June 2024 chemo starters

Hi @charley I’d be surprised if everyone doesn’t feel that way sometimes, I know I do, it’s exhausting but natural. I take lots of way to pass the time but they give you other drugs to help you tolerate the chemo , steroids and antihistamines as well as anti sickness and something in the mix makes me very tired so I often don’t use most of them. Take warm clothes just in case, particularly if cold capping and when you leave remember to take any drugs they give you for home and use as soon as you need them. My first go was emotional and very tiring but otherwise not as bad as I expected. The team will look after you and they’re very kind and experienced. Take care and remember although it’s not nice, it’s only temporary :people_hugging:

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Thankyou @kaydee82 for those kind words x

Hope all went well@kaydee82

For me it is great to see everyone’s positivity, but I also felt I needed to be real and share the experience I had. Over the weekend I was seriously doubting if I could continue, despite knowing i would be worrying about the cancer lurking around my body. But being ultra kind to myself Sunday and doing nothing, saw yesterday a better day, I managed a couple of hours work and cleaned the bathroom! Today is ok so far.
One day at a time, one step at a time, one moment at a time,…


@Charley - have zero expectations. Read and ask enough so that you understand what is going to be happening and that you feel less worried or scared, but not so much that you think you know it all - you wont. Everyone and every journey is different. I thought I was prepared to feel my worst, but when you dont know what your worst is you cant do that, so just try to accept what you can as it comes at you and know that it does pass - that is true for us all.
If you can do something, do it, if you cant, dont. If you are normally a ‘push through’ person, chin up/you’ll feel better etc etc, for me that hasnt worked - if you feel groggy and tired, you are groggy and tired, so stop. Putting the brave face on only made me feel worse. But taking the time and resting does work.
Also eat and drink - as much as you can, you might not fancy things but just get the food in to dilute all the rubbish inside you, if it can be veggies and good for you, so much the better but dont beat yourself up.
When i used the cold cap, the first 15 mins require some distraction but after it did ‘settle’ for me. My nurse gave me a heat pad which was nice around my tummy/arm, worth asking if they have or look at taking something similar… i generally didnt feel too cold though.
My new cancer wear is loose and layers - especially with my menopause sweats and flushes back in full force!
Love and energy to everyone xxx


Oh wow. It looks fabulous, stunning infact. All you wiggy wearers out there, if you find a wig you like your hairdresser can trim it into shape like your own.

So my hair before it got thin with chemo, wiggy before cut and wiggy after cut. We have some clever stylists out there x


I’m so pleased for you. You look amazing. It really helps boost the confidence. I think we need more wiggy pics on here to lift our spirits even more. Xx

@jane8 it looks fantastic :heart_eyes:

Thanks @shazzal for your post.

I started chemo on Friday 14th - had mastectomy and node removal in April. HER2 + and Oestrogen +. I have to say that I am petrified of needles but the team were amazing.

First session I was there 6.5 hours - I slept from the minute they put in antihistamines whilst my husband sat and read instruction manuals!

I think I was on an adrenaline rush on Saturday and Sunday as was hubbys birthday weekend- I wanted to ensure he had a good time. I walked each day only a couple of miles and yesterday did 4 hours at work and was wiped out. Today I feel try l like a zombie and have slept for England. I hope I start to get more energy soon. Keeping food down which is good but mouth tastes horrid - eating healthy but can’t work out what to eat that’s soothing.

Tomorrow I’m not going to work - I’m going to rest. How some of you with children are doing this I can’t imagine - amazing kudos to you. Normally I don’t sit down so this us hard!

Sending hugs to everyone - keep giving each other support and any advice is welcome.

Ps also ordered Daniel Field product but not arrived yet! Chose wig last week …. We shall see!! Baby steps……



So I went in for round 2 today and my blood platelets were too low to go ahead … I could scream with frustration and spent most of the day crying as I feel I’ve stumbled at the first bloody hurdle :tired_face: Have to wait for next week when they’ll adjust the dose so that I can get back on schedule. Bloody body, I’m hating it at the moment, constantly letting me down - definitely not positive today!!!

The good news though is that my onc doesn’t think I’ll need steroids next time, just anti sickness so for those of you that have the jitters and weird spaced out feeling, it’s definitely worth discussing it.

Hope everyone else ok :two_hearts:

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@donna_51 sorry you’ve had a crappy day, I can imagine how frustrating and disappointing that is. Maybe this is why you felt so rough at the weekend, if they can sort it out hopefully no repeats of that??

In other more positive news, I did the lookgoodfeelbetter wigs zoom call today, whole new world, definitely recommend.
Keep trucking on everyone :tulip:


Sorry to hear that @donna_51 that must be super tough when in your head you plan for it.

It’s probably better though as you’d probably feel even worse if it had gone ahead.

Sending hugs - must admit not feeling great today but hoping for more energy tomorrow.

Best wishes x

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Hi there.
I had my first session last Friday and can honestly say it went better than I thought. I took a bag with sweets (I never touched) a blanket, a sandwich for my hubby and I and he got coffees. I took AirPods to listen to a podcast that I don’t remember anything about. It took a very long time 6.5 hours and slept a lot. The nursing team were amazing. I hate needles so this was HUGE for me and I did it -16% through. They came around with drinks and sandwiches etc. when I left I was given a bag of more drugs and instructions which I found hard to take in as I was so dozy but hopefully someone will be with you to listen to it. Good luck to you - sending positive bear hugs. Take care x


@donna_51 how frustrating when you’ve psyched yourself up for the next one. Hope things start to improve. Sounds like you’ve had a rough few days.

Interesting re the steroids. I felt really groggy this afternoon but had taken my last meds this morning, and this evening I feel a bit more myself. Not sure if that’s a coincidence or not but hoping it lasts!:crossed_fingers:t2:

Going in today for getting my port fitted and straight onto first EC. I’ve been fairly composed so far waiting for this but my god I’m starting to get super nervous. Also having to deal with withdrawal bleeding from the zoladex shot on top of everything else :frowning:

Hi everyone … so I had my first treatment yesterday … immuno therapy, paclitaxil and carboplatin … not too bad :grimacing: more my nerves I think, however I did have a reaction to the Paclitaxil … I very suddenly felt very sick, very dizzy, went extremely red and sweaty and felt the world was going to explode out of my bottom (sorry!) it was fairly quickly controlled with some more antihistamine and cortisol and was told this happens to 3 in 5 people. They continued the treatment once I had stabilised but diluted it was it went through so my body coped a lot better. Hopefully I won’t react again but will cross that bride by upping steroids if needs be the day before :crossed_fingers:t3: feeling ok today … bit tired … but toddler has deciding the last week he just doesn’t like sleep anymore :tired_face::exploding_head: my face is a little red still and dry mouth but so far all manageable.

I did take loads of puzzle books, my partner was there as well but to be honest I just couldn’t concentrate I was quite groggy and just happy lying there, and tbh the 4.5 hours I was there seem to fly by! Apart from the last 10 minutes when I actually really did need the toilet :poop::tired_face::rofl:

@donna_51 sorry to hear about your treatment been delayed, can’t imagine how frustrating that must be for you!! :pensive:

Hope everyone else is doing well?? the lady with wig (sorry can’t remember your user name) it looks fabulous :raised_hands:t3:

Take care all :heart::heart:

Good luck today @akioqey - it is super nerve racking but you’ll get through it. It’s never as bad as we imagine so deep breathes and positive vibes coming your way.

@charlie22 glad it went as well as it could. I guess we should all be grateful for ‘smaller’ side effects. I know that once my nausea was out of the way, everything else seemed managable!

Thanks for the positive vibes from everyone after my rubbish day yesterday. My team did warn me that 2 week cycles can occasionally mean a 3 week cycle, I just wasn’t expecting it on round one!!! Feeling more upbeat today and trying to enjoy feeling normal for another week …

Hope everyone else doing ok … keep on posting everyone. It good to see how everyone is doing and it definitely makes me feel less alone on this ‘journey’ (scream - I am sick of that word but not sure what else to call it!!) xx

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I did that course today too. We were probably on the same zoom course. It was really good. I thoroughly recommend it.

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Sorry to hear of peoples rubbish days. It’s bound to happen though isn’t it.
Today I had to have markers put into the lesion which took ages but it’s another step done that I wont need to do again.
I have done a lot of mental health work over the last few weeks to get myself into a healthy headspace as I know that’s something that will help me through.
Havent had any too terrible side effects since treatment last week just tired. But I’m also fiercely independent and hate other people doing things for me meaning I’ve never stopped all week… so today I have just rested since getting back from the hospital. Anyway thats a load of ramble but next hurdle I will be into the ‘low count’ days over the weekend so concentrating on keeping myself well and not catching any bugs!! Then next week I will have my portacath fitted before cycle two on 5th July!


@donna_51 Thank you for your encouragement. Honestly you are right, the fear of the unknown is the worst. I’ve just finished and it really wasn’t as bad as expected. Here’s hoping this will last throughout.

@katyb1 Honestly I know what you mean, I’m so independent that I just feel bad for asking people for help or favours. I’m still trying to do things myself while I still can to be honest. Also, portacath is so convenient, I had mine fitted today. I have small tricky veins and no more multiple pokes to draw blood or to insert a cannula!

Hi ladies, just thought I’d give you a quick update now one full week after first chemo is complete! Side effects… tiredness and fatigue- I’m trying to be good and listen to my body and rest when I need to. I’m lucky that I work from home so this is easier. Very dry and somewhat sore mouth and lips, drinking loads but that doesn’t really help, the only think I’ve found so far that does is sucking boiled sweets, tongue weirdly fizzy and taste buds knackered. One night of shooting pains in my legs which is common with my drug regime but luckily that went away. Days 3&4 post chemo were the hardest, quite spacey and very fatigued with a hangover like feeling without the fun before!! Since day 4 every day slightly better and feeling more human, definitely still different from before though. PICC line is still taking some getting used to!! No hair loss yet but I’m sure that’s just a matter of time! On the bad days ladies remember this is just a process we need to go through to give us the chance of many more summers. Have a lovely day all!! Xxxx