Just been diagnosed

Thanks again super for makin me feel better I just wasn’t sure what was wot just hope the little gremils as u put ut haven’t spread will keep u posted and fingers crossed stil got over a week to go for ct scan xx

Hi Ladies,

I just wanted to let you know that I’ve been where you are now so I know how scarey it is and how frightened and alone you are all feeling. But hang on in there, there will be light at the end of the tunnel. I was diagnosed 12 years ago with invasive lobular BC with spread to 5 lymph nodes. I had a lumpectomy, chemo, rads and Tamoxifen. Unfortunately I had a recurrence 7 years ago and had to have a mastectomy and Arimidex. I am now undergoing an igap reconstruction. But I am as fit as a fiddle now with no health worries and life is good (even better than before because now I know how precious life is and so I enjoy every second of it). It’s a long journey I know but it will pass and you will get through it and end up a stronger person than you were before.

Sending you all lots of positive thoughts.

Thank you for ur posotive thoughts its just hard not knowing how to feel still got no appetite but drinking plenty if tea lol havin a better day today Aslo movin house 2 Moro plenty of things to keep me busy, just taking eachday as it comes . U feel like ur the only person in the world goin through this yet were not,and thank you for all ur replies and support it is really helping me. Just wish I could stop my mind working overtime!! Xx

It’s very difficult controlling your thoughts. If you are the member of a local library have a look to see if they can reserve you a copy of a book called “the power of now” by Eckhart Tolle. Reading this book certainly helped me. It is a rather spiritual book and might not be your “cup of tea”

You are certainly not on your own - we are all here, going through it at different stages and holding virtual hands with everyone else!

Good luck with the house move too! You certainly have a lot going on at the moment.

Thanks for that super I’ll go to my local library and ask for that :slight_smile: earn out today with packing had wonderful friends helping me today snd my son n gf have been amazing xx

hiya purple,i can understand your fears i was diagnosed in april i also needed chemo first because the lymph nodes were affected this was followed by masectomy, tumour was appro 6cms then rads. i also had a ct and bone scan i found this the worst time waiting for results as your mind and thoughts are all over the place my son was only 15 so i had worries about him to.there doesn’t seem to be many words that help and i thought if someone says “think positive” to me one more time i would throttle them even tho they meant well. i kept a diary which i found helped as i could put thoughts and feelings down and it kept a track of things as one day can roll into the next,it’s quite good to read back as i can see how further on i am now mentally as well as physically. it does and will get better i hope all goes well with you and your treatment

Hi thanks shazza my head is spinning still cant eat feel sick all the time , yea I scared really scared but just want to start treatment hate all this waiting around!! Got ct scan next Tuesday then see oncon the 25th more waiting!!! This us what I’m havin trouble copin with think I need to go n see my doctor to give me something to calm me down . And something to stop me feeling sick all the time is this normal??? I’m
Just not copin at all snd I’m moving house today aswell!! Xx

hiya purple42
all the things you described i.e feeling sick,unable to eat, constant worrying not feeling your coping is similar to how i felt at the beginging,it seemed as if i were in “limbo” and everything was on hold there was a constant knot in my stomach from anxiety and like you i just wanted to get on with it and have all the facts. looking back this was probably the worst time,there were good days and bad sometimes i’d be really positive and other times i was picking my funeral songs.It was a case really of just going with the flow until i knew what i was dealing with.
It seems a good idea to see your gp I take zopiclone sleeping tablets on and off which has helped as i needed some respite from my thoughts and feeling tired from lack of sleep seems to highten the emotions,and a milky drink when i couldn’t face food helped.
moving house and dealing with breast cancer sounds like one very capable lady to me.
hope your results are positive and the move went well good luck xx

Yes I had Zopiclone too and would certainly recommend it. It allowed me a good 8 hours sleep every night and without that I don’t know how I would have coped. Your mind goes into overdrive at this stage of the game and you really need to give it a rest and conserve your strength. Have a word with your GP and be really honest with him how you are and I’m sure he will prescribe it for you.


Thanks hunnie I’m shattered move went well , I just here how people have started treatment even while waitin fir a ct scan I’ve had nothing I’ve had the biopsy mamagram snd ultra sound soz rant over just tired I guess xx

Sorry about my rant yesterday had a bit if a blip this morning then I thought more!!! No more tears n get on with it can’t do owt till had my scan so wots the point keep getting worked up dnd upsetting everyone around me, time to bite this gremlin in the butt!! And say no more I’m in control not u!!! More positive thinking than crying from now on x x x

good on you girl fighting talk! breast cancer is treatable and beatable even if i am sat here with one bosom and an inch of hair i’m still sat here and feeling ok about it, although would have preferred hair to be long blonde n glossy not short curly and very much like sheeps wool,still can’t have everything,let us know how you get on, take care xx

Dont come on much these days, have moved over to fb. with some breast cancer friends, just wanted to say it is the norm. to have scan first. Then they know what they are dealing with, think if it has spread you will get different chemo.
Just to let you know a friend of mine was diagnosed with grade 3 and had 26 out of 28 lymph nodes with cancer. she was devastated. That was just over 12 years ago, and she is absolutely fine! So keep your spirits up. I remember the worst time was waiting for treatment, felt like it was never coming.

Thank you all for ur kind words and being very supportive and getting me through this very difficult time , I have a great family and really good friends to thank you again without this forum I think I would have gone insane , u all know what we are goin through this is the best site and lovely friendly people thank you all again so much xxxx


haven’t been on here for a while but as the sleep fairy has moved out I am reading through the posts.

I can really understand how you feel and can say that in all honesty where you are at the moment is quite normal in relation to the situation you have found yourself in.

I was diagnosed last August with grade 3 tumour in my right breast. I can honestly say that from being an independent and strong woman I turned into a gibbering wreck. 5 months on and I have had my op, and started my treatment and am now in a completely different place in my head.

All the ladies have said everything else but I offer you all my support and best wishes on your journey. M

Thank you M for your kind words I’m starting to feel more positive but still do scared I’ve got my ct scan on Tuesday and I’m praying it hasnt spread anywhere else. . I know it’s hind into my lymph nodes I’m just hoping that’s the only place it’s gone to, so fingers crossed then go n see onc on the 25th jan xxxxx

hi purple just like you i have just been diagnosed last wednesday, i too have been a jibbering wreck with no food or sleep.
i have to have an mri done first then surgery in two to four weeks and i am petrified.my lymph nodes they said looked clear but they have suggested i have a second biopsy just to be sure.
im sending many hugs to you i will keep looking for your posts.
god luck to us both xxx

Hi Janey I’m sleeping better now eatin so so be alot better when I’ve had ct scan n results back I just go about my day ad normal as I can plus all my family n friends keep me goin and go about our daily lives no more tears cried enough for now,hope ur ok sweetie and always about if u want to chat take care me darling chin up we Will beat this!!! Xxxxxxx

hi purple im glad to hear your starting to eat better thats just something else to worry about isnt it. my eating has picked up a bit. some days i feel terrified and some days i feel more positive. somehow i felt i didnt have it yesterday bu`t i woke in the early hours this morning with the dread again.i have to go to talk to my consultant today and are worrying about that. you feel so alone in all this although i too have wonderful friends and family.on the side of my computer i have pictures when we were in america in september last year happy days i.ll be so glad to get those happy days back. take care purple much love sent to you speak soon xxx

Hi Janey how u feeling today? I’m
Doin keepin busy,go ct scan 2moz fingerscrossed all us ok with that!!! Then seeing on. The 25th hopefully with a plan of action ready, take care sweetie xxxxx much love xx