June 2017 starters

I know what you mean about wanting to get on with it. x

Good luck for the appointment. Triple negative options are getting better all the time. As are all the cancer treatment options. Xxx

Hello Ladies,


i am another June starter. Great to meet you all on this forum!


Attempted my first chemo today but had a lot of pain in a recently fitted port so they had to stop and we are trying again on Friday. I tried the cold cap and was perfectly fine for 2 hours. Then suddenly had a very bad reaction - nausea, pain, dizziness, blurred vision and also feeling confused…I don’t think I will go back.


has anyone else had similar experiences?

Hi Sara Maria,

I decided against the cold cap. I hear it has mixed results and extends time needed. I hope you have a better experience next time and keep ahead of the side effects.

I had a PICC line put in today and can honestly say that despite being anxious, I relaxed, closed my eyes and am now comfortable back home.

I have an MRI guided biopsy tomorrow, and have been given anti anxiety medication. I woyld have taken it today also had this been a scheduled appointment.

I figure the brain and the body need soothing.

The nurse gave me all the pills I need for chemo Saturday, and it was relieving to learn I can phone them anywhere in thw country, and they will ensure I get medication if I need it.

All in,all exhausted but good day.

Had my appointment today with the oncologist at christies about my chemotheopry with having her2 positive breast cancer. I can either have 6 sessions of chemo at a really strong dose every three weeks or 12 sessions at a not as strong once a week for 12 weeks, I have gone for that one as it’s still the same drug but won’t be as harsh all in one go and less chance of their being any long term health issues. I’ve asked to have a line put in as I don’t want a canuler every week x

Hi Ladies - thanks for your responses. Your feedback is so appreciated. 


I have decided to drop the cold cap. It was far too taxing and I don’t think my body can take it. 

Abulafia - I may also take an anti- anxiety pill, got some too. As you say, let’s give both body and mind a bit of a break. 


Hugs go to all and take care through your journeys!

All the best for today. It must have been tough psychologically having to go through pain of the first attempt. I had my first session last week Thursday (FEC) and after a few days of feeling rough, I’m back to strength and now just want to get on with the next one so I’m a step closer to finishing the course. Make sure you take any medication given and keep a note of side effects that you can preempt.

Positive thoughts x

Wandestrong, such a difficult journey, and so nice to chat with people who get it.

Sara Maria, the anti anxiety tablet really helps. Takes slightly longer to kick in on a full stomach, but was advised about an hour before.

All kind thoughts and best wishes to everyone here and their families. x

Clare, so far so good with the Picc line. Had a really good night’s sleep with the help of a sleeping tablet.

It’s the thought more than anything, but I have started to call it my little friend, and have bought a special pink arm cover recommended in the May starters.

Hello all,

I am a June starter too.

Had my Picc inserted today. A bit achy more than anything but might be psychological !

I start chemo on Wednesday and after reading a lot of these posts I think I am going to give the cold cap a miss. I think majority lose their hair anyway and I figure I can buy a wig or scarves.

Good luck to every one. I’m having treatment at Frimley Park so if anyone else is as well maybe we can have a coffee/tea ?



Hi ladies. I am meeting my Oncologist on Monday to get my chemotherapy plan. I am still in such shock as I had not expected to have chemo but my Onctype DX result was high so here I am. Totally terrified but wanting to get started. Your threads are v v useful to help my preparations for Monday. Xxx

Hi ladies, just wanted to wish you all the best for your chemo starting this month. I’m on the May 2017 starters and have just completed my 3rd FEC. We keep each other going really well and so will you guys. I’m coping really well. Just keep healthy and drink plenty of water - add cranberry juice on day 1-3 to help flush the bladder and avoid irritation.  Look after your skin and try and avoid any products with alcohol. There are many products to help with sore mouth: gengigel, biotene, manuka 29+ honey, Gelclair. Look after your bowels well ladies and get in some senokot and sudocreme or anusol and maybe fibogel.  Try and have regular walks if you can.


You can get through this. Stay strong and positive ladies but don’t be afraid to have an off day now and then. Be kind to yourselves. 


Best wishes


Nikki. Xx

Hi ladies. I’ve been lurking around waiting for a June thread.


I had mastectomy in March and finally getting started with chemo (FEC-T) on Thursday. Part of me can’t wait but partly dreading it more than the surgery.


Good luck to everyone, ’ The end justifies the means’ as they say :wink:




Hi ladies,
I start chemo on Wednesday as I have mentioned earlier but am wondering … should I shave my hair to a number 4 before starting ? I’d like some opinions please.
Good luck everyone and stay in touch.

Hello everybody,


I’m joining this thread very tentatively as although I have my first treatment appointment booked for the end of June I’m not entirely sure I’ll have the bottle to attend it. 


