June 2024 chemo starters

@toffee im going wig shopping tomorrow with my mum, sister and my teen daughter! We’re making an afternoon of it … shopping and lunch … trying to make these experiences as fun and as positive as I can :muscle:t3::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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I got my wig on Tuesday and I like it more than my own hair. Even wore it in the hot tub last night. :joy:. Embracing it is the key I think.
Also, hair dresser said not to wear whilst cooking if possible due to it being flammable, so I’ve chosen to wear it every tea time so hubby has to cook.


If any of you lovely ladies are in London, I can highly recommend this charity called Future Dreams. I just got back from a jam packed day of workshops teaching me how to tie scarves, put on wigs and more importantly how to cold cap properly! They do some virtual sessions too so defo check it out if interested! I found their sessions so so helpful!


So I had the cold cap for my 12 weeks of chemo and it worked for me. Really felt blessed and was totally prepared to shave my hair ahead of treatment but my nurse suggested I try a few sessions first. I used to wet my hair and put coconut oil in it before getting to the hospital, the nurse then wet it again with a spray as it had started to dry. Yes, it did thin a bit, not so anyone would really notice, just me being hyper sensitive. I didn’t do any harsh brushing or styling, left it to dry naturally after washing it once a week. Not the best look but it worked so if you’re prepared to try. I would give it a go. Wishing you all the best over the next few months.

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When we’re brave, we’ll have to post some pictures! I laughed at the thought of your wig going up in flames whilst making dinner :rofl::rofl: I guess we have to laugh during this if we can!!

Thanks @charlie22 … I’m trying to be positive but probably like most of us I do have very dark times too. No doubt we’ll all experience sooooo many different things over these few months so let’s just get them out there for each other!

Good luck everyone… treatments and wig shopping :two_hearts:


@sunny2 thank you, that’s encouraging. First session tomorrow. Got everything crossed :wink:. I’ve been checking out wigs on SHEIN just in case!

@akioqey sounds like you had a very productive day! Ive checked out the Future Dreams website - it looks really helpful, thank you.

PICC line went in ok today. Think they did a good job distracting me chatting about shopping and Vinted :laughing: I was surprised when she said it was done! Just need to get used to the awkwardness of it on my arm.x

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@wjs All the best for tomorrow! If you’re cold capping, what I’ve learnt today is to make sure your cap is snug against your scalp and to tighten all the straps and make sure you get the right size :slight_smile:


Hi all, can anyone let me know how to start a post in here, all I can work out is how to reply to people!!! X

@jane13 if you go to all topics with the list of all the posts, there should be a new topic button. Use that to start a new post. If you want to reply to specific person type in @ and it will bring up a list of everyone in that post. Good luck!

Good question. I don’t know either. :joy:

Hi @alig1961 Can I ask you where you got your wig? and how comfortable it is? I’m useless wearing hats even but am thinking ahead to chemo eventually. I have some fine cotton caps which are nice but wonder how hot/itchy/irritating a wig might be?! Thank you! Good to hear you’re embracing the whole thing and using the wig to your advantage! :grin:

Hi @anne3
I’m not sure if we all get the same support when it comes to wigs. I live in Shropshire and I got a wig voucher/prescription from my consultant for £160. The hospital gave me 4 places where I could redeem it. The company I went for was Wills Wigs from Bromsgrove who visit Shrewsbury hospital once a week. They were amazing. I sent them photos of me via WhatsApp and then told them which wigs I liked from their website. I have a very small head and so I was limited with my selection but found a great wig that I now love. It was £170 so only had to pay £10. I’m wearing it as I type this. I think I’m brave enough to send you some pics. I think it’s going to take some getting used to but I think the more you persevere and wear it whilst getting on with stuff, the sooner you’ll get used to it. I don’t have a lot of hair now as it’s very fine and I’ve had it cut into a pixie cut to help with losing it. I’ll send pics of without wig and with wig. Try it. I’ve also ordered a fringe that velcros onto hats but that hasn’t arrived yet. I’ll let you know when it does and show you.


:heart:wow simply stunning :heart: so pleased you’ve found one you love :heart: it’s gives you boost when you find the right one :heart: :two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx

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It’s very similar to how I used to have my hair only a lot more of it. Thank you. Xx


Gosh that looks great. It really suits you! Your own hair still looks good too though. You look like you have good clear skin too which I think helps with confidence. Mine tends to be dry and sensitive so I probably rely on my hair more to hide behind although it is quite fine. However maybe that’s another reason to give it a go! Thank you for sending pictures - your hair (new and old) does look good. Good for you embracing a new look! All the best with the rest of your treatment :two_hearts:


Thanks but I don’t want to make a new topic, just a new post within this June 2024 group - any ideas?! X

If you just click on ‘Reply’ underneath the last post that just does a general post to the group. If you want to reply to a person like I’m doing on this post you click on the arrow under the persons post and it brings up a box that replies to that person’s comment. You have to be logged in to see those options I think. At least that is how I understand it!x

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Remember to book your look good feel better sessions at your local Macmillan’s in your trusts if you haven’t already :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


So pleased you found one you love :heart: the steroids made me wig shopping crazy :joy: I had tinsel ones, coloured bobs :joy::joy: ‘raquel’ for treatments and ‘Jen’ for going out in :joy::joy:and a few others too :joy::joy: couldn’t stop ordering off Amazon :joy::joy: so a warning it’s steroid shopping finger you might get it and if you do blame the chemo :+1::joy::heart:also think of a treat you’ll have for when you finish chemo, mine was 100ml edp Chanel :+1: do remember to treat yourselves :heart: I found a little treat after each infusion helped :heart::two_hearts::two_hearts::sparkles::sparkles:Shi xx


Hello. I’m starting chemo next Friday 21st. 3 x EC followed by 3 x Docetaxel. I was told a chemo nurse would call me from 11 to 12 today and talk everything through but she called me at 11:55 and only for 5 minutes. She said as I knew where to come next Friday we didn’t need to talk any longer :weary: So it’s great to have this forum!

I am getting so many mixed messages about what I can do/not do. The chemo nurse told me to live life as normal and that it’s fine to travel round the country for work if I feel well enough. But the registrar last week didn’t seem keen on me getting on a train. I’ve also been told to carry on as usual but not take risks. What does that mean in practice??!! Has anyone had clear advice?

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