June 2024 chemo starters

You’re so close to the end of your chemo @jbb! Thanks for sharing that your hair grew on Paclitaxol, gives me hope and a reason to carry on with the :ice_cube::tophat:!

@lolac this is a great place to vent and no need to apologise. I too am sorry to hear that you’re having to cancel nice plans that would have helped you through this time, but hopefully you can make up for them when you’re back has heeled more. Has the spine consultant said how long it may take to recover?

I’ve been loving the Olympics too. I’m expecting to feel rubbish tomorrow after my Pelgraz injection so intending to binge the eps of Love Is Blind UK that dropped on Netflix this week!


@lolac you have every right to be hacked off and vent away. I had the same injury some years back and don’t know I would have coped having chemo as well. You are amazing. Do take care of yourself and give time to let your body heal. It will xxx

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Crikey exhausted after catching up!

@alig1961 @ljlj congrats on finishing your EC! another achievement :heart:.

More talk of shortbread - I’m up for all of it!! Crumpets sound perfect. I’m going to make cakes tomorrow and can’t wait!

@charlie22 hopefully scan went ok and you are back eating again :crazy_face:. Sorry to learn the treatment not going its job so hope they start you on a new plan soon.

When some of you mention so many others in your messages - I’m thinking how do you do it? I can’t remember them all the names by the time I get to type my message!!!

Nearly Frisky Friday! Thank you to this group for sharing your stories & experiences - you make me laugh, you make me cry, you send advice and you share hugs. I love it all. Thank you.


Thanks @jbb - I know I just need to be patient. It was really unlucky, but at the same time I feel fortunate that it wasn’t worse!

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I think by 6 weeks there should be a big improvement ie that’s the point when I should be able to drive again. Another 6 weeks to be more fully recovered. But the first six coincide with finishing chemo so come mid-September I hope to be celebrating!


@lolac its hard to be patient when you are coping with so much and tears are understandable. You’re doing really well and I wish you well in your recovery. X


Thanks @donna_51 - need to find some replacement to fill the Olympics gap.

All this talk of crumpets is making me hungry. Because I can’t exercise and am doing below 1000 steps a day I’m trying to be really careful with diet - don’t want to pile weight on which could easily happen! But I always get carb cravings after my Friday chemo and allow myself a day off a strict regimen. Feeling like a pizza might hit the spot!


Morning everyone!!

Awww @donna_51 you always know the right words to say … not just for me but everyone!! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thank you @collywobbles … just keeping everything crossed for good results :crossed_fingers:t3::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: hoping I’ll knew Wednesday… that’s when my MDT meet and normally my BC Nurse calls me after.

And I know what you mean about replying to everyone … I often have to close the reply box and go back to the messages!! :see_no_evil::rofl:

Really positive news about some of your hair experiences… mine is really thinning now on top, definitely can see my scalp more now … I went into Next (another purchase of something I’ll probably only wear once :roll_eyes::grimacing::rofl:) the other day and tried a skirt on and got a glimpse of my full head in the changing room mirrors… I looked like one of those blokes where they are thin/ bald on top but have a strip of hair round the bottom and sides … :weary::weary::rofl::rofl::rofl: made me chuckle and cry a little at the same time!!

Hope you all have a great day … another day out to the park for me with my mum, son and nephews … no rest for the wicked :muscle:t3::sweat_smile::sweat_smile: Take care all xxx


Anyone experience a complete deaf ear whilst I this treatment. I get blocked ears when I get a cold. Should I call the help line. Day 3 after Ec is never kind to me xx

@alig1961 I’ve not experienced this but I think it’s always worth a call to them with any side effects you’re not sure about to either get some advice on how to deal with it or just put your mind at rest.x

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Sounds like it’s definitely worth a call, I hope you’re ok x

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Wow seems like I missed loads while I was lumping on the couch recovering from my last EC. Definitely feel way more tired and took longer to recover this round compared to previous ones, probably the cumulative fatigue my oncologist warned me about…

All these talk of salty snacks and no one mentioned cheddar biscuits?! I’ve been going through packs of Jacob’s Cheddars whilst watching the olympics!

@donna_51 I didn’t really feel any different when I took my lorazepam just a bit more relaxed and could sleep very well. I’m on the lowest dose at 0.5mg though (and was given a pill cutter as the hospital only has 1mg on prescription). So maybe its also the dosage you’re on that is giving you those feeling?

@charlie22 Bummed to hear about your treatment. Hopefully the new regime you’re on makes a difference. Sending you lots of hugs!

@lolac It’s definitely ok to cry, sorry to hear about your situation and I can only imagine how hard it is to cancel a trip you were so looking forward to. Rest up and hope you recover well!! Hugs!!


I’m On 1mg of loprazem twice a day and I feel spaced out. But I’d rather that than the sickness. I’ve been give nose drops to try and aid unblocking my right ear. Fingers crossed. Xx

I’ve just had a McDonald’s banana milkshake. Lush xx


I just wanted to say how much I LOVE our messages… no matter how positive or negative, they all give me a boost. It’s soooo nice and comforting to know I’m not alone and we’re side by side with all this :two_hearts:

The chats about food really give me those glimmers that someone mentioned previously… it’s silly stuff but when your world has the lights turned down, those little lightening moments really help.

And I am open to every suggestion going … mini cheddars!!! Not even on my radar but now are + MacDs milkshakes… now there’s a plan for the weekend I can work with!!!

Happy Friday all of you lovely ladies xx


I ve had a good day 3 so far but now it’s crashing down and I just want to cry. I know I’m allowed to but my headache and deaf ear is now getting the better of me. I can hear my hubby and daughter singing to take that and I want them to be quiet. How selfish of me. Roll on bed time xx

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As it’s our favourite topic of conversation at the moment I thought I’d share a little pic of me……with cake :yum: Managed a family meal at the Spanish restaurant we found - had this lush Spanish orange cake!

@alig1961 hang in there. I hope the medication kicks in soon and you’re feeling a bit better.xxx


A fab picture of you and cake. That’s picked me up a little. You look like you’re having an amazing g time. Xxx


@alig1961 sorry you feel rotten this evening. :pleading_face: Could you tolerate headphones of some sort to block out noise or would that make things worse?

@wjs fab photo - and you look pretty good too :rofl::rofl: Seriously though, you do look wonderful and your hair is really good!! No hairband!!


Ah thank you @pat. Lots of make-up :laughing: I feel a fair bit has come out this week - nearly a bald bit showing on top so I think it won’t be long til the big hair band!x

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