June 2024 chemo starters

My main worry about the radiotherapy is that the hospital I have to attend is a 2.5 hour round trip from my home which is a lot of driving every day along some not great roads :see_no_evil:

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Hubby, who has had a very bad cold for a week and now still has a nasty cough, has just said heā€™s not sure if he should come to my hospital appointment tomorrow as he doesnt want to upset people in the waiting room by continuously coughing. Is it terrible of me to be annoyed and think - I donā€™t care if theyā€™re upset, I want him there. Feel like a terrible person now, though I know Iā€™ll be ok on my own. Ultimately though itā€™s up to him so we will see what he decides in the morning :see_no_evil:

Heā€™s coming with me :blush: Now I feel guilty about the mean thoughts towards the other patients I had last night :see_no_evil: What a loony I am :joy:


@pat glad heā€™s coming with you now. Excuse my rubbish memory but is this your last chemo or do you have more to do?

Had a good talk with the person who called re my bloods this morning. Iā€™m ok for the final chemo Friday and he sees no reason why my PICC line canā€™t come out too. Plus theyā€™re reducing my dose by 25% which he assures me will still be ok. So fingers crossed for a better week next week! Most importantly I will be ok for the hot tub on our weekend away at half term :partying_face::laughing: So feeling a bit more positive now. I will going onto Tamoxifen for 5 years which they will review after 2 years. Heā€™s arranging a chat with the Oncologist so he can discuss this with me and I can ask any questions I might have.

Hope everyoneā€™s doing ok.xx


Iā€™ve ended up in hospital again. Luckily, only for the morning. My cannula site became inflamed 7 days after chemo and itā€™s not getting any better. Called helpline and they sent me in to get it checked out. Luckily Iā€™ve been sent home with cream but had a full m.o.t whilst I was in.
Canā€™t go to my oncology appointment today though as consultant has Covid. I was really looking forward to finding out about the next steps with radiotherapy. Itā€™s been rescheduled for Monday after originally being rescheduled to the 21st Oct which would have been day 12 after last chemo. It always feels like I get to a crunch time and something goes wrong.

@wjs you should really notice a difference with the 25% reduction. I had 20% reduction and thought that it was much more manageable. Xx

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@bettyb24 hang on in there. The fatigue is horrendous and I can totally relate, I remember just wishing for bedtime and then feeling guilty, weekends were awful. I found I hit a major trough roughly where you are now in pax treatment and then the last few weeks were a bit better, maybe it was the light at the end of the tunnel but I definitely felt better. Hope you do too.

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@alig1961 i really hope so. Not dreading next week quite so much now. Sorry things havenā€™t gone quite to plan for you today though. Hope you manage to get somewhere Monday with no other issues.x

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@wjs I had my last chemo on Monday. Just starting the slide into side effects today with my tongue going funny :roll_eyes: I saw the surgeon this morning. He is very pleased with my response to the chemotherapy with the 'stonker of a lump gland - his words, becoming non palpable and the breast lump halving in size. My lumpectomy is booked for 18th November, so it will be done before Christmas which Iā€™m pleased about. There is still a query about the radiotherapy - will definitely need it on the breast but he said if he does a more extensive axilliary clearance then I may not need it in the axilla, depending on results from the surgery. If more than 4 glands are involved then I may need it anyway. Tricky decision but I have 7 glorious weeks with no prodding and poking to decide.

@alig1961 what a pain but at least its, hopefully, simply sorted :crossed_fingers:t3:


I am FINISHEDā€¦ no more chemo, no more picc line. Exhausted but elated today. Lots of tears but happy tears as this hellish bit is done. This picture sums it up x

@charlie22 thinking of you today. Hope youā€™re doing as well as you can under such circumstances and your treatment goes on today :two_hearts:


@donna_51 yay!! Fantastic :blush: well done

@pat I thought you were normally in before me. Glad it went well today. That surgery date gives you a good few weeks of healing before Christmas.:slightly_smiling_face:

@donna_51 love the photo :laughing:

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Huge congratulations @donna_51 love the picture. Enjoy the elation but take it easy. Hope the side effects are kind to you for this last one. Xxx

Well done @pat on the completion of your chemo. So pleased for you. Itā€™s so lovely to read that so many of us are coming to the end of this bit of the journey. Canā€™t wait for my last one. Roll on 10th October.
Hope that the side effects are kind to you xx


@alig1961 thanks. Not long for you now. I hope youā€™ll have the reduced dose again so your side effects are reduced. Howā€™s your arm this evening?


Itā€™s ok. It looks worse than it feels. I just didnā€™t want it to be infected and put me back. Thanks for asking. Xx


Hopefully it will heal quickly. I think the chemo is very hard on the veins. One of mine has been clotted for the last 3 treatments so theyā€™ve been relying on the same one each time. Luckily it has held out but I have a nice big bruise now!


Love this so much!!! Woo hoo!!!

Cant wait to see everyoneā€™s final chemo pictures cimungbthriugh now!!

HUGE congrats @donna_51 and @pat glad you made it. Hope the aftermath isnā€™t too bad. Take care :mending_heart:. Please say you are staying in this group - your messages are always fun, poignant and well written. Thank you :two_hearts:. My last one is TOMORROW! - since itā€™s will be the end of chemo I shall be ringing that bloody bell for the first time - still onward treatment but minor by comparison. Good luck for next week @alig1961

@alig1961 glad you got sorted even though an extra trip to the hospital.

@ncid very true what you said - thatā€™s why the group is good. Update - I had to cancel holiday - got over it now - the hardest part was telling our friends we canā€™t go - almost putting them before health - couldnā€™t get insurance unless paid stupid money as would be taking it out after diagnosis. Advice - check on your insurance a long way in advance to help you make informed decisions. Nothing we could have done this time. I will be covered in future! Well done you @ncid - keep listening to your body and rest up!

@nocd - sorry to hear about your PICC line - I hope itā€™s sorted now.

Lots of message on this group - thank you for all the support :heart::heart:


Good luck for today @collywobbles will be thinking of you. So sorry to hear about the holiday but there will be plenty more. Try and keep smiling. Let us know how the bell ringing goes. Xxx

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