June 2024 chemo starters

@pat I’m on the same injections x7 starting day 4. Usually that’s when I feel lousy and have to tell myself these jabs will do me good!

@alig1961 glad you’re feeling a bit better - I don’t get antibiotics after?

Off for session 4 after lousy night with steroids - feeling warm but decided that’s because I’m tired - hopefully not a temperature :face_with_thermometer:

Best wishes all x


@rrey I’ve had 3 EC and have just moved onto Docetaxel. I haven’t had any scans and none have been mentioned

@alig1961 no antibiotics for me

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@collywobbles good luck. Will be thinking of you. X
@pat ive been told that I’ll be given preventative antibiotics. Interesting :thinking:

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@alig1961 it is interesting. I’ll ask when I go next why there may be a difference. I’ve not had any infections since starting chemo and my bloods have always been ok. Maybe it’s just personal preference for the Oncologist as with the number of Filgrastim?


Positive note forgot to mention. I visited the prosthetic lady yesterday - 3 times to hospital this week :crazy_face:- had my boobs balanced up :joy: my new one is a bit more pert - other one goes towards gravity!! Anyway for my swimmers I have a full silicone thing to slip in which goes next to my skin! In clothes I’m fine and they look good without help. She did say the mastectomy Bras and swimmers are a bit expensive and just as good to find ordinary swimmers or bras them with the little pockets so you can tuck the silicone in there if needed just what I found out - nice lady. Also can get it updated in a couple years if needed or if put on/lose weight. Amazing :heart:


@alig1961 no antibiotics, just the steroids and I’m expecting more injections. I’ve only had minor side effects so far on EC as in nothing that’s needed any extra treatment etc so don’t know if that makes a difference.x


@pat how are you are your first treatment on Monday & today for @wjs? Hope the symptoms aren’t too bad x I imagine lots of sleeping involved? X

Hi all

Ive had no preventative antibiotics so far.

Only one injection whilst on EC - 24 hours after chemo. None for Pax

And no scans - but i think thats because my nodes were clear when they took them - my chemo is preventative as grade 3 - my oncotype dx results showed that chemo would be of real benefit… doesnt feel like it at the moment if im honest…

For those just starting pax - i did have a mild reaction just as i got to the end of my 2nd dose - so day 8. My husband said it was like i was drugged and very spaced out and dozy… anyway the nurses were fab & dealt with it so quickly - no messing about, but it will mean that my next dose will have to be delivered slower…

But im off on holiday for a week on the south coast visiting family near Eastbourne - i cant tell you how relieved i am we are able to go!
The sea is calling me!
A week off havibf treatment & cancer!!
Cant wait xx


@collywobbles started my 8 Steroids :woman_facepalming: today. Treatment is tomorrow. Hoping for some sleep tonight! Will update on how it goes.x

Just had a letter on the Patient portal thing cancelling an appointment with the radiotherapy team at end of September. Didnt even know I had an appointment as never received a letter :woman_facepalming::laughing: I least I know to look out for a rearranged date now!

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I had my Docetaxel on Monday. Tuesday and Wednesday good with no problems. Today sleepy, very achy and stiff, as if I’ve run 157 marathons :rofl::rofl: and some tummy issues this afternoon. But no lightheadedness, dizziness or palpitations so overall I’d say much better than EC!!!


Hi @rrey … I didn’t have a MRI scan but I have had two CT scans … only because after my first chemo round my breast which the tumour was in got really inflamed and the lump felt huge. So they sent me for an ultrasound which showed the tumour had grown considerably within a small amount of time. So then I insisted on a CT (they did say no to an MRI straight off) scan to check if it had spread … luckily they agreed as they did then find some other bits … enlarged lymph node in same breast, thickening of tissue in my hip bone and in left lung shadowing around a node … which I still actually know what that is as like you they won’t do further tests until chemo has completely stopped - I did have a FNA for the breast node but due to is position, it was really deep and hard to get to apparently, they couldn’t pull enough feels out to test definitely unfortunately. But I have had yet another CT scan which did show good shrinkage in the tumour and reduction in the nodes. Hopefully you can reach a comprise with your medical team … even if it’s just a way to put your mind at rest! :crossed_fingers:t3:

