June 2024 chemo starters

Brill thanks @alig1961 . I’ll make a note! Anything to aid the recovery :raised_hands:t3::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: x


@alig1961 thanks for that. I’ll look into it. Since I’ve been on the Docetaxel my skin has gone weird. It feels thin!! I don’t know how else to describe it. On my hands, even the palms, it is crinkly as if I’ve had my hands in water. All my skin feels very soft and if I make a fist the knuckles are very shiny. Very odd. Not sore or anything, just odd!!!

This expressed a lot of my feelings exactly!


Sounds like lots of fun times are to be had… really good to read about team June having nights out and time away. There are good times ahead!!

@jojoh how do you have a number 4? Did you cold cap? I currently have a minus whatever number it is…still v v bald with wierd crazy hairs floating about. I keep looking in the mirror to see if there’s anything substantial but no, just fluff.

@pat that article is soooo true. I am coming up to 2 weeks post chemo and already I can feel this pressure from others to ‘get back to normal’ … going into the office, chatting about stuff other than myself (I’m not self-centred but thinking of exhausting small talk etc…!) going out & drinking like I used to etc… etc… I know everyone is being encouraging and celebrating but I do feel like I want to stay in my cave for a bit longer. Myself and my hubby talked about palming the boys off for a night in the NY and going into London for a night and I felt a real shudder as I thought ‘I’m not ready for sex… EVER… AGAIN’ !!! How do peeps get back to that!!! Especially with one boob… ugghh… I just can’t imagine it… let me know if anyone with a partner has sussed that one out!!!

I’ve got my radio planning meeting tomorrow. Sort of dreading it as I have to get in that CT scanner and that will probably trigger the horrible memory of the dark days near the beginning. Wish me luck xx


Thanks for sharing that article @pat it is so true

@donna_51 my hairdresser did the No 4 yesterday, I had lots of very fine hair left and a very sparse crown, with lots coming out daily. Originally I was just going to have it cut but the regrowth would just look ridiculous, so went for it. I cold capped for 4 out of 6 chemo sessions, it was by default and not by choice but I didn’t put up much of a fight, the first three sessions on EC were the worst and I underestimated how much more I’d lose. But I do have some new hair coming through - and not just on my head! :joy:

@donna_51 the sex isn’t something we have tackled :flushed: yet, though I am not having a mastectomy so that may make a difference in the long run. I have felt weird about having it with the lump there, which I think is weird in itself :joy::joy::joy: I think it will have to wait until after my operation!!! One thing at a time.

Try and imagine the CT scan tomorrow bringing you into the light of the end of treatment instead of the dark of the beginning.

@jojoh I certainly haven’t got any new hair growing anywhere!! The amount that’s falling out of my ridiculous semibald hairdo is now minimal but my eyelashes, still 3 clinging on on the bottom lids and a few more on the top, are doomed I think.

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@donna_51 hope the CT scan goes ok. I found it fine and wasn’t in there for long either. As @pat said, it’s another step closer to the end of treatment.

Went on the LGFB workshop today. Left the house feeling like I might as well have cancer patient stamped on my forehead. Came back with eyebrows! :laughing: Felt like I looked a little bit more like me. It was lovely and a fabulous goody bag. Definitely going to be practicing that eyebrow technique!

Hope everyone’s doing ok.x


You look great!! Fab eyebrows :heart_eyes: :grinning: So glad you enjoyed it

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Fab pic. So glad you enjoyed it. Impressive makeup skills. I can’t do eyebrows. I’m so glad my glasses cover that area. :nerd_face:


I’ve just done my very last injection !!! Yay :partying_face:


@wjs Fabulous eyebrows… you look lovely. Is that your own hair? Or a wig? Clearly looks good regardless!!

Yay @alig1961 NO MORE INJECTIONS… that’s a good feeling



Here’s a random question. Does anyone know when we can stop using a soft toothbrush and go back to our normal ones?

And another question…….does anyone still have the blue dye left in their breast? I still look like I have a bruise on mine.

@alig1961 I wondered that. I’m still using the soft one

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@alig1961 why have you got blue dye in it?

They put blue dye into my breast to highlight the lymph nodes. They did this prior to my surgery. It’s been in my boob since February and I’ve just found out from a friend that her dye left her boob after about a month.

@alig1961 oh that’s odd. I guess that it may just take longer to disappear in some people. They know mine is in at least one lymph node so probably they don’t need to do it.

Some places inject on the day of the surgery and some do it a bit before. It highlights the sentinel nodes. Xx

Thanks. I have my pre op assessment in a couple of weeks so they’ll tell me then

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@donna_51 its what’s left of my hair. It’s very thin but if I comb it back and put it in a clip or pony tail I can just about get away with my thinning scalp! It’s starting to grow back over my ears now so looks like I’ve shaved the sides and kept the rest long! Just hoping the shedding slows down and stops soon :crossed_fingers:t2:

@alig1961 great news re the injections - I feel this is just as important as finishing chemo! Awful things.

Re toothbrush. I stopped using my soft bamboo one I had in my Little Lifts box when I started getting gum issues. Been using my electronic one since. I don’t have a harsh head on that anyway.

I had the blue nipple. Just had to check as couldn’t remember noticing it recently :laughing: It appears to have pretty much faded now!