June 2024 chemo starters

I would just say that it won’t be as bad as you imagine it to be. I had my first one on 13th June. The people in the chemo unit were lovely and you really are in the best hands. I didn’t feel too bad during or afterwards and the side effects came in slowly over a couple of days (tiredness/fatigue, sore dry mouth and nose, aches and pains one day). I try and view it that this is good medicine to make you better, rather than something to be too scared about. We’ll get there, one cycle at a time. Xxx


@ljlj nobody obviously wants to be there but actually I found the nurses were so lovely and they looked after me. It wasn’t as bad as I expected. I had my first EC on the 14th. I felt quite hunger over I suppose for about 4 days then it was like someone switched me back on! My nails are a bit dry and I randomly went really spotty the other day :cry: but thankfully that’s calming down now! Other than that I’m generally feeling ok at the moment.:crossed_fingers:t2: Drink plenty of water before and after, try and get out for a short walk/fresh air when you can. I found sitting around sometimes made me feel more tired. Hope that helps and you’re able to get a decent night’s sleep. Think of it as one ticked off the list!x


Thanks-a really good way to frame it, I will try to adopt that X

I had my first EC at 1.30 today. It was ok. It was delivered via cannula and I was there for 2 hours, although the poor nurses are running around looking after several patients and so there are times when you may be just waiting. The nurse pushed the drugs through via syringe and as a result I was chatting with her and so didn’t need my kindle or phone or crossword book :joy:. It was hot in there and I haven’t cold capped so I was dressed in linen trousers as I didn’t want to be sticking to the chair and a thin top. I had a jumper and scarf just in case. I did suck on ginger sweets which helped me. The feeling of the drugs going in is a little odd as it’s cold but nothing bad. I drank 1.5 litres of squash before I got there. They struggled to find suitable veins and had to ask me to put my hand in hot water, so try and get your hands warm. Since being back home I feel tired and have a bad headache that tablets are shifting, but I can cope with that. Good luck, you’ll be fine. I’ve attached a pic. Shout if you need any other info. Xx
@bridget1 I am sending all my love and support to you and you’re wonderful little girl. You are both amazing and we are all here behind you. If you need to moan, do it and please celebrate every little step of progress that both you and your daughter make. :heart:xx


Thank you, she is having bone marrow collection tomorrow and chemotherapy starts Friday. I’m dreading the Hickman line being fitted but hoping i can reassure her with my picc line. Problem is I know how annoying and uncomfortable it can be at times :confused:


Hey everyone, haven’t posted in a little while as I’ve been a bit low on energy. (Anyone else very appreciative of friends and family checking in but oh the admin of replying!! And the same conversation again and again. Sorry bit of a moan, people are only trying to help! :joy:)

Just finished my fourth round of weekly Pactlitaxel today. 8 more rounds/weeks to go and then onto hormone therapy and some other injections.

Generally coping ok, starting to feel a little fatigued mainly because I haven’t been sleeping well - I don’t think it’s down to the steroids (though they’re probably not helping). The night before, night of and night after treatments I have the worst sleep. Probably anticipation - even though all 4 sessions haven’t been too bad. Long days as cold capping but not too bad on the whole.

Have been doing some walks and Gentle Pilate classes which I’ve liked as they properly stretch out my shoulder without over exerting myself.

Also on some level coming to terms with my new chest post-mastectomy. It’s as if my brain has sussed 6 weeks after surgery that this is all a bit permanent and we’re not going back to normal any time soon. Weird! I did have my wedding dress fitting this week, so was sad my dress didn’t fit me as well as it once did. Small fixable things though!

Anyway, sorry for the slightly glum post - normally pretty upbeat. @bridget1 all power and strength to you and your little one. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling - I hope all goes well tomorrow, let us know how she gets on. :heart:

Have been enjoying seeing everyone’s selfies, so here’s one from my round 2 (i agree it belongs in Vogue with the sanitary-towel-on-forehead look) xx


I have everything crossed for you both. Xx

Wow looks like I missed loads while I was recovering from my first EC! You can add me to the current antibiotic gang. Ended up at A&E 2 days post EC because of a fever and sore throat. Bloods came back all fine strangely so got given antibiotics and sent home. On the plus side I have never had antibiotics work so fast before, sore throat practically disappeared after 24 hours.

I had terrible acid reflux and nausea right after EC so I think I’m going to have a conversation with my oncologist for stronger stomach meds for the next one. Apart from that lovely jaunt to A&E, I woke up on day 5 and felt like my body switched itself back on, I could eat properly again and have more energy to do short walks.

@bridget1 my heart goes out to you and your daughter! Got my fingers crossed for you two.

@elizab1 Some ladies swear by salt mouth rinses, maybe give that a try. But your onc should be able to give you a proper mouthwash to deal with this I’m told.



