June 2024 chemo starters

Hi @alig61. Thank you so much for posting about your fringe! I’ve got hats and scarfs etc but I think the addition of a bit of ‘hair’ in a fringe will make me feel so much more like me. I do hide under my fringe I think even though it’s quite thin. So I’m going to wait until I know I’ll need it and will definitely buy one. Thank you so much - seeing it in place makes all the difference! Hope you’re getting on ok with the chemo :two_hearts:


@alig1961 thanks for the fringe info!

I think I’m going for the big shave tomorrow with my husband performing the lovely task - I did arrange for Tuesday with a hairdresser girlfriend but I think needs must now.

What do I do after it’s shaved? What do I put on it? I realise could get burnt so will wear a big sun hat - what else should I be doing?

Wish me luck - I know I’m going to hate it. No friends to share it with and a big Prosecco party or something - just me and the other half!


My advice is to ensure you have make up on before doing the deed. If I hadn’t have put my big earrings on and a good splatter of makeup I think I would have thought that I looked ill. I was pleased after it was done as I felt I had the control again.
My hairdresser said that it’s important to continue to shampoo and use conditioner regularly as the conditioner helps the scalp. Once bald, I’ve read that foaming face wash with tea tree is good to wash the head. I’ve also read that aloe Vera with tea tree oil is good for soothing the scalp when it’s sore. I got some from Holland and Barretts.
As for going out, I’ve worn my wig so this protects against the uv rays. Look good feel better do a great online course about wigs and headwear, including ways to tie scarves. When bald though I presume we slap on the high factor sun cream the same as the rest of our body, but not sure if that’s the best thing to do with a grade 2.
Good luck. Big hugs :hugs:


@alig1961 thanks for the advice.

Makeup is a good idea - would rather have done it with the girls but I’m going in soon with hubby - he’s a brick.

I’ve got a hat ready and a wig so we shall see…. It’s reality. :crazy_face:

Hugs to all xx


You’ve got this @collywobbles Xx


Hugs to you @collywobbles you got this! I’m currently looking like gollum from lord of the rings but I still got some bangs left so I’m still resisting the shave for now. But my god hair is everywhere and it’s relentless. Honestly EC is just so unkind to us all so we need to be kind to ourselves!


I hope everyone’s managing to have an ok weekend.

I’m 6 days after my second EC treatment and overall it’s been better than the first, though I have been more tired. One thing though, I feel quite lightheaded and shaky - trembly knees :flushed: and hands, after only a small amount of exertion, eg. washing and dressing, emptying the dishwasher etc. Anyone else have this? I remember lightheadedness before but not shakiness

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@alig1961 In a burst of creativity I made my own fringe with my own hair and black headband… not sure how long it will last with duct tape so I may buy one of yours as a back up :rofl: yours looks fab!

@collywobbles … you’ll be fine. Go for it!!!
I did my shave with my hubby and 14 year old son … I must admit I cried during some of it but once done, you do just get used to it!!! I now have half bald and half lots of tufts - yes, I look a bit rough - but I’m honestly surprised how little I care !!! I have my various wigs and my trusty pink baseball cap which gets me through the days. And from September onwards it will be cold again and we can all wear woolly hats !!!

@pat … I find if I do too much then I feel a bit lightheaded which can make me feel a bit shaky. I just sit down and drink some water and maybe eat a piece of fruit - anything to feel a bit better really. We just need to take it easy as much as we can - easier said than done, especially if we’re feeling okayish!

Hope everyone else is good - at least we have tennis and footie today to watch from the sofa!!! xx


Thanks Donna. I’m glad it’s not just me. I feel so pathetic, and guilty, that I can do so little so my husband has to do everything :face_holding_back_tears: I went to Tescos earlier to get some hotdogs for the match tonight :roll_eyes:, and slept all the way through the first set and a half of tennis when I got back :disappointed:


@pat … I went through that phase of feeling guilt coz my hubby is doing sooo much and will need to more still + certain fab friends have taken my dog and children regularly to help … BUT I realised that 1) I would gladly do the same for them & 2) it’s not forever.
I made myself feel less guilty by making a list of all the lovely things I am going to do for everyone in 2025 … taking them out for dinner, gifts that they’d really love etc… this is a time for YOU and people that truly love you will understand that!

And as for the dosing off… I’ve got into a lovely routine of doing stuff in the mornings but then having a cuppa and snooze in the afternoon. It’s not who I normally am but that’s ok :two_hearts:

I’ve just watched the tennis… didn’t Kate look gorgeous??? Do you think she has a wig?? Can’t believe she’s going through something similar to us !!!



