June 2024 chemo starters

Good to hear and see lots of you coming towards the end of your chemo treatments and moving on to radiotherapy.
My last chemo is next Tuesday 8th, and a single mastectomy to follow in November. Just wondering if any of you that had surgery first, have any top tips at all?


I am NOT going anywhere teamā€¦ we have been in this together since June and weā€™ll be there to support no matter what !! You are all amazing and have helped me no end during this time. Iā€™ll be here xx

Good luck for everyone with their last treatments coming up - itā€™s an emotional day but a good one.

@collywobbles so sorry about your holsā€¦ but it was the right decision for you. And holidays donā€™t go anywhere, you can book another one for 2025! Make sure you do something else nice insteadā€¦ the UK, despite the crazy weather can be gorgeous.

@jojoh I had my masectomy and full node removal back in April. I wasnā€™t in a good place as it all happens so quick after diagnosis so went into theatre quite hysterical BUT ā€¦ like most things, the thought of it was waaaay worse than the reality. The op was quite short and I stayed overnight but some people go home the same day. Bring nice socks and reading material as there is lots of hanging about + usual toiletries etcā€¦
I didnā€™t have a drain, which helped as 2 days later I was in the car for an over hour to watch my son @ athletics. I felt a bit sore but the meds help with that and at no point was I in real pain, even in the car. Take a heart shaped cushion if you can as this gives you comfort but also reminds others to keep away. I just took it easy but a couple of days later I was out and about walking the dog etcā€¦ and 5 weeks later we were on holiday and I went on massive rollercoasters. Not having a breast is strange and I was v upset the first time I was in the shower. I wore a top as I was so upset ā€¦ but over time that gets easier and now I donā€™t really think about it. Iā€™m due to get a prothesis soon and will consider reconstruction next year so no breast, no problem!!! Just take your time physically and mentally but do get out and get fresh air and do all the usual things that make you feel better. EAT CAKE !!! Youā€™ll be fine xx


Done @donna_51 . I love your pic!

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Love your pic @donna_51, congratulations to you @pat and everyone else that has now finished chemo-Iā€™ve got a month left, 5 more sessions with the last on 5th November.

@collywobbles sorry to hear that youā€™ve had to cancel your holiday, definitely make up for it in 2025, and good luck for your last chemo tomorrow (and you @wjs ) . Hope the side effects are kind to you both.

@jojoh I will be having the same surgery in December, so keep us posted on how you get along.

As others have said this group has been amazing, @nicd your recent post resonated and Iā€™m trying to encourage myself more this week as I can outwardly project one thing but inwardly feel another.

@alig1961 glad your hospital visit was short this time.

@charlie22 hope your treatment went ok this week, been thinking about you and hope youā€™re holding up ok.

To everyone else that I havenā€™t @ā€˜d I hope youā€™re ok and having a good week! :two_hearts:


Thank you @donna_51 thats good to know and good news that you didnā€™t have a drain. Iā€™ve got my sister on drain bag and cushion making duties for me and I shall definitely eat cake!!!

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@ljlj I will do. All a bit daunting and a lot of friends are ā€˜celebratingā€™ me finishing chemo but Iā€™m only a third of the way there, once I finish chemo, but think the chemo will be the ā€˜worstā€™ of it all?


Exactly the same for me, the chemo was firstā€¦then the surgery, then radiotherapyā€¦then the drugs! Feels like A LOT to go stillā€¦
We will get through it though :muscle:t3:


Same for me too. Chemo first then surgery mid November

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Well done to all the finishers, @donna_51 , great pic! To the rest of you keep on, your last will come.

Today is a week on, the first day ive not had to take paracetamol for my aches, still there but not so bad. Ive got out for short walks most dayā€™s, but v tired. Ive booked a breathwork and sound bath session on Saturday, hopefully release some of that emotion!!

For those with op to come, as Donna51 said, i found the thought and build up worse. I was surprised how little pain after ā€¦ i had a Lumpectomy amd node removalā€¦the worst part was I had to go to one hospital for a wire to be inserted in the morning and to a different hospital for the op in the afternoon. That felt traumatic but was unusual, i got caught up in a clinic changeā€¦i think youre usually in one place.
As @donna_51 says, get a heart cushionā€¦absolute game changer in bed, sofa, car ā€¦i use mine now still in bed for a sore foot!!! So useful.

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By a heart shaped cushion, do you literally mean one shaped like a heart? Big? Small?

Re surgery I was really nervous, especially about the anaesthetic. However, the mask hadnā€™t even touched my face and the next thing I knew they were waking me up 2 hours later! I donā€™t remember it being particularly painful. Just getting into a routine of arm exercises, eventually massaging the scars when healed and obviously being careful in the shower until it had healed, and thereā€™s certain things you canā€™t do for a while like lifting anything heavy etc. Overall nowhere near as bad as chemo though. However, I had a lumpectomy so canā€™t comment on what itā€™s like to come terms with than a mastectomy.xx

Cushion wise I was lucky to have a friend make me a couple of these. She had breast cancer years ago and now makes these for people she knows going through it - theyā€™re designed by someone who had breast cancer too. I found them so helpful, especially in bed as the side bit gave me a bit of support on my side. Not sure if you can by them off Amazon or anywhere. (Stuffing is a bit flattened in the pic as well used!)


@jojoh i also had my surgery on April - mastectomy and reconstruction- about 4 hours in total. I stayed in overnight - was offered to go home same day but wanted reassurances over night. Funny thing was the theatre staff put my surgical bra on back to front :joy: have to say no pain - had paracetamol only for a few days. I followed the exercises rigidly ticking off each day and didnā€™t look back - had one node removed too. Canā€™t lift or do much with that arm to begin with but I just did the exercises as they worked for me. Now I donā€™t know any difference. Back to yoga and circuits just gently though! Good luck with it all - hopefully a walk in the park after all this rubbish. Itā€™s more mental than physical I found.

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Yes I had heart shape pillow too - quite small. The hospital gave it to me that ladies had made. Helps by putting under your arm - very useful I had a holder for the drain - it was the size of a flipping wine bottle and it was left in one week! Nuisance but ok. Had to learn to sleep in a different way. Amazing what you can do.

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Amazing to get the last session - 60 injections later - so glad to make it with a wonderful team around me - family , hubby, friends, colleagues, oncologists, nurses, receptionists, surgeon and everyone on this forum :heart: Feeling very lucky. Wonderful to ring the bell :bellhop_bell: Iā€™ve learned a lot about myself!!


@collywobbles great pictures! Congratulations on reaching the last one.xx


Wonderful pics @collywobbles I love your accessories youā€™re really rocking the look. Huge congratulations. :kissing_heart:

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@pat , the hospital gave me my one too, so talk to your BCN before looking to buy anything. Ive put mine by tv remote to give you an ideaā€¦

Well done @collywobbles!

After my one week on post yesterday, im feeling dreadful today. Was awake a lot of the night and sick, first time i have been in years! Wondering if ive picked up a little bug, although havent been to many places this week, but guess it doesnt take much. Anyway resting in bed for now, i so want to be ok for my breathwork/soundbath tomorrow and see my mum and dad for his birthday sundayā€¦was looking forward to ā€˜normalā€™. Hey hoā€¦

Hoping everyone else is well xxx


@nicd thanks for the photo. Iā€™ll be speaking to the BCN soon so Iā€™ll ask her.

Iā€™m sorry youā€™re not well :face_vomiting: sound like it could be a bug of some sort of type if youā€™re not a sicky person normally. Take care and REST!!! Hopefully youā€™ll then be ok to do the things youā€™ve planned :crossed_fingers:t3::crossed_fingers:t3::hugs::hugs:

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Thank you xxx

Just came across this on my mindless scrolling this morningā€¦

Agood reminder of my post the other day. Lets lift ourselves upā€¦


@nicd sorry to hear you are feeling awful ā€¦. That sucks! I hope you start to recover quickly so that you can enjoy the festivities! Take care x