June 2024 chemo starters

The T treatment is supposed to be more toxic than the EC and as a result can damage your nail beds and nails can fall off. Some people including onc nurses and people who did the look good feel better course (nail care) say that if you paint your nails a dark colour it prevents uv light from damaging them whilst on this treatment. However, there is also the belief that if you paint them dark you can’t see how your nail beds are looking and so you could miss infections. I don’t know what to do. I’ve painted my toe nails black but then realised that we’re heading into autumn and will probably have my toes covered. My nails are the best they’ve ever been as I’m using oil every day and strengthening varnish as well as a clear top coat. I hate dark colours on my hands. Xx

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@alig1961 what is T treatment- I’m sorry some terminology I don’t understand? I didn’t realise it was UV that caused it the nails to deteriorate - I clearly don’t know enough!!

Funnily enough my nails are the best they’ve been too. Toenails apparently grow much slower so any impact to them is normally later? Hence why I painted mine red :crazy_face: but keep my finger nails with oil and Sally Hansen clear strengthener so I can see them.

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T is short for docetaxel or paclitaxel. Every day a school day :joy:


Ha ha @alig1961 … every day a school day!!! We learn so much stuff !!! I’ve got polybalm to use but so far no issues with nails even though I’ve only dabbed it on when I remember! On the look good course I did they said the painting nails a dark colour wouldn’t make a difference but oiling them would!!! Try anything I say!!!

Fab @collywobbles … how lovely to see support and money raised. I will definitely be giving back/paying forward when I finish my treatment. How nice you were part of it and of course, the cakes looked amazing.

@pat … the lovely black hole. I’ve been in and out of one since February when this all started. Anything can tip me into it but it’s because we’re physically and mentally exhausted with it all. Months and months of this means we aren’t thinking like we usually do so don’t fret - it’s a bad day/week, that’s all. The trick is to accept that thoughts and feelings are random at the moment and plan to stay away from the black hole as much as possible when life gets back to ‘normal’.
Good that the neuropathy is only temporary… my team said that it’s only when it’s constant that you should be concerned - and even then they’re not too worried as it generally does go!



@donna_51 thank you. Im going to phone my BCN tomorrow.

My lovely husband went to the supermarket today and came back with Party Rings, Jammie Dodgers, Crumpets, Blueberry Cookie Magnums and a Ferrero Rocher Chocolate bar. He said he hedged his bets on me being able to taste one of them! :rofl: I’m so lucky with him :heart:


@alig1961 indeed learn something new everyday! Thankyou x

Amazing effort! x

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Not sure how to do a new post…
But started on docetaxal on Friday and been so so so achey with my legs…
it’s quite unbearable…
Any advice???
Got massively constipated too and had to have an enema so can’t do codine…
not really coping very well with this one…


@charley my first Friday too. Must admit I’ve felt really washed out today and achey. I did call the helpline to check everything normal which it was. I did take some paracetamol earlier and was told I could take some Ibruprofen tonight but my aches don’t sound as bad as yours so might be worth calling them to see what they recommend you can take? I have to keep an eye on my temperature though when taking these.

Re the constipation, I’ve had it mildly and find a mint tea helps me. Hopefully it will pass soon and we will start to feel a bit more normal again.xx

Anyone watched the Amy Dowden documentary tonight? A hard watch and made me cry but an inspiration too.x


Hi everyone

Checking in to see how you are all doing ? anyone finishing treatment soon ?

Hi @charley
I have been through 4 cycles of EC and now 2 cycles of paclitaxel - 2 more to go. I have been having treatment every 2 weeks.
I have found all the treatments have made me constipated (i err this way in general before diagnosis) - As soon as i am on treatment day I take a Movicol drink each day for the first week (i get this prescribed at the hospital) and that helps me, along with eating well - lots of fresh veg and fruits. On occasion I have had 2 drinks, that seems to help me and get me sorted by end of the first week but is uncomfortable feeling in tummy and bloated. The team have said i can take a dulcolax if i need to but I havent had to as yet.
I am trying not to take too many other medications as feel I am taking a lot already with the chemo! I do have to take Omeprazole as i got awful heartburn/indigestion and these have worked.
For the aches and pains that I am getting on paclitaxel I am taking paracetamol and ibuprofen - i tend to need to take every 4 hours from day 4 to day 7 or 8 just to get through.
Trying to do even a small walk and/or some home stretching yoga when i can helps with everything, but some days I just dont have the energy or motivation - at the moment my day 8 onwards i start to feel more normal and can do a bit more…
This 2nd cycle i had an allergic reaction to my chemo when being administered - dont know if that has made the difference but i have some tingling in hands and feet this time and had an awful low mood last week, just sick of the monotony of feeling rubbish, couple of days of ok and then off we go, and it feeling never ending, but feeling better now - ready for next treatment next week!

Hope things improve for you. I have been harsh and judgemental on myself at times, that definitely hasnt helped me. And I find people telling me I am brave is quite frustrating - not brave, just no choice - but trying to change up my attitude - i know better than this but equally just have to be human and go with it and be gentle with myself too.

Here’s to better days for everyone xxx


Bloods really really low (0.6 when they need to be 1.5 +) today so no 2nd pax treatment… feeling really really upset AND feel bloody stupid as I’ve been telling everyone that I can see the end and now I can’t see the end anymore. Feel like I’ve jinxed it all somehow as for a while I was feeling positive and planning my life again…

@nicd I too am SICK of being told I’m brave and how ‘amazing’ I am throughout this, as if I ever had a choice.

Struggling to feel at all positive now… this all absolutely sucks :frowning:


@Donna51 So sorry for you, I haven’t had a delay in my treatment, as yet… but its there as a worry each time and I know we just want to get through. How frustrating. But not stupid - you are absolutely not that… and I personally dont believe you’ve jinxed it, appreciate that might be how it feels but it just is what it is.
Have a cry and a wallow if you want/need to but then I hope you can find something to try and take your mind off - or someone to hang out with to help lift you.
Big huge hugs xxx

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Thank you @nicd for your lovely reply…
I hear all this… especially the “ brave “ toxic positivity but people don’t know what to say… it’s such a rubbish time…
Sorry you had a reaction… can you have it again?
I feel so over all this but know there’s years of treatments to come and sometimes it’s all too much…the thought of it.
I have some senna now and that’s helped with the BMs! Thankfully
Will try and do some gentle exercises to see if this helps with the achey legs…
It’s the last week of the school holidays and I just wish I could do things with my kids…


I’m sorry for your delay , what a bummer.
This is such a tough journey…
I do wonder why some people have weekly treatment , some fortnightly and some three weekly? Like me?
Hope your bloods get better soon xx

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Hey how you getting on with your EC/AC? Xx

Hi @donna_51
Just wanted to say I’m sorry about your news. It’s shit ! You e picked yourself up from this before and will do again. You have to have faith in the system. It’s always good to be positive and you still are, it’s just dwindled a bit which is completely understandable, but you’ve got this. Really wish I could say something more inspirational and that would make you feel a bit better. Don’t feel like I’ve got my Wonder Woman pants on today though. Paralympic’s start tomorrow though which I’m sure you’ll enjoy. Try and keep smiling, the June group are with you. Big hugs :hugs: xx

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Hi everyone … just popping on to say hi and like most of you, i think, I am in the pit of despair … I feel absolutely shocking (6 days post EC treatment) … I literally have nothing in me … I have never felt so weak … both physically and mentally … so whilst I can’t offer any advise or supportive words right now … please know I am thinking of all of you … and praying to whoever and whatever we can all get through the next few days (at least) … keep strong ladies … sending love and strength :revolving_hearts::muscle:t3:


Hi @charlie22
EC wasn’t kind to me. When you asked about it, I didn’t what to give you all my details because we are all so different. But, I think I can say that I had every side effect going. If you what to ask any specific questions, please feel free.
The thing that I think is important more than anything is to try and stay hydrated and eat fibre when you feel you can. I incorporated fig rolls, fruit and fibre, sweetcorn and prunes into my daily diet to help my digestive system but I also know that you may not feel like eating. The onc nurse told me to sip on water and full fat coke when I was really struggling. Day 9 was when I started to feel better but it was day 11 before I could venture out. I realised on cycle 3 that even though I was bored, I helped myself by taking it easy until day 11. When I went out in day 8 or 9 I just seemed to take 2 steps back.
Take it easy and be kind to yourself. Big hugs xx


Well done for raising money for breast care now. The hall looked amazing. What a fab thing to be part of.
I had a nosy at where your sailing club is and then scrolled through the gallery pics. You live in a fabulous part of the uk. My favourite place on planet Earth is the Isle of Wight so seeing the Needles in one of the pictures makes me very jealous. We had to cancel our May holiday to the IOW and won’t be able to go in May next year due to my daughter’s exams. I miss it so much. It’s my happy place. Sail round the Needles for me xx