June 2024 chemo starters

@elizab1 good luck for tomorrow. I hope it all goes well.


So Iā€™m a week today after my first EC. Physically Iā€™ve felt more like myself the last couple of days and have even worked from home. Last night, however, my face erupted in hormonal acne :cry: I am 51 so was dipping my toe in the perimenopause but it wasnā€™t as bad as this. Anyone else had this as a lovely side effect?

My nails are looking a bit dry too but will keep going with the cuticle oil/hand cream.

Braved washing my hair again today (Iā€™m cold capping and trying to limit to twice a week). How often are other cold cappers washing theirs?

Good luck to anyone thatā€™s got another session today/soon.x

@wjs Sorry to hear about your acne! Hope it calms down soon. Iā€™m also sticking to twice a week for washing my hair. Iā€™m 2 days post first EC and I can definitely feel my skin, nails and hair being very dry. I have lotions and cuticle oil scattered everywhere at home so I can use it whenever I remember to.

So far apart from bad nausea and acid reflux on the same night after my first EC, my side effects have been manageable after day 2 small victories!


@akioqey glad the side effects have been manageable so far :crossed_fingers:t2: I felt like someone had switched me back on Tuesday night after being so tired :laughing:


Hi - on the nails front I have been using the nails inc gel nail recovery polish. Its clear and helps keep you nails strong (hopefully)
OPI also do something called nail envy with colours that you put on everyday for nail health.
They arent the cheapest but they were recommended to me x

The hang over feeling is how I have spent the last week with varying degrees to be honestā€¦ A veil of fogginess, headache, queaseness and just general yucky feeling.
Sore mouth & eyes tooā€¦
I shaved my head on sunday & although very emotional ive found it very liberating now.

Iā€™m having EC every 3 weeks - 3 times, so next one is 5 July.

Hoping for 2 solid weeks now :crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers::crossed_fingers:

Keep healthy everyone xxx

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So lovely to read that shaving your head hasnā€™t been all gloomy. Iā€™m dreading it, but hope that when the time comes Iā€™ll be as brave as you.

Hi all - Iā€™m a late June starter (was supposed to be today but because of a possible infection in my implant delayed until 28th).

Iā€™ve just turned 60 so a little older than many of you. I was diagnosed in March with a 10cm area of DCIS and after a fair bit of toing and froing re reconstruction options had a mastectomy with implant in early May. Surgery and recovery have been fine (apart from the possible infection), but histology results showed a 16mm area of invasive ductal cancer - grade 3, oestrogen and HER+. So will be on weekly paclitaxel for 3 months and three weekly herceptin for a year.

Am going to try the cold cap - Iā€™ve just cut my long locks to a short bob to make itā€™ll my curly, frizzy hair easier to manage. Itā€™s been really helpful reading insights from those of you whoā€™ve started already. And your experiences good and bad. Thinking of you all.


Hi I am new, first time posting so not sure I have done it right. I started treatment last Tuesday 3 x EC fortnightly and 4 x Docetaxel 3 weekly. Cold capping. Iā€™m 38 and horrendously my 2yr daughter was diagnosed with eye tumour 2 weeks after me. She has lost her eye and found out this week, she needs 4 cycles of treatment as preventative measure. She is my inspiration as she has coped with her surgery so well but dreading her Hickman line insertion, had hoped to hide my picc line from her but now we will on the journey together having weekly dressings and bloods. Really would appreciate tips to stay well so I can be there for her and avoid infections.


Welcome @bridget1 ā€¦ so glad you posted! How absolutely horrendous for you to go through this and have your daughter unwell too ā€¦ but really pleased sheā€™s doing so well so far. I know that our children always come first but make sure you take time for you too. All those offers of help? Take them ā€¦ some people donā€™t actually mean it when they say that and you quickly learn who is actually going to help but honestly, people can be so kind with practical stuff but also the emotional offload too.

With regards to infections, I am washing hands all the time and now have antibac stuff everywhereā€¦ think Covid times but Iā€™m not getting too obsessive about it as my breast care nurse said to ā€˜just live as normal but be mindfulā€™ ā€¦ so get out and about and try to enjoy stuff as much as possible.

@lolac welcomeā€¦ my husband hacked my hair with the kitchen scissors as I wanted to be different when I started this and Iā€™ve got used to my messy pixie cut (see pic if Iā€™ve managed to upload it right!!) - going to properly shave it next week after round 2 as I think thatā€™s when it all falls out ā€¦ gulp ā€¦

Glad everyone else is doing ok - low level symptoms are doable so long may it last !!! :two_hearts:


Youā€™re very brave letting your husband at your hair but looks like heā€™s done pretty good job! Certainly wouldnā€™t trust mine. When I said I cut my hair that should have more accurately read I had my hair cut ie by a lovely professional in a salon! Followed the recommendation of others in this group and have a consultation booked with Daniel Field this morning.

