June 2024 chemo starters

We are in the same boat!

I hated changing regimes as I had just got into a routine and wish I could have had just one type of chemo - but they all have their different purposes. You’re almost done with EC and so close to the end of this stage. Well done - you did it.

I know we’re all different but I found paclitaxel much easier - way less fatigue and nausea and once the steroids had been resolved I started to get sleep again and was able to walk reasonably far every day. And my hair stayed put and grew lots (cold capping). Life was more like normal than this cycle. I do hope you have the same experience :crossed_fingers:Please let me know if you have any questions


For those who have a lumpectomy to still come, if you can get through the chemo you can absolutely handle the surgery. I got myself some sports bras, my friend made me some fab cushions to help support at night too. There’s obviously some recovery time, things you can’t do for a while and exercises/aftercare but chemo is much harder in my opinion. I ended up with a seroma (fluid build up) which delayed me brief return to the office which annoyed me but again, nothing compared to the chemo. I was nervous about going in but all I remember is them putting the mask towards me then they were waking me up and it was all over - very bizarre!

I have radiotherapy next but am trying to take it one step at a time. We will get there :muscle: So thankful for this group as it would have been a lot harder experience.x


I second everything that has been said about surgery. I’d never had general anaesthetic before and was so scared, but the theatre team were amazing and it is like magic….,you have the best sleep ever and know nothing. Chemo is so much harder. Just follow the advice about doing the exercises and massaging the scars gently with rose hip oil and it should be fine. I had a lumpectomy and it’s amazing how the breast fills back in and can return very close to normal, but I suppose that depends on size and location. I’ll be glad when the blue dye decides to leave my breast. Xx


My masectomy (small breasts!!) and node removal was an absolute doddle compared to this!!! I was up and about within 2/3 days watching my son at athletics … then 5 weeks later I was on massive rollercoasters (with over shoulder harness) … so I’m sure your recovery will be much easier too. I’m considering reconstruction next year but will have a big break beforehand to reset and breathe for a bit.

Good idea to see it all in blocks… I’m hopefully moving on to my next block next week (4 x pax) … and then radiotherapy as my final block. It’s a long old road this but I’m sure all of us will be coming into Xmas feeling much much better about life !!! Once schools go back, it’s all about Xmas anyway so we can all look forward to that and a fab NY!!!

@ljlj it’s the salt then !!! I am loving salt at the moment so I may just try to hunt out that billionaire !!



@pat just wanted to say that i had surgery first and i have found that chemo is by far harder to manage / get through. So if you can try & think once youve ticked off chemo everything else is that bit easier.
Thinking if you xx


@bettyb24 thank you very much! Thats what I’m hoping :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:

New question. For anyone who takes lorazepam how does it make you feel? I e just had my first two, one last night and one this morning prior to chemo. I feel spaced out, is this normal xx


Yes I would say that is a normal side effect as it has a sedation effect for 6-8 hours after taking it… feeling a bit weird/tired and spaced out would be expected. But obvs if you are worried speak to GP.

You will probably get used to it and hopefully it gets you through your treatment…

I have buspirone to get me through appointments and cold capping and it makes me feel a bit wierd too but helps me relax! Xxx


Block one is done, no more EC :pill: :ballot_box_with_check: :boom:
Thanks team June for helping me through it!


Yay well done!!! Have a cake or 4 :rofl::cookie::birthday::cake::cupcake:

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First up in my belly….


Good choice!!!

That was my last EC too yay :raised_hands:. I just hope I can now manage the next 10 days.
I asked the nurse for the medical sheet outlining the drugs on docetaxol. I can see that the steroids double and start the day before chemo and that we have an antibiotic run for 10 days too. Interesting. And obviously the lovely injections still exist xxxx


Im on Docetaxel next too - 19th August - my daughter’s birthday :roll_eyes: I’ve been given double the steroids to start the day before but no-one has mentioned antibiotics. Im seeing the oncologist on Tuesday so I’ll ask then.

Hope the next few days are ok for you :heart::heart:


Well done for getting through it, hope the side effects are kind to you x


I’ve got the steroids for the day before too :roll_eyes: I was told I might need more injections on Docetaxel. However I’ve gone from 3 to 5 after my last EC so hoping no more than that. Already feeling rubbish as it is. Roll on the weekend when they’re done and hopefully I can start to feel a bit more normal!

Loving all the biscuit, cake choices :yum:

Are these the Filgrastim injections? I’ve already been having 7 each time on EC so I hope I don’t have to have more than that :astonished: I’m a bit like a pincushion as it is!


Hi all … god I really am going to have to start coming in here a bit more regularly… sorry! Had a busy couple of days … which I have enjoyed but think I maybe pushed myself far too much!!

Someone mentioned heartburn … OH MY GOD … experienced my first bout Monday night … rolling in agony didn’t have any remedies so made a bicarb of soda drink at 1am … which kinda did the trick :weary::rofl: … fully stocked up now!!

So appointment with oncologist happened this week … my cancer isn’t responding well to this current regime, so changing to EC with my immunotherapy next cycle … start 2 weeks time, having another CT scan tomorrow and will have another 2 cycles of new chemo … and if still not responding go to surgery!! :weary:

It’s just bloody one thing after another … so I’m glad @donna_51 recommended the counselling cos I think I really need something now … my head is in a spin!!

Ended on a positive … you girls all sharing your food cravings is ace … giving me totally new inspiration on how to be a big fatty bum bum :pig::rofl::rofl::rofl:


@charlie22 Sorry to hear that things aren’t progressing as expected :pensive: but at least they are on it and have a plan :roll_eyes:


@pat goodness me, 7 injections! I was feeling sorry for myself with 5🤦‍♀️ Hopefully that’s more than enough and you won’t need anymore.

@charlie22 glad you’ve managed to have a fun couple of days despite the ups and downs with your treatment. Fingers crossed the new plan will be more effective. I also had my first dose of heartburn last night - not fun. We did end up with a pizza takeaway :pig: So wondered if that maybe set it off. Hoping no repeat tonight!

I’ve got an holistic assessment at the breast unit next week which is to assess how I’m coping and see if I need any more support so will see how that goes.