June 2024 chemo starters

Thank you too @akioqey for the last message. Xx

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@alig1961 Oh no wonder you might still be struggling with acid reflux. Iā€™m on 80mg of omeprazole from chemo day and the next 3-4 days after. Then it goes back down to 40mg throughout the cycle.

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Hi everyone, lots to catch up on again here!

Cake is definitely a favourite of mine, yesterday I had a Billionaires shortbread (not sure what the difference was between that and a millionaireā€™s shortbread-anyone know?!) and it was totally dreamy!
We booked a last minute getaway this weekend and went to the coast, it was so nice to be away from home and in a new location for a couple of nights-I almost forgot about things for a while and had some moments of feeling ā€˜normalā€™ so if you get the opportunity to escape I can recommend doing so.
Iā€™ve had my bloods taken today ahead of my final (4th) EC session on Wednesday, kind of just want to get on with it now.
After my sessions I donā€™t get any of the medications youā€™re all mentioning, just a one off injection for my bone marrow that I do the day after. I know itā€™s been said before, but it really is so interesting how everyoneā€™s treatment plan & after care is different!

@donna_51 thanks for sharing the link, are the sessions on a video call or by phone?


Okay thats something. The Lorazapam works but they only give me three days for the first three days after chemo then another 2, one for the night before treatment and one for the morning of. I wish I had it the full time. I had to get new anti sickness Levomepromazine but I am only allowed to take one quarter tablet twice a day. Ive only managed once a day as they knock me out but they work, take away the sickness feeling completely. Im only on 20mgs Omeprazole but I have felt this week it hasnt worked as well as the first time I used it. Cycle 4 of the EC for me was the easiest one. My mouth wasnt even as bad with ulcers as it had been. Im ready to start the Pacliataxel this Thursday and Ive to have four of them. Very apprehensive but hoping its not bad. I think im worried about the dosage after what happened with the first EC x

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Another question please: cold capping on EC/AC - did anyone have ā€œsoreā€ hair?

My head is really tender like I have had a pony tail in for a couple of days and then taken it down so the hair is in the wrong direction. Does this ache go? I did manage to wash my hair this morning. I didnā€™t get this on paclitaxel so itā€™s all new. Some shedding has started - Iā€™m on day 22.

Thank you
Night - another early bedtime x

PS the fruit loaf was good

PPS congratulations to all those coming to the end of EC - you did it! :clap::clap::clap:


Hi all, just catching up on all the messages. Sorry to read some of you have having some friend issues and also struggling with some of the side effects. Iā€™ve felt a bit out of sorts the last couple of days, upset stomach yesterday, generally tired today. Anyone else hate doing those injections? Just done number one tonight. I have 5 to do this time instead if 3, which is good if it means no delays with treatment but hate doing them and all the side effects it lists too is a bit scary, as if we havenā€™t got enough to to deal with :slightly_frowning_face:

Hopefully get a decent nights sleep tonight and feel a bit more positive tomorrow. Got some nice things with friends to look forward to in a couple of weeks and found a local Spanish restaurant weā€™re thinking of going to due to our cancelled Lanzarote trip, so trying to focus on those.

Big hugs to everyone.x


Before I had my big shed my hair felt like it had been tied up really tight, I really hope that yours is related to something else though. It didnā€™t last too long, maybe a few days, although saying that I have had the feeling again since-but my hair has continued to shed (although slower as Iā€™ve lost quite a lot)


@jbb after my second EC my head went really sore, like there were sore spots round the edge of my scalp. I think it only lasted around a day though and then calmed down. So far not had it again.x

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@ljlj calls are via phone so easy peasy x

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Morning Allā€¦ awake for ages. Think the counselling session set my brain aliveā€¦ not sure it was a good thing at 5a.m but itā€™s all processing stuff I guess which means itā€™s working.

Sorry to hear lots of us are having bleurrghhhh but good to hear that the teams we have are trying to sort it. Hurray for modern medicine ā€¦ and for this being a womanā€™s disease as we clearly get stuff done !!

Glad lots of us are getting to the half way point with lots of our treatments. Anyone else feel like they can at least start thinking about their future again, no matter how scary that might seem? Iā€™m glad I can now comprehend something beyond treatment but at the same time canā€™t quite get my head around who Iā€™m going to be when this part comes to an end. More therapy needed clearly!

And as for cake therapyā€¦ what is Billionaire shortbread? Will we see trillionaire some time soon!!! So many questions, not enough time to eat all this cake !!! xx


@ljlj cake is the best! Like the sound of millionaire/trillionaire/billionaire shortbread! Short breaks sound perfect.

@donna_51 thanks for the advice on counselling - sounds like itā€™s doing good! Glad you are nearly through the treatment.

Iā€™m catching up last few days as struggled and felt sorry for myself. - had 3rd chemo last Monday and this time really struggled with tiredness - plus a cold :crazy_face: taken a grip this time so good luck to everyone else who is going for their next sessions further down the line - legs ache this time - I read your posts and understand why now. Just ignored them previously!

Love reading all your stories - we are in August now and we started in June - canā€™t believe it! Keep going all. Wave not drown I think someone said. Hugs for the next week ahead! We all need them.