I had WLE and SNB on April 24th. I have grade 2 invasive BC and a lump of 1.5 cm. It was detected early and completely by chance (I had some minimal pain which I thought was due to an ill fitting bra) and the diagnosis came as a massive shock. I’m 46 and have a 12 year old daughter. I got married last August and did not expect to spend my first year of married life like this!


My tumour got sent off to the US for oncotype testing and it came back with a score of 20 which puts me in the undecided category (story of my life!). This means it’s a bit of a grey area whether chemo is of benefit and I have to make a decision on the treatment plan based on a set of statistics. In my case this means if I do nothing I have an 85% chance of survival in 10 years. If I have chemo, this improves by a further 8%. A lot of my friends (including my husband) don’t think I should have it as the percentage improvement is relatively small. Others think it is a no brainer of a decision and I should do everything I can to hit this thing while I can. At the moment this is the camp I’m in but I don’t mind admitting that I’m terrified of what this treatment is going to do to me and my family.


So, the appointment is booked and I’m googling manuka honey and headscarves like crazy. All of you are further down the line than me and have already experienced this period of fear and anxiety as we await treatment. I’m guessing no one enters this phase lightly or without trepidation but any advice or tips for keeping it under control would be most welcome. I think I’m building it up in my mind to be worse than (I hope) it is. 


Sorry for the the essay but wanted to give you my story in one go.


Having read your posts on here I know some of you are quite young with small children and I totally admire your ability to manage this journey whilst looking after your babies. Hopefully we will be able to support each other on here week by week (unless I buy myself a one way ticket to Rio before the date of my first appointment!).



Morning all, I was just reading through some of the threads on here, as you do, I finished chemo in Jan, and I noticed a couple of you asking about hair. If you are on the FEC-T regime the FEC part is very severe on the hair follicle. I started to cold cap but was told that it’s unlikely it will save my hair so I stopped. I get its different for everyone. Anyway my hair started to come out after day 11, and at that point I decided to get it shaved to a number 2.  I am really glad I did if I am honest, it was just one less thing to think about. I had really long thick hair. For all you amazing ladies starting on this journey, I found it really liberating to have it shaved, and there are some great wigs on eBay I found, I did buy several. It was great not having to worry about all that shaving legs, arm pits, and the good old lady garden. All I kept thinking is if my hair is falling out the Chemo is really doing the business. Anyway, just over 4 months on from finishing (I am on rads now), I have the best hair ever. Thick and soft and a good couple of inches. It really does grow back, and can be better than ever.




Hi Alice,

Glad to hear your lump was detected early and your surgery was successful. I’m glad you were able to have the oncotype test in helping to make your decision. I also had this, after being adamant I didn’t need chemo. My SNB and margins were clear, 2.5cm ER+ HER2-, I was still going to have radiotherapy and hormonal therapy. I had a decision model prior to receiving the oncotype results… under 20 for me would be no chemo and over 20 would be chemo. My score came back at over 50, which made chemo a no-brainer in my case. With your score, I would have had the same dilemma as you. You already have a good prognosis so its a tough decision, but you need to silence the external voices and do what you think is best for you. If you do decide to go for Chemo, know although tough, it’s very doable and only for a short period. Whatever you decide, you’ll receive a lot of support on this forum.

Wande x

Hi all.

I started chemo Saturday. All in all took about an hour. Got chatting to some lively ladies and the staff nurse was great.

Now on day 3. First night bit dizzy, but medication helps with side effects.

Each day have walked and eaten well. I take the dex with food, but was advised to take other anti sickness about 1/2 hour before.

Good points, my ibs symtoms are levelling - a good unintended consequence and the pain in my left breast has pretty much gone. The effect was immediate.

Using zopiclone to sleep at night, and diclofenac and paracetomol for any headaches and pain.

So far, very do-able.

Dear All,


Thank you for your replies and reassurances. It really does help with the decision making process. To know that this treatment is doable and to do it alongside others is a huge support.


This morning I told my employer I’m going to have the treatment starting on 26 June and that I’ll be off work until at least the new year. I’ll have radiotherapy after chemo so this seems reasonable. I’ve already been off since mid March so I’m probably going to forget what work is like by the time I’ve finished!


I’ve also told my hairdresser that I’ll need a super short cut and colour before the end of June. She’s going to come to the house to save my tears in the salon. Ive already got short hair but the thought of losing it still terrifies me. I shall invest in colourful headscarves and wear them with pride.


This all sounds like I’ve made the decision, doesn’t it? So I guess I’ll be joining you on this crazy journey after all. Thanks for welcoming me to the group and fingers crossed for you all that today is a good day xx

Thanks for all the positive posts. Tomorrow not so daunting now. Great to have this forum for support.