June 2024 chemo starters

@donna_51 thanks very much

@kartoffel thanks. I will read that when my brain starts to work again. Ive just got in from my second chemo.

Well done @bettyb24

I completed session 2 today - Iā€™m a creature who likes routine and thought I knew it today after the first, only to find it slightly different. That made me anxious and with a new nurse. It was actually ok - didnā€™t sleep but shattered tonight - herceptin jab much better than previously. All I would say - donā€™t get anxious - it might change slightly but in principle itā€™s the same. And my plus one was a friend not my hubby - again different.

Good luck all - hoping this time will be a clear run as I have lots of plans to keep me busy. Hugs to all xx


You look amazing @charlie22!! Genuinely looks like this is just a hairstyle youā€™ve chosen!

Iā€™m feeling exactly the same as you @akioqey I canā€™t believe how much my hair is shedding at the minute! I literally just walk or brush up against something and shed at least 20 hairs! Itā€™s getting me quite down as I didnā€™t expect this much to shed this quickly, with still 7 sessions to go.

And my scalp feels so itchy and as if itā€™s sunburned in some places. Anyone else have this?


Thank you everyone for kind words :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: itā€™s definitely not a look Iā€™d choose for myself (as Iā€™m sure youā€™ll all agree) but we have to deal with what we have been given I suppose and try make the best of it!! :grimacing:

For those experiencing the shedding ā€¦ all I can say is mine got worse ā€¦ very very quickly (but I didnā€™t cold cap) so for me taking back control and getting it off felt better once done than seeing it come out every day ā€¦ here is a picture of the amount of hair that came out on the Friday ā€¦ Saturday mornings shed was double this :pleading_face::pleading_face:

My scalp throughout the week felt really itchy and went oddly very cold and tight every now and again just for a few minutes then would feel normal. So not sure if that is indicative of the cells dying?!? But it is a strange sensationā€¦ it is still happening but Iā€™m maybe not as aware of it as last week ā€¦ itā€™s like itā€™s become the norm now ā€¦ along with all the other little strange sensations my body seems to be having ā€¦ anyone else experiencing them?? :grimacing: xx

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@kcg0610 Iā€™m the same with the shedding and itā€™s also getting me down a bit. Not sure if itā€™s cold cap thinning, or itā€™s just all going to go. Can only really tell above my ears for now. Not got much itching yet but I think Iā€™ve read others have. Iā€™m on week 4 after my first session as last Fri week got delayed.

Is anyone else getting out much or going into work? I know that depends on the type of job. I am able to work from home but really missing going in and interacting with people. Feeling a bit like Covid times. I did go in a couple of times during week 2, but wasnā€™t sure I should last week as I was supposed to have round 2 on Friday. I have to travel on the tram so used a mask but Iā€™m not directly surrounded by lots of people at work and still have my Covid screen up between me and the desk opposite.

Also anyone on EC getting hot flushes at night? Might just be my age, but seems to have got worse!

Sorry for the long post, having a bit of a wobble this past week.x

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@charlie22 wow that is a lot in one go, thanks for sharing. That must have been very distressing. No wonder you decided to go for it with the shaving. You do look fab though even though obviously not your hair cut of choice.x

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Hi @kcg0610
Exactly the same - day 22 washed my hair and was shocked when I looked at the shower tray - only washing once a week! I had noticed it shedding from day 18. Took me ages to clean the shower and get it off me where it stuck - revolting!

Feels just like sunburn. Day 25 still shedding but havenā€™t yet got bald patches - hoping to keep it until day 40 days when itā€™s my birthday but donā€™t think so. I got a wig a few weeks back when I was feeling good. One of my friendsā€™ daughters has alpocea and hers doesnā€™t grow back so Iā€™ve taken solace in the fact I hope mine will.

Itā€™s flipping tough. Keep going - I read chemo is a way of resetting our bodies! Still got to convince myself. Big hugs :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Only just seen your photo @charlie22 you look stunning! Beautiful. Go girl as my son says ā€œown it mum!ā€ Youā€™ve done that!!

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@alig1961 my shed started day 18 after first chemo. Itā€™s not too bad - it will probably be no more than a week and I will have to take the plunge. Iā€™m on day 25 if that helps and I had a short haircut a few weeks back in readiness. Havenā€™t used cold cap either. I think most start to lose day 18-20 so you might get away with it. Good luck whatever you decide. Have a super week away x

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I have fpund using a baby hair shampoo & conditioner on what little hair i have left helped with the itching & smells nice.

Someone mentioned a oil to use but i havent got a name yet for that.

I keep forgetting suncream & hat - thankfully we seem to have moved from July straight to October!


I have been cold capping for my 2 treatments so far. I lost nothing before the 19th day and then a bit more each day since. Second treatment yesterday and have lost quite a lot today. Itā€™svthinning all over and although no patches have appeared it is thin on the crown. Luckily I can cover this by parting my hair at the side. Apart from that it looks the same but feels thinner. We shall see what happens.


@wjs ā€¦ I am getting hot flushes after 2 rounds of EC. I was in the midst of the menopause before this so night hot flushes at least feel familiar! I have a huge fan that I flick on ā€¦

Iā€™ve been wfh and have no real desire to go into the office. But my medical team are telling me to do what feels ok and not to worry too much about infection - just be sensible. I do have anti bac in my bag and car, yes like Covid times!!! In fact, this has similarities to Covid times with restrictions, being at home etcā€¦ but unfortunately Iā€™m the only one going through it where I live :sweat:

The hair is the worst ā€¦ Iā€™m off to the athletics track in a bit to see my young athletes whilst Iā€™m feeling ok and Iā€™m glad itā€™s raining so I can wear a hat and raincoat - bah summer humbug!!! :rofl:


@wjs absoltelyvfeel the same as you re work!! I can work from home, but my job means I have 15 schools that I work with and am supposed to work with families as well, also office days are Wednesdayā€¦ all which I stopped two weeks ago just to be on the safe side! I too really miss the social side ā€¦ luckily I have a couple of really good co-workers that chat everyday ā€¦ but I know itā€™s not the same! I do like my job and meeting new families so I have found it a bit hard but I finish for summer a week on Friday so Iā€™m sure the kids will occupy me then, although Iā€™m panicking a bit about how Iā€™m going to be after treatment- but weā€™ve a good support network :grimacing:

I am still going out as in taking my toddler to places ā€¦ all of which have been outdoors predominantly and Iā€™ve been to much a few times with my partner ā€¦ Iā€™m just been conscious about going to what potentially crowded indoor things!

We have a concert booked for Augustvtime ā€¦ but again itā€™s outdoors so will just depend on how I feel on the day!

Iā€™m trying really hard to not let it affect me loads day to day and just be sensible and I am definitely washing my hands a lot more and getting the family to wash theirs!

Itā€™s so easy to get panicked about it all I think and not know what to do for the best :grimacing: xx


Thanks @charlie22 @donna_51 Think with last Friday being postponed and the hair shedding kicking in itā€™s made things feel worse. Hopefully Iā€™ll get the go ahead tomorrow for round 2 this Friday so I can get another one out the way. That might perk me up a bit and feel a bit more back on track :crossed_fingers:t2: May think about going into the office 1 or 2 days in week 2 just for my sanity and then wfh weeks 1 and 3.

I do have a good network of friends nipping me out and about so that does help too. Hope you manage to make it to your concert next month @charlie22 and everyone else is doing ok.x


wjs, Same happened to me and ive been struggling a little. My hair was fine but started shedding bad around day 18 as my second EC was delayed. So much hair has shed and I have a small bald patch towards the crown which Ive been told is normal with cold cap. Anyway had the second round and again didnt feel great. Seemed to have so many side effects, feeling sick, itchy skin, terrible heartburn, ulcerated mouth, constipation then diarrhoea I think just about everything this time. Anyway up for round three this thursday then I have one more before moving on to Pax. getting impatient now hoping round 3 is easier. definitely havent lost as much hair this time but then I dont have as much to loose now. I have my wig but holding off using it as I am a dance teacher so getting away with wearing my baseball cap to classes. My hair is also curly so when I feel okay and go out I can oil it and pin it up. Its just rotten isnt it?

I hope you get back on track with treatment as delays are the worst. Good luck


My scalp is super sore from shedding Iā€™m 7 days post second session of EC. Worried about how painful cold cap will be next week

@bridget1 You can get a surgical cap to help with this and cold cap will still work but will protect any bald spots. Good luck!

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Hope you get to round 2 this week @wjs i know how the count down feels and you want to see it reducing.

Good luck - be thinking of you hugs x

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Hugs to all June ladies, think most of us are similar in our hair shed phase. I kept up my twice a day brushing to prevent matting but I had to get the husband to deal with the aftermath as I cannot bear to see the amount of hair on the floor! Iā€™ve lost about 70% of my volume, no obvious bald spots for now, but is still distressing.

@smt hope you have raised your side effects with your oncology team. I suffered from terrible nausea and acid reflux on my first EC and they changed up my anti nausea to an infusion pre-chemo along with upping my omeprazole dosage so donā€™t suffer in silence!


@smt thank you for the cold cap info. Hope youā€™ve managed to get some advice re your side effects and are able to get them under control.

Just had ā€˜the callā€™ from the hospital and levels are back up again and good to go for Friday thank goodness.x