I find I canā€™t look beyond treatment yet. I have had chemo first so I am still facing surgery and radiotherapy so I guess that
I still feel that Iā€™m at the beginning of the whole process :roll_eyes:


Morning All

Another day of fun :partying_face::partying_face: For those headed out, have lovely days with family and friends. Itā€™s a beautiful day.

Felt like I turned a small corner today and went for a walk after a shower (!) all before 10am. First time out for a week since AC 2

My little routine:

day 1 - chemo
Day 2 - nausea fatigue constipation. Filgrastim. Know Iā€™m meant to drink 3 litres a day but canā€™t face it
Day 3 - nausea fatigue light headed tummy upset. Carb craving
day 4 - horrible bone ache and feel been in a fight plus Repeat Day 3. Plus no sleep
Day 5 - repeat Day 4
day 6 - repeat day 3
Day 7 - repeat day 3
day 8 - start to feel better - but not normal

Does this sound like everyone elseā€™s? I have no idea now what additional meds will fix the above - except stopping chemo :woman_shrugging:t2:

Mentally add on Day 4 what the heck is going on and I canā€™t do this anymore :blush:

Iā€™m going to go for another walk this afternoon and get a cheese toastie - CARBs please.

Iā€™m also going to print the August calendar and tick off each day. We are all going to have amazing Christmases :evergreen_tree:


Iā€™m in the same boat. Six months of chemo pre lumpectomy and then radiotherapy pre tamoxifen (or alternative)

I remember my oncologist saying this is a 9 to 12 month process, but I guess I didnā€™t take it all in at the time.

Iā€™m just doing one stage at a time


@jbb go girl!

Day 4 this time like a brick wall :person_facepalming:


@pat keep going baby steps youā€™re doing great!

Iā€™m sorry to hear you have surgery and radiotherapy later - if itā€™s any consolation- the surgery - I canā€™t believe I will say this - was far easier than I thought. I am sorry but I canā€™t speak for radiotherapy

I had mastectomy and reconstruction and once I had my head around it - it was easier to manage. The chemo is harder and longer - Iā€™m counting injections :crazy_face: 60 in total and down to 32. For surgery I kept a daily log of exercises and managed it like that - apart from the emotional side of not feeling as feminine today - what with reconstructed boob , no hair and eyebrows starting to go - the physical side was easier than I thought so I realise my surgery maybe different to you but I hope my feedback helps a little. Surgery was in April and I donā€™t really think about it now. I followed the exercises every day and mentally that helped and 4 weeks in it was surprising the mobility I had managed.

@donna_51 suggested the counselling which I will do shortly just for my own sanity!!

Keep going on your journey ā€¦ we have this fantastic group all on our own journeys but the support is amazing. I send you hugs for the next part of your journey. Take care x


@pat Iā€™m in the same boat as you, still got surgery and radiotherapy to go after chemo. I just take it one treatment as a time, so planning some short breaks after chemo ends!

Boy is the lorazepam a miracle worker, I managed to demolish a whole burger for dinner when I got back from chemo yesterday. I never used to be able to stomach anything more than smoothie in previous rounds! Zero nausea yesterday but the nausea is back again today so back to liquid diet until all chemo leaves the body. Also dreaded filgastrim injection today but hopefully the last Iā€™ll ever take as oncologist said I donā€™t need it on paclitaxel woohooo!

Hang in there team June, weā€™ve already endured nearly 2 months of this torture!


Thank you everyone :hugs:

@collywobbles my surgeon and oncologist also said 9-12 months so I expect to be done in January/February :roll_eyes: Iā€™m expecting a lumpectomy so Iā€™m hoping that now, with the chemo, is the hardest part. I am deliberately not thinking about the iv something or other 6 monthly for 3 years, 5 years of somesuch tablet and 10 years of another, the oncologist said I would also be on :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:


@pat I get that! I donā€™t think about the year jabs or the 5 year stuff just short term :crazy_face:. We all just take little steps forward ā€¦. One at a time. Take care of you x


Glad youā€™re feeling better this time around @akioqey. Iā€™m with you, @jbb and @pat too, chemo first, followed by surgery, radiotherapy and hormone blocking treatment(s).
Iā€™m thinking of it all in blocks I have to get through-first 4x EC (which iā€™ll complete tomorrow), next up 12 x Paclitaxolā€¦& just trying to get through each block, but taking each day as it comes & being kind to myself when needed. Although starting to feel nervous about switching drugs and maybe different side effects etc-do those of you about to switch feel the same?

Iā€™ve been finding work a brilliant distraction when I can knuckle down, and it has really helped pass the days!

Iā€™m hoping that the surgery will happen early December, so the bits Iā€™m thinking are the worst are left behind in 2024 and I can move forward in 2025ā€¦.thatā€™s my current thinking anyhow! @collywobbles itā€™s reassuring to read about how you found surgery-from reading lots of posts on this forum it does seem that many people donā€™t find it as bad as expected :crossed_fingers:t3:

@donna_51 Iā€™ve googled the difference between billionaire and millionaire shortbread-the later has a caramel centre, with a billionaire shortbread having a salted caramel centre apparently!ā€¦and now I am craving another oneā€¦oh dear!