June 2024 chemo starters

Not sure if any of you have come across these. They’re cooling cloths. You soak them in water and then thoroughly ring them out and shake them. You place them on your body and they feel cold. The coldness lasts for ages. When it does warm up you simply shake the cloth again, no more water needed. I used them when I got over hot and felt sick.

YQXCC 3 Pcs Cooling Towel (120x30 cm) Cool Cold Towel for Neck, Microfibre Ice Towel, Soft Breathable Chilly Towel for Yoga, Golf, Gym, Camping, Running, Workout & More Activities https://amzn.eu/d/fgkguAp


Hi everyone, been catching up on messages and am rubbish at remembering who said what so forgive no direct responses.

Thank you for the tips, always helpful to know whats working for others or recommendations.

Ive had x4 EC and due to have x4 paclitaxel. 1st paclitaxel was ok, 2nd one allergic reaction…scary but trust the nurses who were amazing. Lots of steroids and antihistamines, retried treatment over 6 hours and was ok. 3rd treatment due last week, knew I was due for all the drugs and the longer treatment, but allergic reaction again despite that.
My oncologist agreed to my trying a more expensive version of paclitaxel (abraxane), had that last Thursday with success! And guess what, no need for pre meds, no injections, no after meds save for anti sickness and only 30 min infusion!!!
I now have a 3 week break (rather than 2 weeks ive been on previously) amd then last treatment due end of sept …fingers crossed.

Ive not found one better than other, just different. On EC i felt rubbish from get go, gradually felt better after 7 or 8 days and onwards. With paclitaxel ive been ok for couple of days then downhill, lots of aches, although probably less groggy /out of it feeling. Im getting more and more tired but think that may be accumulation and also been told to expect a transfusion as blood cells so low. But im atill trying to volunteer when i can, helping me mentally massively, although probably not resting enough.

On the hair loss, i used cold cap for 3 cycles and was losing hair anyway so stopped. I shaved my head when it was thinning (and got told i looked like a baby orangutan…we have dark humour in my family!) more about 2 weeks later. I wished i’d done it earlier. I found it so liberating, and had no tears even though i thought I would. I have caps amd scarves but im equally happy being out bald (just have to be mindful of the sun, i always cover in the sun). Everyones different, but dont be scared…

For what comes next, ive now got a date mid Oct for my radiotherapy planning scan, don’t know when it will start for 15 rounds/3 weeks, but feeling it cant be worse than chemo either. So looking forward to this finishing and losing the picc line!!

Then spoke to oncologist about drug therapy, he is prescribing tamoxifen for 2 years then 7 years letrizole. I feel unsure but will try , knowing if i feel rubbish i can choose to stop. I just dont want to face the future feeling as bad as the last 6 months when ive been lucky and so well previously. My oncologist understood and was helpful and supportive to talk with.

Thanks for everyone sharing, hope some of mine helps someone, and so sorry for those feeling rubbish. Hold on to there are better days to come, but have a cry when you need to. Much love to all x


@nicd I have the same as you coming up - 15 rounds of radiotherapy. Expecting a call end of Sept with a date for my CT scan. They told me it will be around 4 weeks to start the radiotherapy as it takes time to map it out. I’m looking at beginning of November I think, but definitely after half term. Just waiting for them to confirm a date. My last chemo should be 4 Oct. In the meantime I’ve been given breathing exercises to do to practice holding my breath for periods of 20 seconds. I’m if the same opinion as you - it cannot be as bad as the chemo! The Radiotherapy doctor said the same :slightly_smiling_face: Also looking forward to being PICC line free! I wonder if they take it out on the same day as the last chemo.

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My nurse said it can come out on last treatment day, my oncologist said hed suggest leaving it in for a week ‘just in case’. When i pressed, he said if i got infection after last treatment and needed ab’s. My thought is, my veins arent that bad that i couldnt have a canula so id prefer it out asap…we’ll see. Nurse said healing from picc is quick too!

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I was also told that ‘they’ like to keep the picc line in for a couple of weeks ‘just in case’… I have already said absolutely no way!! That thing is coming out after the last treatment… I am then going to jump in water somewhere, just because I can!!!

