June 2017 starters

Sorry meant good luck !

Great work AliOG - one down already xxxx

All best wishes Velvet.

AliOG, so glad you remained on schedule.

I have had an awful time with my picc line plaster this week. I think they must have put a different type in. Nothing wring with the picc line itself, just the plaster.

I had my husband clipper my hair today, what little there was left of it. I feel weird, and understand why so many women find hair loss so traumatic.

My son said…mum…you are still you… gave me a hug… that was nice…

Thinking of all you lovely ladies, and see this forum as a lovely safe space to chat with people who just…get…it…

Hope everyone gets a,good night’s sleep. xx


Your son sounds like a honey ! That’s the attitude you need around you all the time.
I’ve been in hospital for the past 2 days due to infection. They’ve been so good to me and family and all rallied round. Feel very blessed.
Hope everyone has a good week.
Round 2 starts on Monday x

Morning, Jintz. So sorry to hear you’ve been in hospital but good to know you’re getting good care. Any ideas where you picked it up? Was it the good old temperature taking that alerted you? Really hope you start to feel better soon. 


Abulafia, you’re son does indeed sound like a sweetheart. Kids are always more resilient than we give them credit for, I think. My daughter was positively full of beans when I returned from hospital yesterday. Think she’d been imagining the worst too. She even volunteered to make her own packed lunch for the morning!! I ended up going to be before her last night. That anti sickness pill turned me into a zombie almost straight away. Hoping I don’t have to take another. 


Chilling in bed this morning and trying to get over the feeling that I am going to look like a whale by the time this is all over. I managed to gain 4 lbs in a day yesterday despite eating very little! 


By the way, is anyone else in our group on EC only?



Hi ladies


im a bit late to this group, but starting FEC-T for 6 cycles on Friday 30 June.  I’ve had mx, reconstruction with expander (pretty uncomfortable) and ANC?  

Still can’t quite commit to cold cap, but wI’ll probably give it a go.  

Good luck Carol. All the best

Hi AliOG,
Thanks for the well wishes. If you try to eat good stuff hopefully you won’t put on too much weight. My stomach doesn’t allow anything to stay in long enough to put on but I spoke that’s not a bad thing ! All the best x

I was wondering what the injections were too. I haven’t been given any but I’m pretty glad, tbh. Stuffing down anti biotics and steroids is enough for me. 


Ive spent most of the day in bed dozing. Feels like a bad hangover to me too. I have very little energy and a slight headache. Definitely have ‘foggy’ brain too which is the most annoying. Just really want to be left alone.


Drinking pints of water which I hope will help. 


Hope you all all get a restful night tonight, ladies xx

Hi, I’ve got a question about the injections. On mine there’s a cover that’s meant to pop out once you’ve fully depressed the plunger. Does anyone know if this should spring out while it’s still injected or do you remove the needle first. I think the purpose is to stop needlestick injuries by springing out a cover round the needle. I don’t want it to pop out when it’s still in my stomach but now I’m worrying I haven’t been doing the full dose (although it’s only a tiny bit of be missing). Just wondering how every one else is doing them.

Just back from Chemotherapy No.2 - waaaay quicker than last time which is a huge relief. Now 50% complete, roll on July xxx

Hi everyone, I had my first chemo of fec yesterday and apart from some nausea I’m feeling ok . I had a picc line inserted which made the whole process go faster. I’m really worried about everything at the minute! I feel so vulnerable and seem to have gone in 8 weeks through a parallel world. Anyone else feel like this. I’m not sure I’m buying in to the reality of it all, maybe it’s my way of saying not to close your not for staying here. Like an unwelcome visitor . The poem by rumi talks about this:) 




Hey ladies
Anyone suffered with any issues down below? I feel like I’ve got thrush and wondered if it’s common with FEC. I’m on day 14 now of fec 1.
If it’s thrush can I just buy stuff of should I check with anyone? Sorry if to much info ?

Hi AliOG,
I have no idea where I picked the infection up from especially as I was extremely careful with washing hands etc. So I had 4 days in hospital and now have to go down once a day to get IV antibiotics.
Got home last night. Today is day 15 and my hair is starting to fall out. Had a huge melt down earlier today but was lucky enough to have a visit from a lovely lady who has gone through very similar stiff and she calmed me down. I still feel quite she’ll shocked but am thankful for small mercies.
Re injections, I did my own and had no problems. Just lots of aches afterwards but they were bearable.
I hope you are doing well !
Take care x

Hi all. I had my first FEC yesterday. I’m her2 + so my treatment will be 3 x FEC and then 3 x TAX and then on my 4th one I had 17 Herception. My first time didn’t go great.to start… I planned to cold cap it but didn’t last very long probably about 3 minutes. I was nervous and anxious anyway as my friend let me down and I couldn’t get anyone to go with me last minute! When they took the cold cap off I was still pretty cold and they put the cannula in… I started to feel woozy and clammy and I then passed out! Think it was a mixture of nerves and the freezing of the cold cap that got me! Apart from that the drugs going in was okay! I took about 2 hours and I was done! I felt very tired and fuzzy head (bit like a hangout setting in) and I haven’t slept properly. I’m currently in bed at the moment just having some rest time so when it does it me (if it does) I’ll be prepared! I’d love to join a buddy club if there is one going xxx

Hi Daffodil and QueenBee,


Well done for getting through the first one. I had my first EC on Monday so I’m now 5 days in. Sorry to hear you were let down by a friend. It’s definitely easier having someone with you but it sounds like you managed by yourself so big pats on your back. I found the cold cap difficult but had my husband to coach me through the first 15 minutes, otherwise I would definitely have caved in.


My first 5 days has felt like a monster hangover. I’ve felt dizzy, spaced out, foggy and tired but it’s all manageable. The hardest thing at the moment is trying to help husband and daughter come to terms with what’s happening but I guess we’re muddling through.


Take it easy over the next few days and rest as much as you can. Keep us posted with how you are feeling and gentle hugs to you both xxx

Sorry, Daffodil,


Just read your message properly. Doh! Good luck for round two! You can do this!! Xx

Hi Queenbee,
Welcome, sorry your friend let you down. That must have been disappointing and added to your nerves. Hope the next will be better.
This is a lovely supportive bunch in this group.
Take care and good luck

Morning ladies. Well day 2 cycle 2 was another kicker for me - spent almost all of the day asleep or trying to sleep (not ideal with 3 children). Just woken up day 3 to a much clearer head.

Anyway my though this morning is that we all started LAST MONTH and so are a month closer to completing this journey. Much love and may July be a good month for us all xxx

Morning everyone and thanks Tripletmum for the positive reminder that we are one month on.


I need all the positivity I can get today.  Now the steroids have worn off, the back pain I had prior to chemo one has come back with a vengeance. I can hardly move. This coupled with brain fog makes me feel totally useless. Husband isn’t coping too well and just looks sad and distant all the time. I feel quite disabled and have gone from a fully functioning member of the human race to a bed slug. Really hoping this mood lifts soon  as I don’t think I’ll make it to chemo two at this rate. 


Have te the rest of you experienced this fogginess and when did it lift? I’m on Day 6 now and getting impatient x