June 2024 chemo starters

Thanks! I’ll have a look into them. I haven’t noticed body hair starting to grow back yet…but my oncologist did say that your hair can start growing back when you move from EC to Paclitaxel so fingers crossed! Would like to get some hair back on my head for winter! x

These are the ones I got; Amazon.co.uk x

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Anyone start blubbing watching Princess Kate’s video… ???


@donna_51 yep and the Amy Dowden documentary. I can’t wait till this is all done with. Sick of it. Dreading next week’s side effects after last time :cry:


Anyone else on the LGFB hair re growth course this morning. It’s quite interesting so far.

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@wjs I know what you mean… this is a loooonnnggggg process. 2024 has basically been taken over and I absolutely resent it. I have 2 more to go and for some reason time seems to have slowed down even more!!! I guess it’s physical and mental fatigue with it all. Keep going… one day at a time, we’ll get there. Imagine Xmas… which comes round really really quick!! Failing that imagine 2025 and being free…

@alig1961 what are they saying about re-growth??? I have a fuzzy head at the moment but it seems to have stalled… I can’t wait til I have a skinhead!!!



I was on it but didn’t have my camera on as I’m having treatment today! It was interesting and the lady from Cancer Hair care is so warm. I had to leave as she was discussing AloeVera as I my Oncologist came to see me, what did I miss?

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I’ll see if I can outline the important bits.
You did miss her complimenting me on my wig :joy: and then me removing my wig.

  1. Faith in nature rosemary shampoo and conditioner.
  2. Holland Barrett’s skin nail and hair supplements. Must check with medical teams before use. May have to wait until treatment finished.
  3. Lash serums (don’t buy eyebrow as it will just be the same as Lash) better to use lash as better sensitivity around eye area. Use either UKlash or Rapidlash. Use at night so 7-8 hours to work.
  4. Don’t have to use fragrance free products. Complete myth.
    5 for itchy scalp use tea tree oil.
  5. Don’t be frightened to use mouse on new hair.
  6. Takes about 3 months for hair follicles to reboot. About 3 months will have 1cm of new growth. About 6 months an inch. 9 months short hair style.
  7. Can colour hair if you have an inch and in good condition but can’t use bleach until 2.5-3 inch.
  8. Good hair tonic is Weleda revitalising hair tonic (rosemary)
  9. Healthy diet is good for hair growth.
  10. If facial fuzz grows but you didn’t have it before treatment, use a facial hair cream remover and fingers crossed, it shouldn’t return again. If you had facial hair before, then continue with the way you used to deal with prior to treatment.
    12 it is ok to shave your head so that it is silky smooth, this won’t damage hair regrowth. Use the trimmers with safety guard attached.

Hope that helps. Xxx


Amazing, thanks so much for sharing and well done for braving taking your wig off in front of such a big group :muscle:t3:

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@alig1961 many thanks for all those helpful hints!

I’m slightly concerned though about where I’m going to find a mouse to put on my newly growing hair - see point 5. In the garage maybe? :thinking::wink::joy::kissing_heart:


hi @alig1961 just to say I was in the workshop, recognised you from an earlier post about your wig (I asked about your fringe I think!) I had my wig on but didn’t have the courage you had to remove it! It was useful though and very interesting. I’m in the August group so still have 5 more cycles to go and it’s dragging already :face_with_diagonal_mouth:. On paclitaxel too so bit concerned ec will be worse… :flushed:.


Call myself a teacher? Spelling has never been my thing😂

Hi @anne3. Lovely to put another face to a name. Your wig looks fab. Good luck with the treatments. One thing that I have realised is that we’re all completely different when it comes to side effects. You just don’t know what’s going to happen, so it’s best not to worry is possible. Xx

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@alig1961. thank you - my wig is very like my real hair in colour etc except it’s thicker and looks like my hair on a very good day :joy::joy:

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@anne3 your wig, and you, look beautiful!! I have ordered a wig and am waiting for it to arrive. I’m slightly afraid it may look better than my prechemo, post menopausal hair, in which case I may have to wear it forever :rofl::rofl:


@pat you’re too kind! but yes I might well have to wear mine forever too I think! :joy:


I just wanted to say i agree with some of the other ladies who had EC first then pax.
Pax currently seems to have less severe side effects than EC.
However im struggling with overall fatigue & struggling to concentrate so ive actually gone off full.sick now.

Im also suffering from attacks of horrific night sweats

And im very moody / no patience / very snappy - genetal grot bag tbh.

Anyone else? Any tips? Xx


Hi @bettyb24
I’m in agreement ( as much as I can be). I’m getting terrible night sweats with docetaxel. I’m literally having to towel myself down 2 or 3 times in the night and sleep on a towel too. Luckily since being out of hospital, I’m that tired that I fall straight back to sleep. My husband has permanently removed himself to the spare room so that I can star fish.
I have no advice on how to deal with this. Sorry.


@bettyb24 … yep, fatigue on Pax seems more. I feel a bit like I’m slightly jetlagged all the time … but I’ll take that over the sickness on EC any day!! Brain feels foggy too and when I talk to someone I haven’t seen for a while, I feel like I’m babbling like a drunk person… arghhh…

As for night sweats, maybe a BIG fan with icecubes in front… also have a damp towel to have round your neck as this cools your head. Sorry, no real advice as it’s another sucky thing to have to put up with but try anything! As you’re now off full time, take it easy… ignore everything that needs doing round the house. My 14 year old said ‘when are you going to get back to it after your treatment finishes’? Meaning when am I going to run around after everyone and put myself last… And I thought … NEVER !!! Ha ha …

@pat I too wondered about the mouse… would be cute on a bald head!!! xx


@alig1961 so I seem to be the opposite with the night sweats so far. Awful in EC but side effects not too bad. On Docetaxel the night sweats seemed to have calmed down a bit but side effects were awful.:woman_facepalming:

Only advice I have re them was my trusty little fan off SHEIN that followed me round the house :laughing:

Interesting info from the workshop. I’m using the Weleda hair tonic so encouraging to see that in the list!

Waiting for my phone call for the go ahead for Friday but also dreading the side effects again. Here’s hoping round 2 of the new drugs for everyone is slightly less dramatic :crossed_fingers:t2: