June 2024 chemo starters

@donna_51 I hope that you get news soon about when you can get on with the chemo. I’ve been told I need a 6 monthly infusion of something or other, plus years of tablet for something else but I’m blanking all that from my mind at the moment as I haven’t even had my surgery yet so feel almost like I’m still at the beginning :roll_eyes:

You’ve made me want a scone now so I’ll have venture out later to procure 1 or 3 for myself. The perfect accompaniment to the last 2 episodes of Bridgerton I think :grin:

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I just watched the Queen Charlotte spin off. That was good. Enjoy your scone x

@charley I loved the Queen Charlotte series!

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First docetaxol done. It seemed never ending. But luckily no allergic reactions as of yet. Fingers crossed :crossed_fingers:. Feel very tired. I think I need a nap when I get home. Remembered to take my lunch and dexomethasone with me so still had steroids at 12pm. Forgot to take my old sharps box though. So much to remember. X


@alig1961 well done on doing your first one!! I have found that I’ve have been much tireder after this cycle and have been having a nap every afternoon - now 10 days post first Docetaxel. Having said that I didnt feel I got back to ‘normal’ after the last EC which I did on the 2 previous cycles, so maybe its cumulative. After a bad afternoon yesterday I have definitely felt much better today. I even cleaned the kitchen, not terribly well but lumps and stains have been removed, filled the car with petrol and posted a parcel, which is about 1000 times more than I’ve done for 10 days! My mood is a bit better too :grin:

Could you just pop your sharps box into a local chemist??

Edit to say - My husband just told me that he found the slip for the Evri parcel i just posted in the fridge, so maybe not quite firing on all cylinders :woman_facepalming:t2:


@alig1961 glad you’ve got through the first one ok. Like @pat I’ve been much more tired. Normally bounced back by now but only just felt like I’ve turned a bit of a corner this afternoon. I spoke to the helpline the other day to check how I was feeling was normal. They also said it could be a build up of all the treatments taking its toll. Well done on your blast of energy today though Pat even if you did file the Evri slip in the fridge :laughing:

I’ve had a slightly off tummy too and the weird taste in the mouth thing which I have avoided til now - if there’s any tips on what to do about that I’d appreciate it!

Had my rearranged appointment come through for my radiotherapy today. Weird to start thinking about the next step after chemo.x

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@wjs I have had quite bloated tummy and find that I feel full up after eating very little. Today I didn’t eat until lunchtime, which is what I did on EC, and I didn’t have a colic or runny :poop: - sorry tmi - but still had a bloated tummy.

I also have the weird taste - I thought I may have oral thrush but it seems to have improved over the last couple of days. Iced drinks, lots of fluids and sharp tastes are things I’ve found helped.


@pat and @wjs
How has your sleeping been? Anything g to note? I’m going to be hot on my oral hygiene this cycle and like you said, I didn’t get back to my normal self after the last EC. I just really want less nausea and constipation on this treatment and no aggrevated piles. I hope that isn’t too much to ask :roll_eyes:xxx

Thanks for the info @pat

@alig1961 the sleeping has been better than I thought given the increase in steroids. I wake up maybe a couple of times in the night, but getting a reasonable amount of sleep. I am shattered when I go to bed though. I’m with you re the piles :face_with_peeking_eye: Just want my stomach and everything else to feel normal! Sorry if tmi :see_no_evil:

On a positive note I received a parcel of the Richard Osman Murder Club books today from my friend. I’m all about the crime dramas :laughing:

Hope everyone else is doing ok and coping with any new routines.x


@alig1961 I had very little sleep for the on the first night of steroids and the night of the treatment but have had no problems sleeping since then.

Didn’t have much nausea with the EC but absolutely none with the Docetaxel.

Constipation wasn’t a problem for me - quite the opposite :see_no_evil: - so i can’t offer any help there.