Thanks :kissing_heart: It does help to know other people feel the same.

Kate looks a bit thinner perhaps, but looks fabulous as always. She always has wonderfully swishy hair and it still looks great. Maybe she hasn’t lost it? My friend’s husband had bowel cancer and didn’t lose his hair with chemo so maybe she hasn’t. If it is a wig then it’s a really good one of course!


Thanks for the encouragement- my husband did the deed this morning. Liberating, sad and needed to be done! @alig1961 @donna_51 thank you :heart:.

If I had to do it again I would recommend 20-25 days - those patches aren’t grey- they are bald!!! (I’ve not tried cold cap) Do it when you will look slightly better. Gollum @akioqey said - I know what you mean!

Yes a little more tired than number one - but a cuppa and a quick Power Nap does the trick.

I hope everyone has managed a nice weekend - I managed a trip on my husbands boat that he has been renovating for 2 years - she floats - I had a couple of mouthfuls of the bubbles and it felt good to go out and have fun! Hugs to all. We got this!!


Well done @collywobbles , you look great and it’s another thing ticked off. I think that may be the hardest step. Glad to hear you’ve had a good day. :heart:


@collywobbles … well done. You look fab and happy (& very outdoorsy!) … glad you had a nice day. We have to grab those few moments this year when we’re feeling good.

Keep posting team June. I love hearing what everyone is up to and seeing different pics. I definitely don’t feel alone when I come on here xx

Boo for England though :england:🥹


My second chemo is 18th so running the same. My hair started to shed friday 12th so had it cut short on 13th just to save from finding long hair everywhere. Still have hair as seems to have slowed down… Hope you had a good trip away and good luck on 17th x


3rd EC going ahead today … whoooo… only one more EC after this one!!! I will let you know how it goes but fingers crossed I have the same week 1&2 cycle like before :crossed_fingers:t2:

Hope everyone else doing ok!!! xx


@donna_51 good luck!

I’m still in the slightly fuzzy phase following round 2 EC Friday. Last steroids today though so hoping I’ll be a bit more switched on tomorrow like last time. Still managing a bit of wfh though. Got 3 lots of injections to start tonight. Not looking forward to doing that :grimacing: I forgot to ask if ok to take paracetamol to easy achy bones if that happens. Anyone else doing these injections to increase the white blood cell count and know?

Loving all your pics, you look fab. My hairs still hanging in there literally after second cold cap. Although still shedding! My wigs came from SHEIN. One is ok should I need it I think. The other’s not quite right.x

@wjs I am having the filgrastim injections - 7 injections each time. I dont see why you shouldn’t have Paracetamol if needed, provided your temperature is ok before you take it. I have taken some for a headache in the last week or so

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I’m having a really bad day today. Probably the lowest I have felt since diagnosis. It’s prompted because my brother in law, who lives in Australia and only visits the UK once a year, was supposed to be arriving today, along with his father, my father in law who is 96 years old. Brother in law has tested positive for Covid so isn’t coming now because of me. If it wasn’t for my chemotherapy he would come anyway. I feel so guilty as I’m all too aware that, at 96, it could be the last time my father in law sees him. Plus loads of hair is shedding despite the cold cap and I have an almost bald patch on my crown - easily covered with a hair band though. Plus, we look after our grandaughter on a Tuesday - she’s potty training and has done a poo and 3 wees on the floor today having been dry for 2 days at home with mummy. I just want to go away and not speak to anyone today but that isn’t possible. Sorry :disappointed:


Sounds like a really tough few days @pat - don’t be sorry in the slightest for sharing how you’re feeling! This is exactly what this gang of women are here for!

It’s understandable that you would feel guilty but you absolutely should NOT - you didn’t choose to be in these circumstances - much like your brother-in-law didn’t choose to have covid. It’s very unfortunate timing but imagine how guilty he would feel for giving you Covid and stopping your treatments for a little while!

The universe seems to be working in odd ways atm for us lot - I hope it’s the case that they get to visit soon.

Sounds like some restful ‘you’ time is in order… and I hope your little granddaughter is bringing some sunshine into your life - wee’s included or not!

Glad your treatment went ahead @donna_51!! I’m currently in Paclitaxel round 7 out of 12. Hair shed still going so been to some wig shops this week. :heart:

Hugs to everyone! Keep going xxx