June 2024 chemo starters

@donna_51. I hope your treatment went well today. Is that the half way point for you?
@wjs I have 7 injections one a day starting from day 3. They’re not nice. I was told that I can take ibuprofen or paracetamol as long as I’ve checked my temperature first. The nurse also said a nice soak in the bath would help to ease bones or a hot water bottle.
@pat i second everything that @kcg0610 has said. She has a great way with words. I’m a firm believer that everything happens for a reason but you may not know what that is yet. Try and stay strong. :heart:
My second EC is tomorrow. I’m just hoping that they can get the cannula in first time this time. I’m going to hold a hand warmer whilst wearing gloves and squeezing a ball for an hour before. I’ll try anything to get my veins to show. I’m also going to get up early so I can try and drink plenty before I go. Not sure if I’ll sleep tonight. :weary:

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@alig1961 and @kcg0610 thank you very much for your kind words. I will try and be more positive about it all.

I hope your second treatment goes well tomorrow. I made a concerted effort to drink a lot more before my second treatment and found that it did help, especially with avoiding the very dry mouth I had after the first treatment


@pat so sorry you’re having a rough time at the moment. Totally echo what others have said and definitely not your fault. So heartbreaking when it ruins something you’ve had planned though. Sending you big hugs.

Thank you for the injection advice @alig1961 and @donna_51. Hope you get on ok tomorrow with the Cannula too @alig1961. I have the same issue with my veins so they put the PICC line in me so they can get my bloods too. Sounds like you have a good plan in place to get those veins working though.x🤞🏻


Hope your third EC went well @donna_51 !

@pat Sending you lots of hugs, its all a bit rubbish isn’t it! Hang in there.

@wjs I do notice my temperature goes a little higher after my injection but as long as it’s not over 38 I can take some paracetamol/ibuprofen to ease the aches. My GP said ibuprofen is more effective for these kind of aches but because I’m already on stomach meds due to acid reflux I need to avoid the ibuprofen side of family during chemo as it aggravates the stomach. Also hot bath with epsom salt helps!

Good luck with your second EC @alig1961 praying hard they will find your veins easily. I’m part of the dodgy vein club, had an MRI yesterday where the nurses attacked both sides hoping to find a useable vein for contrast so I am super glad for my port for bloods and chemo.

Anyone else starting to get more fatigue days than good days lately? I’ve been feeling so tired these days and I have to actively pace myself with tasks and chores so I don’t tire myself out before dinner time. And that’s with a nap in between!


Pleased to say that the cannula went in first time. I think wearing a glove with a hand warmer in it and squeezing a ball for an hour before helped. I looked like Michael jackson walking into oncology with one glove on, but I don’t care :joy: xx


Really glad the cannula went ok. Hope youre feeling ok today xx

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Saw a video today of a friend’s mum ringing the bell for last chemo session at the same hospital I’m being treated at. Made me cry, but a huge inspiration as she’s been through a lot and a reminder that although it doesn’t always feel like it, we’ll get to that last session too with the support of family, friends and this fab group. Keep going everyone.x💪


Had my third EC yesterday, steroids are definitely propping me up. So hard to nap or sleep on them even when you are tired. Off to London tonight for my daughter’s chemotherapy tomorrow some may remember she is 2 and we are both battling at the same time. Her bloods were touch and go if it would happen but thankfully they bounced back in 2 days and after tomorrow she will be halfway through. Focusing on the positives :star:


Good luck for tomorrow @bridget1. You are both so very very strong. I’ll be thinking of your daughter and you and your family. Big supportive hugs coming your way. Please let us know how she gets on. She’s one of the June group. Make sure you look after you too. Xxx


@bridget1 good luck today. Will be thinking of you both x

@alig1961 well done yesterday! All of these things we go through but I’m glad it made it easier! Hope you’re feeling ok today - sending hugs x

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@donna_51 hope the treatment went ok - you’re nearly there! Sending hugs as I know the tiredness kicks in a bit for a while. Lots of hugs xx

For anyone struggling with headaches I’ve found that sniffing olbas oil on a tissue and using 4head eases it a little. Xx


So much going on team June !!! NEVER feel bad for posting all the rubbish stuff too @pat … that’s what we’re here for. Sometimes things can send you into a bit of a negative spiral and that’s totally understandable. At times the universe does seem to tell me to ‘stay indoors today and be miserable’ so I just do that…poo and vomit included but mine is my dog, not a lovely granddaughter!

Whooo so glad some of us are getting round 3 done. I have one more ec then I’ll be half way… I actually could see the light at the end of the tunnel get a bit brighter for a bit. I seem to be having the same 1/2 days of feeling bluergghh but then feel a bit better today. BUT yes, tiredness is more… especially as I’m finding it hard to stay asleep for long so toss and turn for quite a while AND my bones ache after that injection you have to have. Felt like someone was sending electric shocks down my spine last night. I can now see why my onc said ‘women say it’s doable’… yes it’s doable and each symptom on their own would be ok, but all together it can be too much… bleurrghhh…

Good luck with your daughter @bridget1 … I agree, she’s part of our group too, so let us know how you’re both doing.

@kcg0610 so you’re more than half way through!!! Yay… how are the side effects of Pax? I have x 4 of those so am now starting to think about them too. AND how are your wedding plans going? Are you still going ahead? If so, please send us some lovely pictures of your wedding dress… it’s nice to see some future positives here too.

@wjs do you think you’ll ring the bell too? I know I’m going to wear my orange party wig to my last one with a big smile on face… bring it on !!!

Hugs to everyone … keep going team xxx


Hi all,
Lovely to read how you’re all getting on, both the positive and the not so stories.
I’ve been in a hole the past week. After my 2nd EC session I felt totally zonked and just couldn’t be bothered to do anything which is really unlike me. I also started to rapidly shed hair on Saturday post EC 2 and it hasn’t let up. I’m now left with just partial scalp coverage and what can only be described as a rats tail of a pony. I’m worried about how to tell my young son (nearly 3) about why my hair has fallen out as well as how he may take it….
So, I’ve booked a consultation for a wig tomorrow, as think I’m not as brave as some of you to go without.
I know that losing hair is a side effect of getting better, but it really is blooming sh!t isn’t it?!
Hugs to all xx


Hi @ljlj
It is :poop:. There’s no getting away from it, but it’s not forever. 3 is a tricky age as they are so aware of the world around them. Maybe show him some pictures of people before and after so he knows that you will get your hair back. Visual learning is great at that age. I wish you all the best. You’ve got this. I love my wig. Not wearing it today though as trying to keep a headache away after EC yesterday. Fingers crossed for you :heart:


@donna_51 that sounds like a great plan :laughing: Yes I probably will I suppose. Looks very emotional though.

Not keen on these injections but if it means no delays it’s worth it I suppose. Feeling a bit :poop: today after my second one but managing to keep myself occupied with work. Think it helps me if I’ve got something to focus on. May need a power nap at lunch though!

@bridget1 thinking if you both today. Hope all goes well.x

The above is a link to the cancer hair care website where you can order a free knitted doll to help explain to small children about hair loss. One end of the doll has hair, you turn it over and the other end is bald and wears a hat. I ordered one for my grandaughter and it arrived in about 10 days.

I find the uncertainty of the hair loss difficult, accentuated by cold capping as there is some hope. I have also been tireder this second time. Good luck with the wig buying


Thanks @pat and @alig1961 x
The uncertainty of if the cold cap will work is hard to deal with, another one of those things we can’t control so I can totally see why people take action and cut it short.

Hope you and your daughter got on ok today @bridget1 x

@kcg0610 like @donna_51 I’m also keen to hear how you’ve been finding the paclitaxel side effects, as I’m moving onto that weekly mid August. I managed to buy some of the iced gloves & socks in the Amazon Prime sale for the peripheral neuropathy the side effects warn about - so hoping they may come in handy!

Is anyone watching anything good? I’m just about to start on ‘The Jetty’ on iPlayer, and also half way through Presumed Innocent on Apple which I’m enjoying.


Still on the way home from London, 15 mins away it was a long day but she did great and they had an extra bed for me so I could nap when she did. Took my extra anti sickness tablets and we survived the day so looking forward to my bed and hope steroids will allow me sleep!!