June 2024 chemo starters

Hi all,
Lovely to have caught up this afternoon and to hear lots of you have done well with the change of drugs.
@charlie22 sorry to hear about the nausea, hopefully if you tell the nurses they can give you something extra next time as they’ve said to me that they should be able to control it.

I had my first weekly Paclitaxol on Tuesday and, touch wood, so far I’ve been ok, except for blood shot and achey eyes-but I think that may be from some eye drops a nurse recommended me as since I stopped using them they have calmed down. But, I have developed very watery eyes since starting chemo, and the corners of them are getting really sore. I assume it may be as I’m losing eye lashes, although I still seem to have a lot. Anyone got any suggestions of what i can try to use to help me?

@pat I love the meme of no rules on what you can put on a to do list!

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@kcg0610 what a great photo. Congratulations on reaching the end. Have a fabulous wedding and 30th and wish you all the best adapting back into your normal life.x

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HUGE congratulations to you @kcg0610 … fabulous picture … and good luck with the wedding and your 30th … hope they are fabulous celebrations… you absolutely deserve it :muscle:t3::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Thanks @ljlj … definitely will be asking for some stronger medication next time … the meds I have for the days start seem to be holding good so far … last day of my steroids tomorrow so we will see what the crash will be like Sunday :weary::rofl: I’ve no advice about the eyes I’m afraid… but I definitely am experiencing similar… I also think I’ve lost quite a few but when I put mascara on they don’t seem as bad! But I’m only wearing that now for “special leaving the house” occasions… and by special somewhere where the possibility of seeing loads of people may be or where I can’t hide behind sunglasses … so yeah the supermarket :see_no_evil::rofl::rofl: living the dream :roll_eyes::rofl: I’ve also noticed my brows definitely thinning…. But that’s one thing I absolutely cannot walk about without so have ordered some from DMuse to have on hand!

Hope everyone has a lovely weekend … I am toddler free tomorrow… he is going to stop at grandads for the full day and night and my partner is working all day and night and my two big kids are back home from a week camping in Norfolk with their dad tomorrow afternoon so a bit of quality time with just us three… so really looking forward to that and having a big lazy morning and napping before they arrive home :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Take care everyone :heart:


@kcg0610 … your picture brought tears to my eyes. What brilliant news that you have finished and were able to celebrate with your loved ones. I’m glad that this group could help you through this awful time … but you did it!!! You are going to have a FANTASTIC wedding and birthday. You will be so happy and loving each moment without the shadow of chemo hanging over you :two_hearts:

As for normal life, you will find your way but make sure it’s your way! It will take time to rebuild a new (& improved!) life but you’ll get there in your own time. So happy for you girl :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


@ljlj If you scroll up someone recommended some eye drops as it is the reduced lashes that makes our eyes dry. I noticed that my ears are constantly feeling ‘dirty’ and realised that I’ve lost the little hairs in there too. All this hair that makes a difference!!!

@charlie22 enjoy that chilled out morning with your older ones. Sounds lovely.

Happy (rainy - yay!) weekend all xx


@kcg0610 great pic, really moving. congrats on finishing, what lovely things to look forward to.

@charlie22 your plan sounds awesome. Toddlers are fab , we wouldn’t be without them but sleepovers are great :laughing:

I definitely noticed watery eyes on pax, i had my last one on Monday and they’re still as bad as ever. I still have eyelashes although probably fewer than I started with. I had a little celebration yesterday with my friends and their little ones , a Nosecco fuelled play date :laughing: all very emotional . It’s been a week of weepiness, I wish I could say its been a week of sunshine and rainbows. Perhaps the adrenaline has faded now…
I have picked up a good tip this week, for anyone needing travel Insurance try insurancewith. Their questions feel relevant and appropriate, you don’t have to talk to some dry clueless call handler and the price for me was comparable with normal travel insurance (even though I’ve still got treatment to go, mastectomy to remove occult tumour and herceptin) not hundreds like most of the “specialist” Insurers.


Absolutely @kaydee82 … although starting feeling a little lost around bedtime … didn’t know what to do with myself :rofl:

Thanks for the travel tip … we’re planning for a nice holiday next year but not sure whether to hold on booking till after Xmas!

Have I understood right and you’ve now finished chemo then? If so congratulations… did you ring the bell? I’m not surprised your emotions have been all over … totally understandable :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: good luck with your surgery … one step closer to the end :muscle:t3::heart:

@charlie22 yep chemo all done. Very reassured to see donna_51 say her docs said it only takes a couple of weeks to feel more normal . Can’t wait!


@kcg0610 wonderful news! Love the photo :clinking_glasses: best wishes for your special birthday and wedding - exciting times ahead!!

Nice to hear a few are starting to get to the end of treatment and less hospital appointments - keep planning those special times in.

@ljlj on the eyes front I went to the chemist and they recommended Optrex antibiotic- small bottle and I telephoned my team and they said I could use it - you have to keep it in the fridge - I’ll look for the picture.

Off today for an tea and cake (of course!) afternoon at our local sailing club (sounds posh buts it’s a hall run by volunteers!) all in aid of BREAST CANCER NOW - we’ve all made cakes and the hall looks fab. I should’ve taken photos last night. This group has been amazing and I’m so pleased I joined it - it will be nice to give something back and raise lots of pennies for everything they do.

Happy Sunday all xx


@kaydee82 congratulations on reaching the end of your chemo. Hope you can plan some nice things in between the rest of your treatment and thanks for the travel insurance tip.x

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Congratulations to you too on finishing chemo, I hope the side effects wear off asap and you feel normal soon!
Thanks too for letting us know about insurancewith, I had read about them so good to hear first had that they’re not hugely expensive as I could really do with booking a holiday and having something to look forward to

@collywobbles thanks- I scrolled back and found the picture, I will give them a try! Hope your afternoon of tea and cake (for a good cause) went well!

@charlie22 I hear you on mascara for special occasions. It’s always been my armour to have my mascara on but I very rarely put it on now unless I’m likely to see a load of people who I don’t want to scare!
The skin on my face seems so dry too, despite plying it with moisturiser all day it just absorbs it and dries up again.

To end on a positive, one of my best friends flew over from Australia to spend the last week with me which has been amazing & a good distraction. Sadly he heads home today, but I’ve had a lovely time with extra company and it’s just so nice that he jumped on a plane to come and hang out!

Hope everyone’s weeks go ok! It will be September at the end of the week & I cannot wait for autumn to roll in so I’m able to wear my bobble hats!


@ljlj I’m so glad you’ve had a good week with your friend.

I am emerging from the 7 day chemo haze following my first Docetaxel and to be honest it’s been better overall than the EC. I’m very, very tired, though whether this is due to the Docetaxel or a cumulative tiredness I don’t know. The main problem is that I seem to have developed Peripheral Neuropathy. I have been trying to ignore it but after a 2 hour episode of pain and leg twitching last night I think I have to accept it. It is frightening me to death, both that I’ll have it forever, or that they’ll have to stop treatment and the cancer will get out of control - yes my mind is going there :roll_eyes::see_no_evil: As I’m diabetic I’m at increased risk so of course it’s happened :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: I’ll have to admit to it, though I’m tempted not to, so I’ll give them a ring tomorrow. :cry:


@pat I’m day 3 now from the first Docetaxel. I’m feeling quite washed out but nothing too major so far, apart from my mouth/taste buds being a bit weird. Mind you my sleeps a bit hit and miss - mostly due to a colleague at work causing a bit of stress though I think. Work have been great but she’s playing on my mind a bit. Feel a bit achy today but that’s due to the first injection. As I suspected I now have 7 :see_no_evil: I hope you manage to get the Neuropathy issue sorted without it interfering with your treatment. Totally understand your mind going into panic mode though.x


@wjs @pat hi. Glad to hear docetaxel isn’t treating you both as badly as EC. I have my first dose on Wednesday and I’m scared stiff. I’m just praying for no nausea.
Sorry to hear about the pain in your legs Pat. Fingers crossed they can sort this for you. I think I read that cooling your hands and feet may help. Let us know how you get on with the helpline. Sending hugs :hugs: xx


Anyone painted their nails a dark colour to try and prevent nail damage from UV?

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@alig1961 I have. The nurse recommended this to me on Friday. Good luck for Wednesday.x🤞🏻

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@pat … I was/am terrified of neuropathy (sp!) and discussed it at length with my onc before pax. He said they can adjust the dose if it becomes a problem. So far I’ve had really hot (like I’ve walked on hot sand!) and itchy feet, especially at night. If it continues definitely mention it to your team as they can do stuff to help. I personally do not want anything permanent from all this … it’s a personal choice but I don’t want to be constantly reminded of 2024 with any permanent damage. I also use my hands a lot at work and play netball, not being able to do either of those would make life pretty grim for me. So talk it through… don’t put up with stuff as things can be done :two_hearts:

Glad everyone is doing fairly ok. PAC is definitely much much better for me … week 2 had been amazing and I’ve got out and an a lot more. I went to a local mini festival on Saturday with a cheesy abba band and danced for an hour (pink wig again!!), singing along. Started crying during Chiquitita - for those of you that don’t know the song, it’s all about life being crap but you get over it with the ‘sun shining above you’ … hubby thought I was mad, clearly the sentiment lost on him!!!

September round the corner, kids soon back at school, bobble hats, end of 2024 in sight. We’ve got this team June - with cake!!! :two_hearts:


Thanks @donna_51. I have nothing in my hands so far which would be a disaster as my main hobby is sewing. I actually only have symptoms for a couple of hours in the evening/when I go to bed but I’m now convinced that I’ve got a lifetime, if I survive, of painful weird feet. It seems that for the first time since diagnosis I have gone down a big black hole - not quite sure why. There had been no tears, which in itself I thought was a bit weird, but this week I am on the verge of tears all the time :roll_eyes: On Thursday I did an online makeup/skincare Look Good/Feel better course. I hoped it would give me a boost but precipitated the mood crash for reasons unknown. I can’t even have nice cake as everything tastes of cardboard :sob: - not that it will stop me buying some :rofl: I’m sure things will improve so thanks for listening all :heart::heart::kissing_heart:

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Cake day was good - lovely to see so many donate and buy tea and cake - good to give something back as we go through all this rubbish!

Happy BH Monday. Pleased to hear @ljlj you had a good week with your friend and found the picture of the eye drops. Good luck - hope they get sorted.

@pat sorry to hear about the neuropathy- I would definitely phone the team as they do seem to have solutions for lots of the side effects - I hope it subsides soon.

@alig1961 good luck with your first round of docextal…. Let’s hope it’s more kind to you. You do get given anti sickness drugs before and to go home with so fingers crossed for you. What’s this about dark nail varnish - I thought you weren’t meant to wear any??

Last night first of my 7 injections this round - still counting down - 26 left to have which is good out of what started at 60! I will still never get used to them :crazy_face: but they’re going me good!