June 2024 chemo starters

@charlie22 I think some places do scans to be thorough… some places don’t even offer CT scans so I guess the more the merrier in one way! I guess chemo again is always an option in the way way distant future but I do think we’re all at our limit now… so no doubt you’ll be free of that PICC line soon Charlie!!! Hang on to that thought… but perhaps speak to your bcn to talk it through if you’re worried? They have soooo much knowledge and experience and can chat through most things with you x

@ljlj ahhh positive stuff… I’m feeling much better today. Yesterday, my hubby was doing diy, the kids were on gadgets, even the dog was out with our neighbours so I was in my own head a bit too much. I felt much better when I wasn’t alone and could just get on with life a bit. Hopefully in the future, I’ll be able to find a bit of calm without the need for others but for now, having others acting absolutely normal as if nothing is going on for me, helps!

Sooo I learnt from my counselling that it’s ok to have these thoughts, they’re all natural and you have to let them in. Any news linked to cancer is going to be a bit triggering now but you accept it’s sad/worrying but then move on fairly swiftly. It’s brain training really… I practise all the counter arguments to my negative ones. So for every dark thought, I try to come up with 3 positive ones, such as 1) I’ve had amazing treatment that has cured this, 2) look at all the millions of women who survive this and go on to live amazing lives and 3) blx to this, I’m not going to let negative thoughts ruin my day, week, life… or something to that affect!!! Of course, I can’t always get this spot on but I try to.

My counsellor also recommended meditation/the headspace app to try to find calm amidst all my thoughts and it’s something I’m planning to do at some point. Finding that classic ‘inner peace’ might help - I’m just not ready to spend too much time in my head at the moment but I’m hoping I will at some point.

We can find light and happiness again, I guess it will just take time. It’s really really early for us… being able to feel positive when we’re mentally and physically exhausted will be hard but we’ll get there. Let’s be nice and kind to ourselves for now xxx


@pat great to hear your news!

@charlie22 it sounds like the celebration of life went as well as these things can - well done you as that can’t have been an easy day. Loved the Pink Day photos - you look fab and nice to see you and your son together!

@donna_51 the Chris Hoy news was shocking - I couldn’t bring myself to read it but is is so tragic and upsetting. I have tried to counter act it with good news from a friend - she finished her herceptin end of August and chemo last year - her oncologist told her to go and live your life is what she told me this morning on our walk. She asked all the questions on my list for my oncologist tomorrow! It’s that little jiggle in the back of your head.

I can’t remember who asked but I had a mastectomy in April and I stopped the exercises when I started chemo as I could do them all - however in the last 2 weeks I noticed it isn’t so easy and feels a bit bruised so I shall talk to BCN so would recommend continuing with them and the massage - it’s where the sentinel nodes were removed :crazy_face:. It’s just another flipping niggle!! Take care all xx

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I’m feeling slightly weird at the moment as now is about the time that, every 3 weeks for the last 5 months, I have had my lunch, packed my bag, and gone off for my chemotherapy session. I feel slightly naughty, as if I’m playing truant! :rofl::rofl:


@charlie22 so glad you had a lovely celebration of life for your dad and well done on an amazing amount of money raised too. What a beautiful photo of you and your son. Hope your scans go okay tomorrow, I have a mammogram and ultrasound on Wednesday.

@donna_51 i like how you come up with 3 positive thoughts for each negative. My counsellor said I had to be kinder to myself and not see myself negatively - a work in progress :woman_facepalming:


All really helpful ideas, thank you! I like the idea of having 3 positives to massively outweigh the negative thought & squash it!

I got a free subscription to Headspace via the Penny Brohn charity, they collect data from the usage in exchange for it being free but it’s collected anonymously so seemed like a great exchange! I haven’t explored it properly as yet, but will hopefully do so over the coming weeks to help me. I too don’t like being alone, and really enjoy the normalcy of everything going on around me.
If any of you are interested in this here’s the link: https://pennybrohn.org.uk/2023/08/17/get-some-headspace/

Hope you’ve enjoyed your afternoon feeling like you were playing truant @pat. Was there cake?! I think I will plan to do something with my first Tuesday without treatment to mark the occasion (3 weeks tomorrow), maybe just a walk/lunch with a friend but it will be a milestone!
Let the countdown commence…3 to go!


@ljlj of course there was cake! Though today it came in the form of an apricot and vanilla croissant from M and S. Yummy :yum:


Yum, I love those!
My mum bought me round a box of the blackcurrant sundae tarts from M&S today, I can’t wait to get stuck into them! (Saving for tomorrow as today I finished off the rock cakes I made with my son at the weekend!)


Hi everyone!
Been offline for a few days.
@charlie22 , so glad your celebration of your dad went so well…you do look fabulous. Reality does seem to hit after the funeral, remember to still keep on being gentle and kind to yourself.

Re other bits, i had a Lumpectomy that they declared a success and all removed. My lymph nodes had it in tho, hence chemo and radiotherapy…but my oncologist is not scanning as main tumour gone. I feel a bit odd about it but he has tried to reassure that this is sufficient so trying to put trust in him. After radiotherapy im told not to expect any further checks until mammogram next year which should be about a year post op.

I got my radiotherapy dates on friday, 6th Nov to 4th Dec…all done before year end, i do feel relieved at that. I too have my moogoo ready to go! I bought the face wash and skin balm too, seems to have helped my rashy face, not cured it tho!

Started my tamoxifen this morning, :crossed_fingers:no side effects…

Re hearing other cancer news, as others have said, i think we’re all on alert as its so raw /recent for us. Personally i cant watch or read personal stories beyond this forum at the moment. There is a local support group and i havent gone along for that reason although have supported some fundraising and am going to their quiz night next month…

Keep on keeping on ladies! x


@nicd what you’ve said about your lumpectomy etc sounds the same as me. I have 3 weeks radiotherapy though. I’m due to start Tamoxifen shortly - going to have a chat with the Oncologist first but good to hear no side effects so far.

This Friday would have been chemo day for me but instead I will be off to Lincolnshire for a long weekend with the family :slightly_smiling_face:

Going into work tomorrow which I’m looking forward to but also feels a bit weird as haven’t been in for so long!


Have a good day at work @wjs …. Another big step forward! And a weekend away coming up …. Even better :heart:

Off to the oncologist this morning…. Expecting to be put on tamoxifen for the next million years…. So I’m pleased to learn no side effects for you @nicd.


@wjs good luck for work! I hope youre not too anxious and that you have a great day.
My contract finished in june so job searching is my next hurdle in the new year, i feel anxious and scared already…confidence knocked so much this year! Even though ive been volunteering on my good days, still feel like i wont be able to work ‘properly’…

And have a great break away! Good for the soul to have a change of scenery! I loved my night away couple of weeks ago…thinking about some winter sun now after radiotherapy and Christmas…

@collywobbles good luck for appointment
Im only on day 2 now so v early but not anything bad as yet (bar o sleep but think thats just me anyway!)

Is anyone else suffering severe aching joints? My hips and one shoulder in particular, onc has said its hormone/ menopause related. But really affected my walking/sleeping…anyone else? Any tips?
Ive orderd an algae supplement to try…


Thank you @collywobbles @nicd @jojoh :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

I love that you feel naughty @pat and you had a good afternoon … same for all the other ladies … I can’t wait to be free from the chemo as well … my last one is tomorrow and for the first time I’m actually looking forward to it :rofl: just cos I know it’s my last one and the cherry on the cake is I can have my PiCC line out straight after :raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3::raised_hands:t3: just need to ride out the horrible week after the chemo but god that light at the end of the tunnel is definitely shining brighter :smiling_face:

