017 starters, so having my 3rd FEC next week. I keep a diary just to record how I’m feeling and what (if any) SEs I have. My hair starting falling out about day 17 and was pretty much gone within a week, although I still have a covering of very thin hair. I shaved it v short before I started chemo which helped. I’m on day 13 of my 2nd cycle - so waiting to see if the remainder falls out on day 17 again as I’m told with each cycle there seems to be a pattern to SEs.
Hope it all goes well for everyone starting this month.

Thanks for the info. Just day 3 for me so sounds like a little time before it starts to fall out. I had it cut short before treatment started. I will probably shave it all off as soon as I start losing it.

I’m feeling very tired today. Lots of napping much to my daughter’s disgust. She keeps saying “get up mummy!” I’m hoping to have more energy tomorrow.

Good luck with the cut. Great idea to prepare. I found the wait before treatment the worst bit. Hopefully you’ll feel better about it once you get going.

I was advised against the cap as it doesn’t work well with my treatment. I’ve also heard it’s a bit painful.


Hi I’m waiting to see when my treatment starts I go and see the oncologist Thursday morning, I need to take herceptin with it. I have been so strong upto now though my surgery I think this will be the worst part of it all, very apprehensive x

Hi Clare, Welcome to the group. I hope the appointment goes well on Thursday. I found it helpful to write everything down as there is so much information to take in.

The wait for chemo to start is very hard. It’s difficult to know how you will react to the side effects. I hope you don’t have too long a wait between the oncologist and starting chemo.


Hi ladies. 


I start FEC 3 lots, this coming Saturday, then 3 lots of T. 18 weeks in all.


They need to do an mri guided biopsy on left breast, day before, and I think I am having PICC line installed tomorrow.


Obviously stressful time, but keep seeing my son graduating in 3 years time in my head, and picture myself healthy even if flat chested.


I am 56, but all this is still so new.  I am starting with chemo first, then surgery, then radiotherapy, so I guess they are giving it all they have got.


I am attending Churchill in Oxford so might actually pass someone here without knowing!


Anyway.  Was very comforting to read through this,thread and appreciate not feeling alone. xx

Hi Abulafia, I’m also at Churchill in Oxford. I’ve got the same cycle too, 3 lots of fec then 3 fec-t. I’m also doing chemo first then surgery then radiotherapy. It’s good to have something to focus on. Keeps those positive thoughts flowing.

I’ve found churchill to be a great hospital. The staff have been really good and supportive. I hope you find it the same

I love the Churchill. They have been so supportive. Mine is Micropapiliary with inflammatory aspects which is why Chemo first port of call. Her. neg and p an e positive.

No node involvement and no secondaries, so feeling cautiously optimistic.

Saw a lady in waiting room who was proud to be bald, and thought she looked amazing.

Meeting the chemo team this afternoon. Triple negative, so chemo, surgery and maybe RT. Long road ahead. A bit apprehensive. 

I am with you on that daffodil. x Hugs.