JUNE radiotherapy anyone?

Hi Jelly, Anita and all…
I think this is an emotional trek for us all now…bearing in mind for most its coming to the end of treatments and for me that realisation is allowing me to reflect on all thats happened and its now i’ll try come to terms with it all. The flood gates are ajar and we can see the light at the end now. It can be a scary time in that we can start to feel set adrift from all the support we’ve had over these past months… but that normal…and for me normality is a yearning ive had for ages now. We can feel very proud of all we’ve gone through and allow ourselves to relax, breath and move on…not long now ladies…not long.xx

How was everyone’s weekend?..
Back on the Beam today…Day 12/15…got told off for the vino’s i had on Saturday…naughty Jo…?

Song for today…Hub’s…Bangles - Eternal Flame…
Me …OMD - Joan of Arc.?..8-6 to me.

Hi, I am new to the forum. I was diagnosed in March of this year and had a mastectomy in April and begin radiotherapy on 24th June. Just wondering if anyone else is beginning this week? I have been to a planning session but other than that am not sure what to expect. I hope I won’t be too tired. Will be glad when this part of treatment is over and I can keep my one good boob under wraps for a while! Jill 

Hi all

No 17 of 25 today, skins holding up well but I am quite itchy and very pink I have been given Hydrocortisone cream to use twice a day, hopefully this will help. I was told to use Aveeno cream I told them that I had already been using this twice a day.

Not much to put up with really up to a lot of people. I met a young boy today who has been coping with cancer for three years. He has been having radiotherapy to his head and spine for the last week and from tomorrow until Friday he has to have full body rads. He’s having a bone marrow transplant on Friday so hopefully things will be a lot better for him. I am keeping everything crossed for him.

hope everyone has had a good weekend.


L xx

Eyup Jill and welcome…hope goes ok on Friday for you.
Louann i was using Aveeno and thought it was good but nurse asked me not to last Weds…just stick to Aqeous/E45 as scars really friable…which i did but not sure if its progression of treatments but skin feels more sore now…using Mepilex Transfer as protection under boob now too.
Keep going everyone…one step nearer to the end.xx

Eyup Jill and welcome…hope goes ok on Friday for you.
Louann i was using Aveeno and thought it was good but nurse asked me not to last Weds…just stick to Aqeous/E45 as scars really friable…which i did but not sure if its progression of treatments but skin feels more sore now…using Mepilex Transfer as protection under boob now too.
Charys…i feel for you with those slots.
Keep going everyone…one step nearer to the end.xx

Not sure Anita really…thing is a few can’t harm & was daughters birthday celebrations…plus ive had 14months of this schizzle…it’s just needed now and then.
Think they don’t can fully appreciate what we go through at times…tbh ive been out a few times these past couple of weeks…im starting to look really rough?
Think my skin started being sensitive after 8-9 sessions…x

Hi everyone, thank you for welcoming me. Not sure why it has taken me so long to join the forum. Hope I can begin to support others too. Thanks for the reassurance and advice on creams etc. My appointments are all in the afternoon and I can walk to the hospital, think I am lucky in that respect. The whole scar/wound area feels odd - not sore but an odd sort of numb sensation. That coupled with four weeks of Letrozole not sure what I should worry about next! 


Thanks for the blog suggestion jellyjem. I understand what you mean about being abandoned knowing your oncologist had left. You build up trust and need something stable to help emotionally. 


I keep reading about limiting wine intake - my oncologist hasn’t mentioned this. Seems to be in relation to Letrozole and radiotherapy. Have I missed something? 


Have  good days everyone.  Jill x

Welldone Kitty…hope you have a good recovery and best wishes for the future…have a ball.xx
As for vino …moderation in all things is fine.
Jill…ive come to love a good walk…just chillin with some tunes…real peace.
Got used to my trips now…funny how we adjust now, guess its the new laid back me.
Song for today…as came on my playlist on way to unit…
Day 13/15
Kelly Clarkson - Stronger (what doesnt kill you makes you)
Hubby - Sammy Hagar - This Planets on Fire.
9-7…point each.

