June 2024 chemo starters

Happy birthday. :birthday:

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Hereā€™s a question for you all. Has anyone noticed that theyā€™re getting spotty? Iā€™m really spotty on my nose and under my boobs. Not sure if I should be concerned. Iā€™m awful with spots as I love a good pick but canā€™t in case I cause infection. Any advice out there?
Also, when did people shave their heads and where is it normal to lose hair first? Thanks everyone. Xx

@donna_51 Happy birthday! I completely missed your message above, Murder Trial Live sounds fun!

@wjs Sorry to hear about your cancelled round 2 :frowning: I hope your friend have something nice planned! Its so important to keep your spirits up, despite how hard it is! Good on you for ordering the wigs, some retail therapy never hurt. All the hugs to you.

@ljlj Nope you werenā€™t remembering wrong! I had an A&E trip 3 days after my first chemo session. So thatā€™s 2 hospital trips between chemo #1 and #2 and both were temperature related! The last hospital visit my infection marker was higher than normal, but they were unable to determine what infection I got so they just dosed me with a broad-spectrum antibiotic which did the trick in stabilising my temperature. Fingers crossed I stay out the hospital after next chemo.

@alig1961 Highly recommend pimple patches. Iā€™m a terrible pimple picker too and I find myself tapping the patches instead of picking them so give these a try! Iā€™ve not noticed extra spots so farā€¦

On a hair update, my scalp have started to feel tight, as if Iā€™ve put it in a tight bun for too long. People said thatā€™s the sign that a big shed is happening :frowning: Definitely noticed more hair falling out today than usualā€¦


Hi @donna_51
Same day 18 and the hair started to gently come out. I was looking forward to washing my hair after a week only to find the shower tray and me covered! No one else would know but I know! I hardly touch it to keep it as long as possible. Iā€™m going to have to wash it today and be super careful. Itā€™s scary to lose it all. Iā€™ve got a wig in preparation but I donā€™t want to get it out yetā€¦ round 2 on Monday and itā€™s bound to make it worse.

Good luck with yours ā€¦. Letā€™s hope it goes sort of gracefully - my son says ā€œown it mum!ā€ Letā€™s see how that goes.

Take care x


Well done Donna. It isnā€™t easy. Birthday this year sucks - mine too in a few weeks and will defo have lost my hair.

Youā€™re doing great ā€¦ keep going and we will pop out the other side stronger - thatā€™s what Iā€™m telling myself even though some days are flipping awful. Hubby going to a concert on Sunday - taking his daughter now as Iā€™m advised not to go - I bought it for us as his Xmas present - oh well!

Sending hugs :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@collywobbles ā€¦ it sucks doesnā€™t it? Iā€™ve had to cancel so many things this year due to everything and itā€™s hard. Treat yourself to a lovely cup of tea and rom com whilst your hubby is out instead :two_hearts: small things!!

I did actually make it out last night with my pink wig ā€¦ I felt silly and thought everyone could see I was a CANCER patient but no one batted an eyelid ! It was just great to actually forget about BC even for a few hours (you have to concentrate on the murder trial so I had to focus which felt good!) ā€¦ see pic ā€¦ real smiles from me and my hubby for a change.

Oh the hair ā€¦ I do think this would be sooooo much easier if we didnā€™t lose our hair. Even having one breast is easier than my hair falling out. I donā€™t look in the mirror most days but one of my boys will say ā€˜thereā€™s another bald bitā€™ which makes it real. But my 14 year old did say a while back ā€˜better to be bald than deadā€™ which made me laugh and helped me accept it a bit more. I love the ā€˜owning itā€™ messageā€¦ easier said than done but kids often see things differently donā€™t they?

Hang on in there team June ā€¦ Iā€™m hoping one day in 2025 we can all meet and show off our newly grown hair and this will all be in the past xxx


Fabuuuulous!! You look super!!

Kids keep you sane, realistic and make you smile even though mine is now 37! I used to say to him - doesnā€™t matter how many times you get knocked down, itā€™s how quick you get back up! Guess whoā€™s saying it now :crazy_face:.

Keep going ā€¦. Baby steps ā€¦ weā€™ve got this!

Enjoy your weekend @donna_51 - youā€™re doing great!!

You look fab. Iā€™m so glad you enjoyed the evening. Well done. I think Iā€™m going to try a pink Bob wig after seeing your picture. Itā€™s an opportunity to try something new. Thank you.

Good luck for next chemo session - letā€™s hope we donā€™t have to go back between treatments. Take care and sending hugs @akioqey


@charlie22 - Iā€™ve just had my second round of EC and i have found its hit me harder than the 1st. Really bad migraine / sicky feeling. But Iā€™ve only one more EC to go & then Iā€™ll move onto weekly P.