Your are the same as me in that my second chemo scheduled for last Thursday didnt go ahead. I am however having the second one tomorrow thank god. I was completely deflated last week. I had three admission with high temperature so they wanted to give me longer this time and also they are reducing the dose by 15% tomorrow. I dont want anymore delays.

I am cold capping and my hair was great until Monday there when it started shedding. I am fortunate I have loads of hair so I am praying it just thins but at this stage it seems to be shedding at a very fast rate. Had my second prostrap injection this morning to help shut down my ovaries and got my chemo bloods done. So far have heard nothing which is good news and looks like the chemo will go ahead tomorrow.

I hope you get yours this week too x

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Unbelievably my bloods still aren’t right so I have to wait another week. As it’s round 1 they don’t take any risks or intervene in any way as they have to ensure they get the dose right. Like you @smt my dose will be adjusted by 15% to see if I can get back on track.

Feeling really miserable tbh … my light at the end of tunnel has almost been put out now :cry::cry:




Please try not to let this get you down. Listen I have been looking at plans for Christmas time. I know seems far away ut I am going to book a small trip I need something to look forward to. Keep a month in mind when this will be over. I am looking now at end of September but have three weeks radiotherapy straight after to now I am saying end of October. I am focussing on the finish not whats happening now. It so hard I totally understand your frustration. I have 8 rounds to get to ive had one so 7 more. I will tick off every one as I go. Make a chart and start thinking about the count down.

Im so sorry this is rubbish for you having to wait another week. Treat yourself to a nice meal out at the weekend thats what I did last weekend and even had some wine. You deserve it. Keep us posted and try hard to keep your chin up x


Thanks June team!! Feeling a bit more logical about it all now rather than hysterical!

Question though… my bc nurse said to take this time to find some happiness amidst it all, which quite frankly I’m finding hard. I feel positive about the future and getting through this (eventually!!) but I do feel like on a day to day basis, I’m living in a shadow. How do others cope on a daily basis? Do you do nice things? Try something new… I just seem to be waiting til this is all over to actually live my life but I know I can’t do that for 4+ months or longer - any tips??

Hope everyone else ok and your lovely 2 year old @bridget1 is doing ok.

I LOVE the photos too everyone … keep them coming… no matter how bad/fab they are
D xx

PS I found salt water really fab but I only had very mild tongue tingling but worth a try!!


So sorry to hear of your delay @donna_51 We all wish we had a magic remote control that we could fast forward with. My advice to you is to read all the lovely positive posts that you have given to all of us when we’ve needed it. The onc team want to get everything right. We’re too special for this process to be rushed. We all deserve the very best and if that means delays, then unfortunately that’s what’s got to happen. Keep smiling if you can. Big hugs :hugs:

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@kcg0610 you look fabulous… even with the sanitary/ cold cap combo :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::rofl:

Absolutely agree with the admin of replying … and whilst I do appreciate all the check in texts, calls as well is does feel relentless some days :grimacing: especially on those less energetic days! When all I want to do is curl up in a ball and not think about it all!!

Oh @donna_51 no it’s just a blip … that light is still there flickering just a little less bright at the minute but it will start getting stronger again just like yourself! Take some time to do something you enjoy for now and try not to be too hard on yourself!!

@bridget1 good luck with Friday and with your daughter

Keeping take care of all yourselves :heart::heart:


I don’t like day 3! Injections aren’t nice and I feel really nauseous and very weepy. I just thought I’d put it out there. Anyone else dislike day 3?

For me days 3 and 4 were the worst then things got steadily better, by day 11 side effects had gone ( apart from hair loss!) and energy levels up. On the bad days just think that this will pass and you will feel better soon. Xx


Thank you @jane13. Roll on day 5. I’m allowing myself to feel low and weepy today in the hope of it being a bit of a pressure release. I’ll pick myself up when I feel a bit stronger. Your words of encouragement are so appreciated. :heart:

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@alig1961 … were you on steroids? Possibly linked to them? Unfortunately we are like individual lab rats at the moment until we have a few sessions under our belts. I was sick day 1, better day 2 & 3 but then jittery with a slightly drunk feeling for days 4-6/7. But who knows if that will be the case next time (if I never get to round 2 !!! arrghhhh). We do have to just go with it a bit at the beginning but my onc said generally you do get the same pattern so perhaps accept day 3 is yuk but know it passes!



Thank you @donna_51. Day 4 isn’t too hot either. Just tried to send a work email comprising of a couple of sentences but it took me 10 minutes. Lab rat is a perfect definition and yes I think the injections are steroids. I’m quite pleased that I’m managing them as well as I am. There’s a light in the very far distance that we will all get to. Thank you again for the encouraging words :heart: