June 2024 chemo starters

@alig1961 I’m sorry to hear you are struggling - I hope you got a good nights sleep and feel a bit better today. Hard to watch or hear others having fun when you aren’t your normal self. Sending hugs :hugs: x


My saga continues. I’ve managed to double my dose of this mornings lomazopam. So I now completely feel spaced out. I may just manage a duvet day. But on a good note I can hear in my right ear again. And I e had a short walk. :joy: feel reallydrunk.


@alig1961 take the little win of being able to hear again and do whatever you need to do to deal with the rest of it. Hope you’re able to feel a bit more yourself soon.xx


@alig1961 … a rubbish time… some days are just like that and we need to go with them as much as possible but remember they won’t last forever and good days will come again. Glad your ear is sorted … weird! I felt drunk on the steroids so maybe that’s it? Why would athletes take steroids as they’re sooo awful!!!

I cried underneath Go Ape the other day as my hubby and boys having a good time over the various challenges felt like a big metaphor for my life & their future. All doom and gloom . I felt really sorry for myself… poor dog was probably thinking ‘not again’’!!! But later and the next day those thoughts were gone… and I try to make the most of those. Bloody exhausting though not knowing what’s going to trigger something :slightly_frowning_face:

@wjs you look fantastic… glad you were able to get out and about (& try more CAKE!!!) … enjoy those good days xx


I’ve now slept for 14 hours ish. Didn’t even know my daughter had gone out luckily hubby is all over it. :joy:think he’s taken the over the running of my pill boxes. :joy: xx
If he could make me poop too that would be a successful day. Xxx


@alig1961 14 hours sleep - :star_struck: good for you! You obviously needed it. Glad you can hear a bit better. Take the wins…… often easier said than done. Well done hubby!! Good luck with the next task :crazy_face::joy:

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Dumb question- does anyone else feel
Like they need to go for a wee more often than usual :crazy_face: it’s like a UTI infection but I haven’t got one - I got the same last time around in the 2nd week - drives me nuts!!

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Yes! What chemo are you having? The nurse told me a couple of weeks ago that cyclophosphamide is a bladder irritant and can make it feel like you need a wee all the time x


I don’t feel like I need to go all the time but in the first 3 or 4 days after the chemo I have extreme urgency and can’t wait at all, sometimes not quite making it :see_no_evil:- sorry TMI!


I might have piddled a bit on the floor last night. Now that is too much info. Xx


@collywobbles I used to sleep through the night, now I wake up multiple times to pee. Could also be the extra water we are advised to drink but from the sounds of it seems like a common occurrence amongst us June group too!


@alig1961 - glad I’m not the only one :roll_eyes: @akioqey - I’ve been a bit that way since the menopause anyway :woman_shrugging:


Haha thinking about it I’ve been a bit that way too - started panicking about doing some pelvic floor exercises :laughing:

To give you a giggle I’m trying to crochet tonight in the middle of my hot flushes (another gift from the chemo). I’m sitting here with a fan on a strap round my neck so I can keep cool and crochet :laughing:


My hubby came home this morning with chocolate hobnobs :astonished: guess how many are left? Of course a big fat 0 is the answer :rofl: :pig::pig::pig:


Hi all
I had my third & last round of EC on 26 July & im Still utterly exhausted… anyone else feeling like this too? Its definitely taking me longer to bounce back this time…
I start my weekly doses of paclitaxel on wednesday - really hoping the tiredness improves before then.
On the plus side my hair is starting to grow a bit!
Have a fab weekend


Hobnobs and pee… I love it !!! :joy::joy:

@bettyb24 … I definitely feel more exhausted after my final ec. It’s the cumulative effect of it all. I now feel like I’m really old or carrying a big backpack whenever I do something… have to sit and catch my breathe quite a lot. I hate it as I used to be really fit. I also nod off on the sofa a lot … I don’t hate that bit so much unless I miss any of the Olympics !!! It’s all temporary and I repeat that mantra to myself a lot but it is hard sometimes to imagine I will ever feel well and healthy again…

Hottest days of the year coming up … which side do you fall in? I’m personally hating it being hot and sunny because I’m bitter and envious of everyone having a good time … but hopefully you all feel differently and can get out and enjoy :two_hearts: Although a magnum might make me feel better!!!

@bettyb24 I like that pic…:joy: I also thought my weird sticking up straggly hair looked longer yesterday but I thought it was wishful thinking x


@wjs … let us see your crochet results?! Did you always want to do it? When my 2nd round of treatment was delayed for the 2nd time (arghh!) one of the nurses said I needed to find something else to do throughout my treatment rather than ‘wishing for my old life back every day’ … she suggested crochet! I shouted back at her in front of everyone in the chemo ward that I don’t want to do ‘f@#king crochet’ … but now I understand. It’s trying to find some peace and calm through it all … not sure I’ll ever be patient enough to do crochet but I did hug a tree when out with the dog this weekend so I get the sentiment. Hope it works for you xx


The image gave me a laugh this morning when I was having a bit of a negative nancy moment. :pray: Well done for getting through EC. Please share how P goes for you this week-I switch the week after and I’m worrying that I’m going to suffer more as have been relatively ok with EC so would be Sod’s Law that I don’t tolerate it as well!

@pat I attacked a big packet of cheddars yesterday and there weren’t many left when I was done, so I’m in the same club…oh, and then I ate a pizza! :pig:

@wjs Glad that you got out for you Spanish meal, you look great! Love that you’re crocheting, I’ve been looking at doing something like that for mindfulness, I was looking at a sewing subscription club with guided videos. What are you making?

@alig1961 i hope you’re feeling a bit better again today?

Hope you all have good Sundays!


The double lorezapam that I took by mistake yesterday is still catching up with me I think and now the constipation as well as the fatigue. I’m praying that the weather forecast is wrong. Hubby cooking bacon. Not sure I can face it. Happy Sunday, it is Sunday isn’t it? Xx


@akioqey yes could be :crazy_face:

@rrey thanks for that info … I’m on doxcetal which I can’t spell so will look up what you mentioned …… cyclophosphamide!!

@pat - Thankyou TMI :joy::joy:

Crochet sounds familiar! One of my girlfriends bought me some - I will look it out as I haven’t done then - one was called “little booby” or something like that - I burst out laughing when I opened it! Girlfriend was mortified :joy:

I’ve been doing jigsaw - taken me forever but it is a source of interest for visitors as well when they pop in!

@donna_51 I laughed out loud at your exclamation - normally running around doing loadsa stuff and now having to think differently :crazy_face:. Tree hugging - well you might get a few strange looks but who cares! Whatever works I think!

By the way my husbands daughter and family are visiting next week - good for my husband to see them all - don’t think they know about my bald head - said to hubby to give daughter heads up - grandchildren are 6/16/18 - middle one is going through trauma with best mate who has leukaemia- I says I’m happy if they think I’ve done a sponsored shaved my head for work - sone of you have mentioned children - how have you explained it - I don’t want to scare them - we only see them a few times a year so any advice would be good.

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