Hoping for a better day today!

Belated Happy Birthday @donna_51 !!

Have a lovely sunday xx


Hi everyone. I have only just got my head together to post on here although I had my first chemo on 17th June, so sorry that I havenā€™t managed to catch up with who everyone is. I have ER + HER2 + grade 3 BC with 3 lymph nodes involved. Because of the size of one of the nodes Iā€™m having chemotherapy first - 3 x ER 3 weekly and then 3 x Docetaxel. Then Iā€™ll have surgery and radiotherapy :roll_eyes:

I cold capped and until day 18 had lost no hair. Over the last 3 days I have had some hair loss but not so youā€™d notice. I have been stressed about whether the cap will work and have considered stopping it so Iā€™d have certainty about the hair but have decided to do it again for my second treatment tomorrow.

My main problem with the first treatment was severe abdominal cramps and diarrhoea- sorry TMI - from day 5 for 4 days. I couldnā€™t eat without having awful pain. I ended up being admitted to hospital - nightmare. Anyway, Iā€™ve seen the Oncologist and we have a plan for this treatment if it happens again as Iā€™ve said that thereā€™s no way Iā€™m going into A and E again. Apart from that it wasnt too bad - tired, reasonably brain dead, no sickness, bit itchy etcā€¦

Love to everyone :two_hearts:


@donna_51 Happy belated birthday!! Sorry itā€™s late ā€¦ Hope youā€™ve had a good one ā€¦ well as good as can be right now?! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Hi everyone ā€¦ sorry been MIA last few days ā€¦ hit a bit of a low as the hair shed was unreal and then shaved it all yesterday!!

Iā€™ve come to terms with it a bit now and have actually braved taking my toddler out for the day and doing the food shopping in my au natural state :grimacing::woman_bald:t3: ā€¦ with extra make up mind!! :rofl:

Had my CT scan this morning so fingers crossed for results soon. And tonight Iā€™m hoping for some decent sleep ā€¦ Iā€™ve had 6 hours ish in two nights :tired_face::crossed_fingers:t3:

Iā€™ve missed so many messages but I hope everyone is doing ok? Xxx


You looking amazing @charlie22. Fingers crossed for sleep and scan. :crossed_fingers: Iā€™m still awaiting the big shed. I hope to go away next weekend just in the campervan but not sure if I should shave before I go. 2nd chemo is 17th. Itā€™s weird but Iā€™m hoping that the shed happens before Friday so I know what to do. Itā€™s lovely to see more pics as itā€™s nice to put faces to names. Well done you. Xx

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@charlie22 Wow you look fab! Iā€™m sure it was a hard decision so well done you!

2nd EC today, my oncologist said heā€™s giving me a new anti sickness as a pre-infusion instead of a pill so fingers crossed it will work better this time. Hair shed is unreal though, luckily itā€™s falling out evenly but my god its everywhere and the loose strands are constantly tickling my chest and back! My husband claims I shed as much as a golden retriever but we donā€™t have a dog to compare haha! Maybe to compare we should get a dog.


Just popping here to say that Iā€™m due to start chemo this month. I donā€™t think I can be bothered with cold capping and I hope I look 1/10th as stunning as you do when I have to brave the head shave! :heart:


You really do look beautiful

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Welcome @pat and @kellzh ā€¦ lots of support here no matter what stage, what age or what treatment! Weā€™re all going through this together :two_hearts:

@charlie22 you look amazing!!! Well done for going out and rocking the look. Iā€™m still very much with my baseball cap when out and about casually but maybe Iā€™ll get braver.

My Labrador she sheds hair A LOT so perhaps a competition going on , ha ha

Hope everyone else doing as well as you can xx


You look beautiful! Hope your CT scan went ok and the results are back quickly.

@akioqey hope your chemo has gone well today and the new anti sickness meds do the job.

For anyone else having treatment this week I wish you well and that the side effects are kind to us all.


@pat if youā€™re doing docetaxel and considering foregoing the cold cap, please read up on the risks of pCIA (persistent chemo induced alopecia), specifically with docetaxel. I think itā€™s something that a lot of oncologists tend to gloss over because it hasnā€™t been studied enough but there is a decent sized community of people who have experienced it as a side effect and the only proven way to bring down your risk is to cold cap.

https://www.aheadofourtime.org/ is a good place to start.

You might decide that youā€™re okay with assuming that risk, but I wanted to make sure you were at least allowed to make an educated decision.