Morning :relaxed:
Hope everyone is doing ok.
Off for number 5 today. Not too bad so far though I am having quite some pain in my upper chest on the non BC side. Weird. It started after number 2. I asked but was told was probably arm position. I pointed out I do Pilates exercises most days which specifically target arm and shoulder stretches so I don’t think so. It is definitely getting worse. The pain woke me up in the early hours. Anyone else having similar experience?
I appear to be quite fortunate in that all my appointments are at 10.15. ? Not so fortunate in the hour drive each way ? .
Loving the song titles. Going with my ED today so will discuss and see if we can add to the list.
Have a good day all, hope you get some sunshine.
Hugs Jan x

Morning folks…
A few aches in my left shoulder too…have great range of movement and sleep with my arms above my head usually too…just muscular really…Jan my right is also stiff but put it down to being more subconscioudly dependant on its usage during Rads. But if its troubling you ask for medic review to be on safe side.

I wilt in the afternoons/evenings…so glad my appts been late mornings mostly…and as you say Charys it gives more time for fresh air exposure…my routine in afty is for a rest and my boob breathe! Good luck with the final Boosters Charys…im not needing these thankfully.
Songs for Rads Day 14/15…
Hubby Smoke on the Water
Me - Walking on Sunshine …getting more upbeat now nearing the end.
Bought some Samosas from Myeloma UK fundraiser stand today…theyre still warm!!..im gonna wolf them later.
Ciao, for now…im off in.xx

I did it…last one today.
Its been a really long hard 15 months’ journey to the line…but im here.
Diagnosed April 2015…6 x chemo, 7 operations, multiple wound problems, …now 15 Rads…done.Herceptin complete in July, & Tamoxifen.
Time to rest, heal and reflect now. Its been very emotional at times but also have had moments of true joy and met many many kind and supportive folk on the way…thankyou to each and everyone one.
My family have also been truly amazing.
Hopefully wounds will be ok to holiday in August/Sept then back to work by Autumn…but not rushing.
Good luck to everyone still going through treatments, may you find comfort & support in those around you, and happiness in all that surrounds you.

Thanks Charys…x

Doh…sorry Anita…so tired tonight.x

Well done Jo,


20of 25 today and to be honest was quite painful tonight but still very doable, will definitely be glad when next Thursday arrives and final radiotherapy yay.


L xx

My skin is so so very itchy today, the antihistamine tablets and the hydrocortisone cream are not helping at all. I’ve been given some Actiform cool pads from the hospital today which can be put in the fridge and reused several times. Hopefully this will help, The radiographers did explain that it will keep getting worse even when my rads had finished. I’ve got my review on Monday and I’m hoping with the weekend upon us my skin will calm down a little.


Have a relaxing weekend everyone.

L xx

Hi Louann, I finished my rads 2 weeks ago, 15 + 5 boosters. I also had a problem with itching and found antihistamine tablets helped a little plus aloe vera gel was quite soothing. The area where I had the boosters became incredibly sore and then the skin just cracked which was quite painful. I went to a health shop and bought Barefoot SoS skin rescue cream for dry and sensitive skin and within 48 hours the soreness had really improved.  I don’t know if it was the cream or that my skin suddenly started improving naturally but I like to think maybe it was the cream (so that I don’t feel I wasted a lot of money!) The rads team told me that side effects would peak around 2 weeks after finishing but to be honest it was more like a week after and now 2 weeks later it is virtually fully recovered (still got a nice tan though!).  I hope you don’t suffer too much and manage to find something to bring relief. Michelle x

Hi ladies

Thank you for all the support, I can honestly say that the Actiform cool pads are helping so much. It’s so lovely to have something to ease the itchy skin for a while. I would definitely recommend them to anyone else suffering with the horrible itchy hot skin.


L xx 

Try Melolin Low Adherent Dressing Pads Charys until you see Oncologist for review ,you can get them from Boots,use them shiny side down .My skin broke down under my boob and peeled off leaving raw patches not nice .

The oncologist suggested these dressings .