Hope it goes ok, tomorrow @ wjs?


Will ask tomorrow and see what they say re the PICC. I guess given how things were last time it might be sensible for me to keep in for a week as my veins are rubbish. Don’t fancy it any longer than that though! As also wondering if it will be healed and ok for me to go in the hot tub on our weekend away at half term. :wink:

They did say they could reduce my dose tomorrow if I’m struggling but that reduces the effectiveness doesn’t it, so said I’d give it another go at full dose. Hopefully if I can get through it without an infection this time it might be more bearable. :pensive: Only one more to do then. Although agree with what you said @donna_51 that although it’s getting closer it still seems forever away and taking ages. I’m really struggling with the stuck at home thing.x

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@wjs I was told that they could reduce the dose by 20% without it affecting the effectiveness of the drug. I do get why you don’t want to reduce, I didn’t either and had the full Docetaxel dose on Monday.

I hope you can get the PICC out for the hot tub! Will you be employing @alig1961 clothing strategy of yellow marigolds and a big smile? :joy:


@pat thank you, that’s good to know. They didn’t tell me that. Will bear that in mind if next week is awful. How are you finding this this time? Hope it’s not too bad for you.

A swimsuit will definitely be required for the hot tub as my family will be in there also and the risk of other holiday makers wandering by :rofl::face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:

@wjs Gosh yes. Don’t want to frighten the horses :joy::joy:

I had my Docetaxel on Monday and felt fine on Tuesday and Wednesday, apart from needing a snooze yesterday afternoon. Today I am very stiff and achy, exactly as last time. As we have nothing on today I have bowed to hubby’s pressure to stay in bed to see if it improves symptoms and tiredness. Slightly annoyingly it has worked and I feel fine! First time I’ve actually stayed in bed rather than the sofa!! He is feeling rather smug!! So, so far, so good. We will have to see what tomorrow brings!!


Good morning. The sun is shining in Shropshire today. I hope it is for everyone.
I’ve just had my appointment with the oncology nurse and she told me that there was nothing I could have done to avoid my stay in hospital. She said that the 100% dose of docetaxel was just too strong for me. They are going to reduce it for the next two cycles and fingers crossed, they’ll reduce the amount of injections too. I feel quite happy about that. She assured me that the dose would be just as effective.
Have a lovely weekend one and all. Another week is soon to be over. Xx


@alig1961 good to hear that the Oncology Nurse was responsive and that you have a plan for your 2 remaining treatments. Hopefully they will go well and you will be able to stay at home :hugs::crossed_fingers:t3:

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@alig1961 That’s good to know and from what Pat said too re the reduction. I feel I don’t get a lot of information from my Oncologist - just a call from one of his team which is a bit random on how helpful they are with info. Radiotherapy team seem much more contactable and helpful. Hope things go better for you with the next one.x

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Hi all, haven’t posted in a long time, life has been very busy with my daughter and my appointments but she rang the bell last week woo hoo! I have one treatment left and I am having some regrowth with my hair but my scalp is super dry and flaky. My wide tooth comb is not getting is off but scared to use a different brush. I do use rosemary oil and coconut oil on my hair twice a week so could be a build up of this. Any tips to get rid of dry scalp and not affect regrowth?


@bridget1 that is AMAZING news, I am so pleased for your daughter. A huge relief for you all round. You’re nearly there too - fantastic!!!

I too have an ugly flaky scalp but have yet to touch it as I have teenie tiny growth and I don’t want to upset that. Any tips welcome though team x

@wjs how did it go??? After my first EC that took a whole 4 weeks to recover from, the dose was adjusted to 85%. The onc and bc nurse were very clear about the word ‘adjusted’ and not ‘reduced’! They explained that it’s all a big experiment and the first dose they give you is generally based on your height and weight - they then have to see how you react to then adjust the dose if needed. That was reassuring for me. My onc has since said that I’ve been hit as hard as I can be but within the tolerance of what my own body can cope with. I made the decision right at the beginning that I am going to trust my medical team and this a true example of that!!!

Happy weekend everyone :two_hearts::two_hearts:


Good morning @bridget1 it’s so lovely to hear that your daughter has rung the bell and that you’re close behind her.
On the course I was on a couple of days ago she said the following and said that new growth shouldn’t be effected.

Here is the link to the website too. I hope it helps



@bridget1 great news re your daughter and that you’re nearly done too.x

@donna_51 thank you for the info on dosage too. You all seem to have much better communication with your Onc team than I do. I’m feeling ok this morning but I did last time and it got worse during the week so will see how it goes. Had a check up with the dentist the other day and my tooth that was affected is looking ok. I’ve stocked up on some Corsodyl mouth wash that deals with gum and mouth issues so hoping that keeps things at bay and might help the tongue situation too :crossed_fingers:t2: If I suffer badly again I will try and get more info out of them re reducing it. Only one more to go now though thank goodness!x The Radiotherapy team seem much more contactable and helpful and I have a dedicated nurse to contact with any issues or worries.

Hope everyone has a nice weekend. Looks like the sun is returning for a bit!x


Hi all…
I’ve just had number 5. Have doxetaxel
every 3 weeks, so 1 to go.
My dose was reduced to 85% and I was told the same. Based on height / weight and how your body reacts. I was worried too but the EC was knackering my liver and they assured me no reduction in efficacy … but still can’t help but worry.
Especially as the last oncology doctor said they’d do everything they could to prevent the cancer coming back as I’m a stage 3.
The whole journey is so hard and terrifying. If my bloods are all ok this time, I might ask for the 100% for the last one but I too want to be well for half term…
Nice to hear from everyone and see how everyone is doing.


Good morning

@bridget1 amazing news about your daughter!
I really hope that helps ease some ofvthe pressure on your now too.

I just wanted to see how everyone was coping with the tiredness / fatigue - im really struggling still.
And im so moody / grumpy with the children despite my best efforts.
Ive 5 more weekly pax to go before radiotherapy - seems like a lot to get through at the moment & im worried the fatigue is just going to get worse…


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Hi all. Sorry been offline for a little while and catching up on about 50 messages!

Glad to hear you finally got sorted @alig1961 and they understand what happened and hope next session is a bit easier. Thanks for the hair tips.

I did theLGFB course last week - it was lovely to meet some face to face people going through the same but different journeys - I also picked up some tips. If any if you live close to a Maggies centre - it is well worth a visit. The people were lovely and the centre inspiring.

Had girlfriends to stay last weekend as hubby went to see his family in Brum - they were partying so I had to stay away - never done so little - jigsaws, crochet started but my friend took it away as she enjoyed it so much!, lots of movies. Sounds like I should’ve watched Bridgerton. Notting Hill one of my favs - love how the community wrap around each other and support - feels like that on this group.

@wjs i too had number 5 on Thursday - have to say tiredness really kicked in this time …. Only one more - hurrah! Friday burst a blood vessel in my eye - whole socket filled up so off the blood thinners and they are monitoring so it’s fine - I now definitely look like Gollum!

Can’t remember who said it but I felt a bit of stubble in my legs today :crazy_face: typical!

Starting to think ahead - a black tie do to go to 8 days after last session - prob won’t last long but want to dress up! Be nice to be able to strut my stuff again! Feels like this year has been a right off.

Enjoy your Sunday all. Xx


@bettyb24 must be tiring having to go each week. Hope it settles down a bit for you and you start to get a bit of energy back. Keeping ticking off those weeks.x

@collywobbles hope you’re eye heals soon. Just when you think you’ve experienced everything it can throw at you it throws out another issue to deal with!x

I have a Maggies near me, they’re great. I’m doing the LGFB at MacMillan at my treatment hospital in Derby as the date works better, but Maggies at Nottingham are going to contact me after my treatments finish to look at doing the Moving on Course.

The only hair I’ve noticed growing back so far is the chin fluff - I’m of that Menopausal age :face_with_peeking_eye::laughing:

Day 2 after the Docetaxel and just tired so far but start the dreaded injections tonight so will see what next week brings.x