June 2024 chemo starters

I’m pleased you’ve both got through it all. I hope you sleep OK tonight. :kissing_heart:

Thanks for all your support this week everyone. Things are looking up a bit now :grin: Here is a photo of the final straw on the bad day :sweat_smile::sweat_smile:


Gorgeous cheeky smile!

You can’t stay mad with her for long. Bless her. Xx

So glad you got through that difficult day @bridget1. I was thinking about you both all day. I hope today brings some rest for both of you. Big hugs :hugs::heart:

@alig1961 no you can’t - for about 0.3 of a second!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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@bridget1 … glad it went as well as it could. Hope you get lots of rest this weekend xx

@pat what a gorgeous girl!!! I hope she’s a delight for you most of the time.

@ljlj … do you have Netflix? I’d recommend The Good Place. Easy to watch and v clever even if it about ending up in Heaven!!!

Anyone else got a weird tongue?? I feel a bit like I’ve come back from the dentist and it’s all tingly … not painful but food starting to taste odd. This makes me a bit miserable as most of my day revolves around food :scream:

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Hello lovely team! Happy sunny Friday x

@bridget1 so glad it went ok and hope you both got some sleep last night!

@pat she is the cutest! Her smile certainly brightens up this chat… :smile:

@donna_51 you’re nearly half way yay! That’s great news. So pleased you’re getting through it with those earlier delays.

Wedding is going ahead yes… Not sure what I was thinking as it’s 50 days today to the wedding!! And my hair is still shedding like crazy. Everyone is in such good spirits and ready to party though, so whatever it takes we’re doing it! Going to wig shop on Monday, so hopefully will get sorted. I’m determined to be on Corfu beach in September, more than anything!

Paclitaxel side effects so far have been weird but ok @ljlj @donna_51. For the first 4 sessions I didn’t have many side effects, 3-7 they’ve ramped up. Fatigue, energy levels slumping. I was so scared of peripheral neuropathy before I started, and i do get it on and off now but mines isn’t that bad. (If anyone’s had a mastectomy already, I’d liken it to the pins and needles you get for a few weeks afterwards - for me it fades into the background a little) - though I’ve heard it can get worse. Some nausea, scalp sore and dry (I’m ice capping still), my nails ached to start with but poly balm helps, metallic taste and I can smell the chemicals sometimes in the shower or in the bathroom, which makes me feel sick! I’m increasingly more ‘foggy’ and clumsy (might just be me and not the drugs!) I dropped a full carton of eggs coming back from the shop the other day :joy:.

Other than that I’ve generally been ok - can still go about London as normal, albeit doing less in the day now. Hair has been the most upsetting part for me but it seems like everyone’s the same. :heart:

And yes about the tongue @donna_51! Tingly and feels like it’s slightly swollen. Xxx


Hi everyone. I’m on day 3 after second EC and I’m really struggling with nausea. I have all the meds I can, I’m sipping water and nibbling ginger nuts. Anyone found any miracle cures? Xx

@alig1961 I’m so sorry to hear about the nausea. It is a most dreadful feeling. Is it worth phoning your emergency number now so you may be able to get help and advice quickly before the weekend? It’s not something I’ve had so I have no miracle cures I’m afraid. Hugs to you :hugs:

@donna_51 I’m 11 days after the second EC treatment and for the last 5 or 6 days I’ve had a sore throat, very very dry mouth, and weird tongue - almost like the anaesthetic at the dentist is almost worn off. No change in taste though I’ve gone off coffee. I’ve also had a sore mouth to the extent that I’d decided to phone up for advice this morning. When I got up today it was all gone, apart from a very slight sore throat. Odd. Same as last time, once the 11th day came I felt normal again !

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@alig1961 no miracle cures either I’m afraid but I do find mint tea helps if my stomach feels a bit off. Not sure if it would work with this?

I read travel sick bands too - again not sure if any use, whether just for while having treatment or helps after. I also bought some ginger sweets as read they helped but haven’t used them. So overall probably not much help! :face_with_peeking_eye: I agree with ringing the helpline though. They may be able to offer some top tips if not more meds! Hope it settles down soon.x

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Glad to hear it went ok @bridget1 and you were able to get some rest.

@donna_51 thanks for the recommendation I’ll look that up, it’s not one I’ve heard of!

@kcg0610 so pleased to hear your wedding is going ahead, and how nice to have a holiday booked for September to look forward to-I feel like I’m wishing the year away, but September will come around quickly! I’m sure we would all love to hear about the build up to your big day!
Also good to hear that you have generally managed ok on the Paclitaxel - I hope the rest of us moving onto it will have a similar experience.

@alig1961 i hope you have managed to get something for your nausea, my team are adamant that they can solve it and have several options available so like others have said speak to your nurses and remember if what they give you doesn’t work, push them again for something else. The sick bands @wjs suggested are also a good idea, I’ve worn them a few times after treatment.

@pat pleased to read you’re coming out the other side and starting to feel normal. I’ve been using salt water for my mouth and gargling with it for my throat, but it hasn’t been too bad so I haven’t needed much more.

Hope you’ve all managed to stay cool today, the temperature has really cranked up a notch hasn’t it?

Hi again
Before I posted I’d called the helpline who were worried that I’d taken too many anti sickness drugs. The regime they gave me meant I had to take a lot in the morning and then I just had 1 extra as they weren’t working. They told me to drink flat full fat coke, sip water and nibble small amounts of food. They told me not to have any more drugs or a large meal until they called back at 2pm. At 2 they told me to have my indigestion tablet and my lunch time steroid with small amount of food. They have also told me to take another dose of the sickness drug that should have come to an end at breakfast today. They’ve said to call again if I get worse. I did forget to put my sea sick bands on this time and have put them on now. I blame wearing a Michael Jackson glove to make my veins come out as that took my mind away from preventing nausea. Thank you to everyone who got in touch and suggested things. You’re all amazing people. I’m so glad I’m in this group. Sorry, I’m very emotional today and I think crying helps. Xxx

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@alig1961 Crying and being emotional is allowed and to be encouraged!!. It sounds as if they gave you some helpful advice. I hope it has made some diffference. You mention an indigestion tablet. Are you having these regularly? I mention that because when my daughter was pregnant she had sickness/nausea/heartburn every day which was unrelieved by gaviscon etc. She started on Omeprazole and within 2 days all symptoms had gone. Totally different situation i know but an idea :woman_shrugging:

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That’s what they’ve given me. Just couldn’t be bothered to look up how to spell it earlier😂. Thanks @pat. I’ve just had a small bite to eat and a tablet. I hope it gets me through the night ready to fight another day.

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Here’s hoping :crossed_fingers:t3::kissing_heart:

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Tears and emotion are all part of this journey none of us wanted to go on, but we’re all here to support you, and one another, as and when they hit!
I hope the advice & meds you have been given help, & that you have a good nights sleep and wake up feeling better tomorrow x


My friend sent me this today, I think you will all appreciate it :grin:


I like the look of that!!

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