How was work @wjs? I hope you enjoyed it and everyone made a lovely fuss of you? I’m currently off sick and this sounds quite sad but I’m actually missing it a bit … I know I’m not in the right head space to be back yet but I am finding myself being a little bored through the day! My contract is due to end in March and we are supposed to be told by Christmas if it will get extended … so that feels a bit nerve wracking as right now the thought of having to look for something else in the new year is a stress I can do without and like you @nicd i don’t feel as confident as I did and there’s a little voice that keeps saying I’m probably less employable now due to the cancer :smiling_face_with_tear: … but as my good old dad always said … no point worry about something until you actually have something to worry about :grimacing::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: so trying to keep positive!

@nicd I also have really aching hips, right side in particular, and this last week my lower back has started to hurt, I mentioned this to my oncologist today and he also said it was probably due to being plunged into the menopause… and yes sleeping is still horrific … I can’t get comfortable and the sweats still continue :weary: I actually got a straight four hours last night which I was so pleased with and felt so spritely this morning … which is laughable really cos it’s still rubbish but much better than normal :rofl: my oncologist did say I could start taking evening primose oil as this is fine to take along with all the drugs at the minute!

@donna_51 i love the 3 positives to 1 negative … definitely going to start using that going forward!

Hope everyone else is doing well … definitely a lot of positive vibes in the thread at the moment which is fantastic :two_hearts:


Thanks ladies, loved being back at work today. Trying to pace myself, starting with a couple of days in and will build it up depending on my energy levels.

Good luck tomorrow @charlie22 - nearly there! :slightly_smiling_face:

Interesting re the aching. I’ve not had anything too bad but have noticed my shoulders are a bit. Weirdly my hot flushes have calmed down a bit.

Hope everyone is doing ok.x


@charlie22 thinking of you tomorrow - it does feel quite good going for the last one!

Saw oncologist today - interesting to read about some of you with aches- prescribed letrozole for 5 years :crazy_face: and apparently can get aches and pains but she said keep mobilised and don’t stay still for too long - wrists are particularly at risk! Can’t wait for the menopause again and the hair thinning. I think she’s having a laugh - it couldn’t get any thinner if it tried :joy: …… weight gain …. Can hardly wait. Felt quite emotional at the end of my appointment!

Oncologist will send leaflets about bisphosphnates that I can decide if I want them or not but will get calcium and vitamin D. Anyone got any thoughts on all this? Taken first letrozole pill today so will see the aftermath! Any tips are gratefully received.


@collywobbles I have been given a big wodge of information about Letrozole, and the 6 monthly infusion I will probably have - depending on what is found in the operation I think - and i confess I haven’t read any of it. It has been filed away in the ‘I’ll deal with that when I absolutely have to’ pile.


@collywobbles aww bloody hell just when you think it’s over :face_holding_back_tears: I’m sorry I don’t know much about the letrozole or Amy other medication … I haven’t been given any information yet about what I need to do or take once surgery/ radiotherapy is done other than I have to carry on my immunotherapy for a further four rounds, but this will be discussed and decided after surgery.

Hope the tablets don’t cause too many side effects!! :crossed_fingers:t3::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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@charlie22 good luck for last chemo! And fab to lose the picc line , whoop whoop!

@collywobbles , i don’t know too much about letrozole yet. I am tamoxifen for 2 years the. Switch to letrozole. But my best mate is currently on it as she has secondary cancer. She has aches, but manages with regular yoga and paracetamol when too bad. It was her put me on to algae, she thought it helped for a bit but has stopped and now trying magnesium…will let you know if it helps after a while.

What a wonderful new world we’re entering!

Off volunteering…
Have a good day everyone!


Good luck with your last chemo today @charlie22


@charlie22 good luck today! I hope you have a little edible treat ready for when you get home :cake::cookie::doughnut::chocolate_bar:


Good look @charlie22. Be kind to yourself the other side. I forgot how hard the following days were just because it was the last one. Plenty of rest. :heart: