June 2017 starters

Morning everyone,


Hope you’re all doing OK today. I found that blog by the breast surgeon very useful too. She goes through embracing the bald look which is what I think I’m going to do. The letter for a wig referral dropped through the door yesterday which gave me a little wobble and made it all feel very real but I just can’t see me in a wig so think I’m not going to bother. 


Abulafia, I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis too. Sounds like you’re being as positive as you can be though so well done for that. It’s not always easy putting a brave face on things for others. I find it exhausting at times.


Had a friend come and visit me yesterday. At one point we laughed so hard I had tears running down my face. A few weeks ago I thought I’d probably never laugh again so it felt like a real milestone. 


Off to to hospital for pre assessment this morning. Wish me luck!

All best wishes for today AliOG. Hope it went well.

Today I made the mistake of attending my picc line cleaning ceremony sans any drug assistance… Big mistake…I fainted.

Lesson learned …take some sort of relaxant before going…

Feeling muscles are weak but trying to walk and eat cake and enjoy life.

All best to everyone for a relaxing weekend. x

Oh no. Sorry to hear about the fainting. Can I ask what day off the cycle you’re on? I had near fainting on days 6 and 7. I mentioned it to the consultant yesterday who said it’s normal as you’ve just come off the steroids.

I’m taking my girl to rugby tots this morning then off for cycle 2 at 12. Queue another week of feeling sick. ?

Hugs to all. Xxx

Morning everyone. I’m now day 9 after fist FEC and I’m feeling ok. My scalp is very tender though.
The tiredness is so weird. Is anyone else having trouble getting proper sleep. I just feel like I’m not having any. That feeling when you haven’t had a solid few hours. ? It’s strange.

Had to go yesterday and get my PIcc dressing sorted because it was peeling off and also I seem to be having allergic reactions to the plasters they are using. Is anyone else having issues?
I wanted a nice cover for it but can’t believe how expensive they are it’s wrong they can cash in on something that is almost needed. I just hate walking round with the bandage look.

Any nice plans for today? My 12 year old doesn’t want to come out with us today he made plans with his friends. Guess I should be grateful. Think we will go for a walk along the seafront and then to sprinkles for waffles and ice cream while my mouth feels ok and I can taste things. X

Hi ilovemarsbars. I love the name btw!

I had a reaction to the picc plasters so they switched to clear ones. These are much better on my skin and I haven’t reacted to them. I got a lovely picc cover for £5 on ebay. I just ordered another one but they ran out of medium size so I ordered small. They come up a bit big so hopefully the small will be ok. I searched for picc cover in ebay to find them. I now this helps.


* hope this helps *

All the best for today Skells! Im on day 3 of second FEC and feeling OK. My sister is round my house to take care of my baby for a few hours while I have a rest. My 4 year old is out to a birthday party with my husband, so I’m taking advantage of the Me time! Im taking all my meds prior to side effects kicking in this time, I was reluctant to take anything after the first cycle. Apart from the initial hang over- like daze and fatigue, I think I’m coping well. I’m praying I’m back to ‘normal’ in a couple of days! All the best to everyone x

Ilovemarsbars, I agree a lot of the picc covers are pricey, the one the nurse mentioned to me previously ‘care+wear’ are £30! But I’m going to order a £5 on eBay, I don’t mind the dressing cover but it’s my cousins wedding in a few weeks so hoping I can get a nice dress to cover the site too.

Just found the eBay ones thanks. Pretty designs to and I don’t mind a fiver.

Felt ok this morning but dizzy this afternoon. Tired but I can’t sleep which is weird x


Day 12 good. Just terribly sore throat. Been using mouthwash and tried bicarb. Pleased it is cooler. I get my picc line on Monday and have bought two pretty lacey covers from the lovely MacMillan shop at the hospital.

Sounds like everyone is coping well. Keep positive!

I have been struggling to sleep as well - usually I am an 8hrs per night person so this is crazy new to me. Next chemotherapy is Wednesday so bloods on Monday - its like being stuck in a v v grim episode of Groundhog Day! Main positive is after Wednesday I will be half way through and Wimbledon starts on the tv so lots of men to watch!!! Xxx

Hi Triplemum,
Sleep is something I am really battling with too. Wake at about and that’s me for the next 2 hours at least. Have decided to not fight it, get up and go read a book until I’m tired. So thankful I don’t work.
I have battled to find a pic line cover so will check ebay too.
Take care everyone x

Skells, day 14. (I am an injection phobe so think the issue is psychological, but it was hot in the room which didn’t help)

My next lot of chemo is next Saturday. So nice to hear from ladies just ahead of me.

My hair is falling out in handfulls at the moment, but enough there to get away without a wig in the trip to the seaside tomorrow. Taking a fold up bike…

I took Zopiclone to sleep at night, and now as and when needed. Love when I can sleep without them. But try not to beat myself up if it gets to 2.00 am and give up and take one. We all need sleep for healing!

I am going to check the online picc line covers for £5.00. There are some great cheap wigs on Amazon for £15.00

I asked friend’s opinions from 3 wigs and they picked the cheap one!!

I’m now day 2 since my first FEC-T chemo and have been feeling fine up until now.  I can start to feel myself going a bit downhill.  Aching back and feeling a bit fuzzy in the head. No nausea. Slept well last night.


I’ve been making a lovely smoothie every day, which may be helping with nausea. If anyone else wants to give it a try, here is the recipe:


1 slice fresh pineapple (include the middle core, as there is lots of goodness in it)

1 slice frozen mango (easier than cutting up a fresh one and makes the smoothie nice and cold)

1 thumb sized piece of ginger (anti-sickness, anti-inflamitory) - peal and cut small

1 thumb small finger piece of turmeric (anti-inflamitory) - peel and cut small

A few grinds of fresh black pepper (this allows your body to absorb the turmeric, otherwise the turmeric gets metabolised too quickly)

1/4 tsp ground cinnamon

1/2 tsp honey (optional)

Almond milk - or other type of milk 


Liquidize into a smoothie.  It’s deliciously zingy and really good for you.


Makes about 250ml - enough for 1 large or 2 small smoothies.


If you don’t have fresh turmeric and ginger, you can use powdered 1/2 tsp turmeric / 1 tsp ginger.


It’s adapted from this spinach4breakfast.com/turmeric-and-ginger-smoothie/


Let me know if you try it.



Ooh def going to be making these sounds lush!! Thanks for recipe! Glad you are doing well on the treatment keep your chin up xx I’m hoping to get a date soon for mine, it’s been over a week since onc meeting so not long for me I’m doing the fec T too

Hello ladies,


Spent 2 hours at hospital having ore assessment. Appointment for first EC is tomorrow at 12.30. On top of the tonsillitis, I now have a very sore mouth from the antibiotics and a torn muscle in my back from sleeping upright to avoid coughing. Trying hard to stay positive about tomorrow but with all these additional ailments, it’s really hard!


Lovely to hear your plans of bike rides, weddings and visits from friends. I think I’ve got it in my head that I’m going to be housebound for 5 months with my head stuck down a toilet. Have to keep reminding myself that it probably won’t be as bad as I’m imagining. 


Hope you’ve all managed to have a decent weekend. Hugs to you all x

Ali0G, I am sorry to hear of your health issues. All best for this week.

The smoothie recipe sounds good. I might make and adapt to fruits in the garden.

I biked 7 miles today along the seafront at Boscombe (day 16 - FEC T), and walked a mile. I am now exhausted, but happy.

Listening to children playing, the waves crashing, the water glistening, and feeling the breeze on my face was wonderful.

As a reward, I ate cake. Orange and poppy seed…lovely.

Had to go back on nistatyn, as candida back with a vengeance.

I am guessing this will be a continuing issue for me as oncologist prescribed for next Saturday. Not fun, but manageable with medication.

Off to sleep a bit.

Hi, I think drinking lots of water today and tomorrow should help. All the best for tomorrow. I hope your side effects aren’t too bad xxx

Hi everyone,


I’m back from session one and it wasn’t as bad as I’d imagined at all. My imagination can be a bit - ahem - over dramatic at times, shall we say!


I’m tired and a bit spaced out but that’s about it. I’ve taken an anti sickness pill as a precaution but doing ok on that front. Whatever drugs they’ve pumped into me seems to have sorted my back out - every cloud etc etc.


I tried the cold cap and stuck with it. The first 15 minutes was unpleasant but I pulled through it with the help of meditation and a husband on stop watch duty. 


Feel like I’m going to be endlessly monitoring for side effects now but need to try and think about other stuff too. Going for a bit of rubbish TV to compensate!


Hugs to you all. One step closer, eh? 



Well done girl and hood luck !!