@bridget1 so sorry to hear that your daughter is unwell too. I canā€™t imagine what youā€™re going through dealing with her illness as well as your own. Tiny though she is Iā€™m sure youā€™ll still give each other support. No tips to share as Iā€™m right at the beginning of this, but Covid type precautions seem sensible- at least itā€™s the summer so lots of open windows are possible (British weather permitting).

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@bridget1 so sorry to read that your daughter is going through such a tough time too. I canā€™t imagine how hard that must be. Please reach out in here for support if you need it. Everyone is so helpful. I would echo whatā€™s been said already and just to drink LOTS of water before and after treatment. I bought myself one of those giant water bottles to make sure I do and so far working well. Also try and get out for some fresh air/short walk if you can. I found that gave me a boost.

@donna_51 your husband did a fab job! No way Iā€™d trust mine :laughing: If the cold cap doesnā€™t work I may let him shave it as thatā€™s literally all he does with his hair.

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A lady at work has a little girl with hair loss, she gave me the details of a small charity that make wigs from hair donations.

For me, knowing i was helping someone in a small way gave me the courage to do it. Plus it gave me a tiny bit of control back. But ive had fine thin hair all my lifeā€¦ im not sure i would have been so brave had it been gloriously thick - im pretty sure i would have tried everything to keep it!

But rocking up at the school gates with a shaved head has been interestingā€¦

@bridget1 sending so much speedy recovery wishes to you & your little princess - what a super star trooper!!
I havent got any real tips except get an extra soft toothbrush - i got a curaprox one - like satin in your mouth. Game changer for helping with sore gums

Have a fab monday everyone xxx

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Hi everyone, havenā€™t posted for a while so thought Iā€™d say hello to all new starters ā€¦ hope your all doing ok? To the lady who has been diagnosed along with your daughter being unwell as well ā€¦ my heart goes out to you!. as a mum myself I canā€™t imagine how tough you must be finding it all, but us mums are made of strong stuff and will always find a way!! :muscle:t3::smiling_face:

Iā€™ve had a bump in the road after my first round of treatment ā€¦ my boob is being naughty and has become all inflamed and swollen. Had it checked today and although they canā€™t be sure whatā€™s causing it (bloods came back ok, infection count slightly high but not enough for major concern) they have given me 7 days of antibiotics to take ā€¦ which means my second treatment on Wednesday is now cancelled and I will miss this week!!

Like you @donna_51 i felt so frustrated and upset ā€¦ I just want to bloody get on with it all ā€¦ but like you I need to turn it on its head and look at the positivesā€¦ a weeks grace of relative normality and feeling ok I suppose!! :grimacing:

And as Iā€™ve been told many times today ā€¦ to expect the unexpected and just keep rolling with it and trust the nurses and the process, so Iā€™m going to bed now feeling a little brighter and thinking tomorrow is another day ā€¦ now if my toddler could just start sleeping again through the night I really will be happy :roll_eyes::rofl:

Take care everyone :heart:


Sorry to hear your news and your daughterā€™s news must be heart wrenching. Itā€™s good to hear that she is coping and please remember to take care of you - itā€™s hard! Sending hugs to you both x


5 days into first Chemo and was doing ok - tired but to be expected.

However I noticed increased resting heart rate ā€¦. Ended up on day 8 back in hospital and they said infection as had temperature- blasted with antibiotics and feeling better. Treatment was fast and the team were brilliant. I have to say I havenā€™t really felt unwell - just foggy or hazy - just concerned as heart rate still elevated. Still taking antibiotics- anyone else getting this?


Hope everyoneā€™s doing ok. Iā€™m on Day 5 of my first cycle. Just wondering if anyone has tips for a coated tongue? Mine has a white film on it and a few small ulcers on the side. Iā€™m not sure if this is something to live with or something I should try and treat? Not sure if itā€™s linked but the only thing I can REALLY taste now is Marmite!

Hi everyone, I hope youā€™re all doing ok.

Iā€™m having the first of my 4 EC cycles tomorrow and Iā€™m feeling anxious about it all starting-canā€™t imagine Iā€™ll sleep well tonight (and this sudden heat isnā€™t going to help either!).

@bridget1 Iā€™m so very sorry to hear your daughter is also having to have treatment whilst youā€™re going through this. This forum seems like a really supportive environment so like others have said please always reach out and hopefully we can all support each other along.

On that note, any last minute words of encouragement will be most welcomed-how were all of your first treatments?

Have you tried Difflam oral rinse? I was recommended it for sore chemo mouths, I was really sore for a few days from around day 4 of treatment and it really helped. Steadily felt better as the days went by and now on day 12 post first chemo cycle and no soreness - taste buds are knackered though!!! Xx


Bring snacks, comfy socks and blanket although in this heat you might not get cold :roll_eyes: heat makes symptoms so much harder to manage