JUNE radiotherapy anyone?

Ouch Charys…good suggestion by Jill but if really troublesome try contact your area District nurse team tomorrow …can ring contact centre and request help…and get some Mepilex Lite…low adherant and will protect the raw skin and prevent friction from clothes…don’t apply aqeous cream to broken areas as may irritate more. Mepilex transfer is good for preventing skin to skin irritaion in the boob fold…use to prevent skin breakdown.
Im sore & itchy today, stabbing and rib pains…bit miserable…but broken areas no worse thankfully.

Charys I’m so sorry you are suffering so much it does sound so painful and uncomfortable hope you get it sorted soon xxx

Hi, I had 5 boosters and was told it was because I’m considered “young” (I’m 49!). It targets the tumour bed where the tumour once was. I finished just over two weeks ago but the booster area was far more painful and sore than the rest of my breast. Thankfully it has virtually fully healed now at last! Michelle x

Good luck with your last one tomorrow Charys I bet you can’t wait to be finished.

ive been given some Intrasite gel for my itchy skin and some more gel pads. The radiographers said to me today “well you certainly have a lovely square shape red burn mark on you, at least we know we were always targeting the correct area” they said that not everyone are effective by radiotherapy but I certainly have been lol.


Well almost there myself now can’t wait to Thursday evening.


L xx

Hello everyone…

so 20 rads done and my treatment is finished… Seems a little unreal yet- I am so used to going to the hospital (chemo, surgery twice, then rads) it’s strange to think I won’t have to go back again until the check up in August… I’m red and sore and I know it will get worse before it gets better but I’m still feeling happy, if a little apprehensive. 

Best of luck to everyone still having regular treatment, hope the side effects are minimal and the outcomes are good, it’s not pleasant but yeay for everyone kicking cancer’s backside…

Well done to Charysi and Jsib on finishing your treatment so far yay.


only another 2 for me can’t wait to not have to go to the hospital each day, although I’m sure that will be strange enough in itself. Onwards and upwards as they say I’ll see you in the tamoxifen thread for the next 5 years lol.

Thank Charys for starting this thread and for all the support from each and everyone of you xx

Well done to Charysi and Jsib on finishing your treatment so far yay.


only another 2 for me can’t wait to not have to go to the hospital each day, although I’m sure that will be strange enough in itself. Onwards and upwards as they say I’ll see you in the tamoxifen thread for the next 5 years lol.

Thank Charys for starting this thread and for all the support from each and everyone of you xx

Hi all

I have just got back from my 8th Rad treatment out of 15. Today the Radiographer was concerned that the boob that is NOT being treated is quite red and she can’t understand why. Its not painful and I hadn’t really noticed it before. I am seeing the Doctor at the hospital next week to see how i am getting on. Has anyone else experienced this problem?


Hi all,


Well that’s me finished 25zaps done and dusted, such a shame though that none of my normal team were there today. It was very strange having a complete different team with different ways. 

I’m hoping that the next few weeks are better than I am anticipating.


Good luck to everyone over the following weeks.


L xx

Hi all
I am off for number 13 of 15 this morning. Doing ok. Have some blistering on my scar so was given a gel yesterday and due to pick up a prescription for cream today.
I have been lucky with times etc mine have generally Been at 10.15 every day which I have appreciated as I have an hours journey each way. I managed to drive myself for first 8 but now need to be driven. About 20 minutes after session I get very light headed and disorientated. I also feel sick. This lasts about 15 mins then I am ok. Really weird and not conducive to driving!
Great to see so many people have finished. Like Charys I would love to hear how everybody is getting on. Look after yourselves and be kind to your bodies we have all been through some very challenging times.
Sending hugs
Jan x

Hi all…
Hows everyone doing…guess all nearly at the end now…Jan…
Welldone Louann…fantastic getting through so many.
Those having boosters…Anita, hang in there, i was lucky and didnt have them thankfully so can’t really know what thats like.
So 8 days after finishing…was ok for first few days, but then Bam!..hit by fatigue bus but only short lasting…i seem to be great upto 4-5oclock then tire easily. My skin became more sensitive, sore, inflammed and developed a lumpy rash that was a little painful…only in small area to top of breast. This eased with antihistamines. My wound is showing signs of healing now too. Hopefully on way to recovery.
Problems with hearing & Tamoxifen…now stopped for 2 weeks, anyone else noted this?.
Booked a cruise for end of August…back to work September…moving forward.
Take care…have a good weekend ladies.

Btw Jan…i had the lightheaded and nausea episodes but during first few sessions then this eased…weird.

I am so very sad tonight to hear the very sad news that Caroline Aherne has passed away. Such a talented young lady?? such a lost to comedy xx

Hi all 


I hope you are all well, I don’t know why but I’ve been quite emotional today. I thought I was getting closer to being back to normal but I keep finding myself in tears and I’m not sure why. Not sleeping at all well so that maybe why, I’ve just downloaded the 5th series of Suits so hopefully I can relax this afternoon while watching it.


Big hugs to you all xx

hi Louann, it’s quite common to get tearful without a particular reason (well I say that - we all have a reason but you know what I mean!!) I think it’s the enormity of what we have gone through sneaks up when you least expect it. Hope you’re feeling better now xxx

I’m just reaching 3 weeks post last radiotherapy now, so I’m guessing most of the June starters have finished or very nearly finished. I’m guessing it’s back to picking up where we all left off at the time of diagnosis, with or without various tablets and injections for the next few years.
Wishing you all the very best for a happy and healthy future and thanks for the support you’ve given me ?

Im 11days post rads now Louann and frankly the reality of finally completing the treatments has hit…few tears and relief plus the realisation of what ive “lost” along the way. How much we change and adapt from how we were before’it’ and knowing a new normality awaits is quite daunting at times…but it is a future. Im in a kind of grieving stage i guess…didnt have time to think through properly over past 17months as constant treatments, admissions, appts etc…but now im reflecting and coming to terms with how much my life has changed.
But im also excited about my future…im more optimistic, tolerant and looking forward to things again.
Take care all.

I finished last Tuesday and like many of you the reality is starting to hit home. I coped with it all with many wobbles along the way but now I don’t have the focus of getting through the next treatment or hospital appointment. I don’t miss the appointments or feel lost or abandoned as I was warned I might feel. I am sooooo relieved I don’t have to go into that building again for a while. But I don’t really know how I feel yet. I am exhausted emotionally and physically tired but think mentally I am somewhere in limbo. I can’t get back to normal because I have changed too much. I no longer know what normal is.
I am so thankful I found so much support and good advice here on the forum.
Thanks ?

Hi al


I’m very pleased to say that since ending my rads on 30th June my skin has not got worse but instead has improved daily. I’m still tired but the side effects that I was told would happen haven’t. I’m going away for a lovely weekend this weekend and will be tempted my the hop tub, fingers crossed I don’t cause my skin to go backwards.


I hope everyone else is ok and that you are all healing nicely.

L xx