June 2017 starters

So great to hear from you ladies. I start later this week and just want to get started really. V v pleased that is is doable so far. I need 4 cycles in total so figure this time next week I will be 25% through already!!! I also need radiotherapy but am ignoring that until this stage is over - I am v much a ‘one crisis at a time’ person!!! So pleased we will all do this together xxx

Thanks for the tip, Anniej. I might even give the colour a miss and go straight for the chop. I’ll keep you posted! 

Hi Triplemum,
Sounds very much like what I’m having. I start on Wednesday. I’m hoping it will be pretty smooth going so hope to have a good attitude as you seem to have.
All the best

Tripletmum and Jintz, what chemo regime are you having for the 4 cycles?

I am having Adriamycin and Cyclophauine (excuse the spelling) - 4 cycles 13 days apart. So aiming to get this part of my treatment done by end July! Have been researching headscarves/turbans and the Christine Headgear range look great fun - can be found much cheaper on websites that are not hers!!!

Hello ladies,


I’m about to go off to see another oncologist this afternoon just to get some more info before starting treatment at the end of the month. I know I should be asking about type of chemo, survival rates, side effects etc etc but all I really want to know is about hair dye, microblading and headscarves! (I’m trying to be jolly even though I’m terrified. I’m hoping humour might help me get through this!)


Hope you’re all doing well today. I’ve heard there is a bit of heat wave on its way so if nothing else the sun shining should cheer us all up. x

Hi Wandestrong,
I’m having Docetaxel and Cyclophosphamide. 8.30am tomorrow. My daughter arrives from middle east tomorrow night so that’s something to look forward to !

Just booked to have my long hair cut off next Thursday!!! Have decided to go for a proactive ‘pixie’ cut and then when it falls out it will hopefully be less traumatic (here’s hoping). Have also ordered some turban/scarf things to cover the bald! Xxx

Good luck Triplemum, I’ll let you know how it goes tomorrow.
Take care x

Good luck tomorrow Jintz - please keep us posted. And think tomorrow you will be one huge step closer to the end of this journey

First chemo done!! Cold cap not too bad. Will see how the next few days go. One step at a time.

Well done, Daffodil54. That must feel like a huge relief to get the first one out of the way. Interested to hear your experiences of the cold cap. I’m going to try it but I really suffer with the cold and also with headaches so I’ll probably wimp out straight away. Good luck with the next few days. Hope the sun is shining where you are x


That’s great news. I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better now the meds have kicked in. 


I went to to see my GP today as the anxiety is starting to really get to me. She didn’t give me anything for it though which is probably best. I need to try and sort my head out and get some more exercise before treatment starts. Good weather, please stay around! X

AliOG when do you start? I have had anxiety as well but have been going for really long walks to try to get a grip of myself!

Found out today my treatment starts on Friday afternoon so not too long to wait now. Had my blood taken today - I assume that happens prior to every cycle. Has anyone had a Picc fitted or have cannula’ just been used? Also how long has it taken - the hospital said expect to be in for 5hrs which horrified me - is it really that long?!?

Lots of love to everyone xxx

Hi Triplemum ,
It was not bad at all. So far so good. Hope it stays like that.
All the best to you too

Hello everyone. I’d like to join this thread please .first FEC tomorrow and feeling very nervous. :frowning:

Hi all.

Now day 6 of FEC T. Sleeping lots, and doing exercise. Got sore throat, but they give you a mouth wash which helps.

Been using glycerine supp for constipation.

Still manageable. Just going with body.

Hi Tripletmum, I start on June 26th. Have my pre assessment thingy on 23rd. Told key people at work yesterday that I was going to be off for many more months to come and now feel as if at least I’ve got a chance to get organised before it all kicks off. 


Ilovemarsbars, welcome to the thread! I’m sure you’ll find the support on here very helpful. I know I do.


To the rest of you who have already started, your posts are so useful. I know it’s not going to be plain sailing for any of us but to know that it’s manageable is a big help to those of us who haven’t got going yet.


So my update is that I went to the GP yesterday to tell her I’m really struggling with anxiety. As predicted she said, I’m not surprised and didn’t prescribe me anything. She did, however, give me the name of a charity in the centre of my city that provides cancer support which is not attached to the hospital. I’ve got an appointment to see them next week which I’m hoping will help. I then spent the afternoon internet shopping for Paxman shampoo, conditioner, alchohol free deodorant and head scarves. It all made it feel a bit too real for words but I went out with the dog and calmed down again. This morning I had a major meltdown before my daughter went off to school and spent the next 30 minutes blubbing. I guess it’s the fear of the unknown that’s proving to be a bit destabilising at the moment. 


Anyway, sorry for the long post but wanted to touch base with you all.


Quick question: sore mouth, ulcers etc. Has that happened to any of you yet and do the hospital give you anything for it? Just wondering if I should buy something in beforehand.


Alice x

Hi Alice,

I’m on day 12 of my first cycle. I’ve had some mouth pain but no actual ulcers yet. My chemo team recommended alcohol free mouthwash.

I’ve been feeling much worse than I expected. I’ve been tired every day and found it hard to get the energy to play with my little girl. I had a few fainting fits last week and went to Dr but they couldn’t find anything wrong. Just another side effect to deal with.

I’ve been trying to continue at work but wish I hadn’t. It’s hard enough without worrying about deadlines. I’m also a bit upset that no one at work had reached out to wish me well with treatment. Maybe I’m expecting too much from work colleagues.

I didn’t have the cool cap but haven’t noticed any hair loss yet. I’ve heard its around day 12 so expecting it to start to thin any day now.

Hi AliOG,

It is definitely the fear of the unknown. I had a huge melt down too but then decoded that instead of panicking I would take it as it comes. I try not to read much up about it, rather deal with it when I arrive and that has helped me.

I am at Frimley Park and the team is fantastic.
This group is great too.

I have heard that ginger candy and custard are great for mouth ulcers. I was given mouth wash from the hospital.

I had a PICC fitted last Friday and it was pretty plain sailing. Once again it is fear of the unknown but it is great in that once its there its there and you not having needles stuck in you I hope all goes well.

Good luck hun and keep us posted.