I was given a very soft bamboo toothbrush and it’s made a real difference to my gums particularly. They are much less sore. It felt quite weird initially but I’m sure it cleans my teeth properly. Bamboo Toothbrushes UK | from earth to earth

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@wjs the Thursday murder club books are fab. You must read them now before the first film comes out. Enjoy !

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I don’t read crime fiction. I’m more of a family saga girl myself, but perhaps I
I should give these a try as I keep hearing about how good they are!

@pat. These books are light and the characters era are so beautiful and heart warming. The last book is a difficult emotional read but still great. Give them a go xxx
Thank you both re advice. Xx


Hi @donna_51 just a quick text to see how you are. No need to reply if you do t feel up to it. Just letting you know that we’re thinking of you xx

Thanks @alig1961 … been on a bit of a downer with moments of okayishness! I’ve mentally adapted my end date and it looks like a half term jaunt without the shadow of chemo is out… so fed up about that. I am just so sick of feeling not ok … and bored with all my thoughts… I just want to feel free. Sigh… it’s like doing a marathon, seeing the end, then being told there’s another loop you weren’t expecting before you can finish!!! :frowning:

Physically though… Pax is much better than EC. I even think my hair is growing slightly (wishful thinking maybe?) I definitely have more wind though… tmi but we’re used to sharing now! Honestly, I can let them rip big time! Previously they’d be dainty ladylike farts that I could blame on the dog!!!

@pat did you finish Bridgeton with a scone?!!

Paralympics on now… bliss… nice to see others conquering all to do well and live life to the full :slight_smile:


@donna_51 sorry you’re having a rubbish time of it at the moment but glad the Pax is treating you a bit more kindly. Fingers crossed re the hair! Hope you feel a bit more back on track soon. Honestly, everyone’s tmi posts make me laugh as I’m like yep not just me then :face_with_peeking_eye:

I’m struggling this week, probably why I’m on here so much, you’re all keeping me going! Think it might be more to do with those awful injections though. 3 more to go! As much as I’ve enjoyed wfh I’ve took some time out this week. Am currently in bed hoping to get some energy back and hoping my stomach will settle down a bit today - sick of the mint tea - want a proper Yorkshire tea!x

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I’m wrapped up warm sat outside watching my hubby garden. That’s all the energy I have but at least it’s fresh air. I’m bored. Desperately need normality again now. I know it’s coming but is just taking too long. Fed up of weeing constantly too. Xx

There’s a look good feel better online course on Sept 10th about scalp care and re growth. It was cancelled last month. Maybe something to enroll in and look forward to x

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@donna_51 sorry you’re feeling down still but glad the side effects are not as bad! I am windier too but mine is coming up rather than down :woman_facepalming:t2: The bloated tummy has eased a lot today as has the extreme tiredness :grin: I’m still tired but dont feel like crying if I realise I need a trip to the loo.

@alig1961 sitting outside watching someone else garden is a great pastime. I find I do feel better if I get fresh air. I’ve stopped almost or not quite making it to the loo and things are back to normal so hopefully that won’t be too long for you.

@wjs sorry you’re feeling down. Lots of us seem to have been through that recently. Lots of hugs to you :hugs: :hugs::hugs: I finished my 7 Filgrastim injections on Tuesday and have definitely felt better since. I didn’t seem to have any effects from it on EC but :woman_shrugging: if it had an effect this time.

I’ve booked myself onto a face to face skincare and makeup Look good Feel better course next Tuesday :flushed::flushed: God knows why because I never wear makeup and a damp flannel around my face and a bit of moisturiser in the morning is the limit of my skincare. I feel very much in 2 minds about it as I’m worried about being with lots of other people with cancer having not been in that situation before. Crazy I know

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It’s a great session. Especially if it’s face to face and out of the house. You get a goodie bag worth about £250. Don’t forget to take your own make up brushes. It’s good to meet up with other likeminded people going through the same thing. I’d love e to meet up with all the lovely June ladies. Xx