So had my first EC on Wednesday… infusion itself was fine … in fact loads better then my others :raised_hands:t3: got home felt fine … had a little nap and then woke to the MOST horrendous nausea I’ve ever experienced … which went on all afternoon … luckily managed to sleep ok and then yesterday was fine … slight nausea but I think the steroids and anti-sickness really helped. Slightly tired but managed a few dozes yesterday. Tried to do my injection - completely ballsed that up :see_no_evil::weary::rofl: so have to go upto the hospital pharmacy this morning for another one … going to ask if they will sit with me and do it… feel like a blooming idiot but hey ho … sure I’m not the only one!! :grimacing::rofl:

So so far so good… well as good as these blooming things are :roll_eyes: I’m mean I’m not skipping about in joy and full of energy but I’m also up and about :sweat_smile:… so keeping all crossed carries on :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3:

Sounds like those that have changed are also having positive experiences as well which is grand … and just think most of us only have a few more cycles/ months to go … I have 3 left now … so looking to end last cycle on October 23rd … NEARLY there :muscle:t3::sweat_smile::muscle:t3::sweat_smile:

Keep going ladies :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::muscle:t3:


@pat I bumped into a lady I know on our estate yesterday who had breast cancer 15 years ago. She didn’t cold cap and lost her hair but told me after round 5 it started to grow back. So just thought I’d mention it. If you have decided to shave then hopefully it won’t be too long before it’s coming back. If you haven’t then maybe you’ll get away with head scarves or something until the bald patches start to fill in.x


Glad everyone doing okay (ish!!) … hopefully as we move into Autumn (yay), we can all start to see the end!?? I’m doing ok in week two after pax except for itchy arms which I presumed was summer bug type stuff but it was actually the pax and I’ve had to take piriton. My onc talked about radiotherapy and when it could be etc… @wjs I wonder if that’s what it is as apparantly there’s a waiting list!

We also discussed how soon after my last dose (end of sept if all goes to plan) I can get back to ‘normal’ and he said about 2 weeks after the last dose, I can just get on with whatever I want… well, amazing news. I just presumed I’d have to take it easy for ages but he said get out there and get back to netball and work and start living again. So I suddenly had a real burst of imagining a normal life again… not being tied to a picc line or hospital appointments and also feeling like me again. Whoooo of course, it will take more than that for me to pick up the shattered pieces of my life, but good news, is good news and I’m taking it!!!

@bettyb24 you have a fab time. I’m in Brighton so we know Eastbourne, gorgeous place. Breathe in that sea air and be glad to be alive.

@charlie22 I was never going to do my own injection so well done for doing it yourself. I’m a woos and look away and think of nice things whilst my hubby jabs it in! Good luck with the 2nd one.

I’ve also not had any anti-biotics… it’s strange how it’s all so different depending on where you are and who your oncologist is. But thank goodness for our wonky, clapped out old NHS ey? We couldn’t be without it.

And who is it that was watching the US Presidential Election? How fab is Kamala Harris!!! Strong powerful woman … surely she can topple Trump!!!

xx to all xx


Have a good day everybody. Love to all :heart:


@donna_51 They told me it’s usually about 4 weeks after but maybe that’s why then. Hopefully not too long a wait. I also asked the nurse when I could go back into work after my last treatment (4 Oct) and she said at 3 weeks the immune system should be getting back to normal. I feel like there a small light at the end of the tunnel!x


I’m so pleased @wjs :grinning:

Hello everyone! I hope everyone’s having a good Friday and managing to keep the side effects at bay!

Just wanted to pop on here to say a huge thank you - I’ve been rubbish at keeping up to date with the thread lately - so I haven’t been helpful at all! But when starting out my chemotherapy treatment 3 months ago - this thread with such a strong group of women really helped me feel not alone. You’re all amazing!!

I finished up 12 weeks of chemo on Tuesday, and also had my first 3 month scan of my other breast. Though there are cysts there - there’s nothing to be concerned about. The family were all around to celebrate - it was joyous and wonderful and many tears were shed! I also still have lots of hair thankfully due to the cold cap - so anyone doubting the cap - keep going!

Now getting ready for my wedding in 2 weeks, and my 30th 2 weeks after that, though the thought of ‘normal’ life is scary!

I hope everyone manages to enjoy the accomplishment of finishing chemo soon enough. No matter what stage in the treatment plan this comes. It’s a great achievement!

Sending lots of love! K xx


@kcg0610 Huge congratulations. Love your picture and love the t shirts. Hopefully as the weeks tick by we will start to see more beautiful photos of people celebrating the end of their chemo. Great news about your results too. Good luck with the wedding and enjoy your special birthday. :heart:


Great news that you’ve completed your treatment @kcg0610, congratulations! I hope that you have the best wedding and celebrate your 30th in style.