Just been diagnosed

hiya purple glad to hear your eating and sleeping better and getting on with things even tho it’s never far from your thoughts. just wanted to wish you well with your ct scan to-morrow everythings crossed for you.
hope all went well for janey and her visit to consultant,good luck to you both x

Thanks shazza fingers crossed like u said snd yea Janey how did u get on me darlin? Xxxxx
Not ate much today but sleepin ok thanks xxxxx

hi purple hope everything goes well today im so waiting for you to get back and say things are looking better… i had the appointment yesterday and she told me that the biopsy on my nodes came as fat so there was no conclusion they said it will show on my mri in two weeks so yet again the terrifying waiting game. my cancer is lobular and the fact that this type of cancer hides i have to have the mri to determine its size and whether its in the nodes or not.i had a terrible day yesterday just thinking negative worrying about the mri now and how long and hard this road is going to be.i had some of the most horrible emotions yesterday i was with my son and two sisters and i felt so envious of there healthy lives how horrible is that. i felt angry desperate sad frightened you name it i felt it. please messge me to let me know how you are im thinking of you hugs lots of them i send to you. xxx

Hi Janey sorry to hear ur havin to wait this is the worst part waitin. Scan went ok I think won’t know till next we’d so more waiting for me to!! I have had all the emotions u are havin I’m with u every step of the way sweetheart xxxxxx

hi amanda so happy your ct scan went well something else out of the way isnt it. ive woke feeling scared again so im going to take abrisk walk doesnt look as cold and frosty today. perhaps we could swap phone numbers amanda what do you think jane xxx

Hey up sweetheart cause we can swap numbers that would be lovely :slight_smile: where snouts in the uk are ya? I’m from Derbyshire , keep ur chin up the best u can snd if u want cry or have a rant then you do it I do I’m not as bad now I try not to think about it like I said yesterday I’m with u every step of the sweetheart love n hugs xxxxx

Hi Purple,
I had similar diagnosis to you and am also in similar situation, being a single mum to an 18 year old boy. I was dx 23 Dec 2010 with grade 3, stage 3, 76mm IDC and also had DCIS of 94mm. I so remember feeling like you are now honey.
I didn’t cope very well buried my head in the sand and I couldn’t even look at leaflets without crying. I had panic attacks too. The earliest part of this journey really is the worse and the waiting is horrible. I’m sure that when your hospital has got a plan in place and you start your treatment, you’ll feel better.
I had surgery first and also had 3 nodes that were positive too. I think of those nodes of being the bouncers and holding the nasty cells there. I was 39 when I was diagnosed and my son had his 18th last year. I’m a year down the line now,my cancer has gone and I finished radiotherapy in September. I’m back at work full time and life is pretty much back to normal. Sending you lots of love and positive vibes x x

Hi Lisa, thank you so much for ur reply , yea the waiting is the worst part I’ve got stage 3 with lyphm node involved how many not got a clue had ct yesterday I’m
Just praying it’s not spread anywhere else!!! I try to block it dint know if that’s a good or bad thing??? Just want treatment to start and start the road to recovery!!!

Really pleased for you Lisa that ur all clear and doin well love n hugs xxxxx

Hi Lisa, thank you so much for ur reply , yea the waiting is the worst part I’ve got stage 3 with lyphm node involved how many not got a clue had ct yesterday I’m
Just praying it’s not spread anywhere else!!! I try to block it dint know if that’s a good or bad thing??? Just want treatment to start and start the road to recovery!!!

Really pleased for you Lisa that ur all clear and doin well love n hugs xxxxx

morning amanda i think im off to barnsley today to watch my son play darts he,s an avid player just wanted to wish you a good day xxx

Hi Purple and Janey
Just a quick one to say I hope you both have something nice today to keep your minds busy. I don’t think there’s a right or wrong way to cope with the waiting room. Every lady on this forum has been there and understands just how terrifying it is. Ask questions here if you need to and there will always be someone to help. Thee are lots of good news stories about too.
Janey- there was a lady that posted here and was diagnosed about the same time as me. She had lobular and is out the other side of her treatment now. In her words, everything’s ‘tickety boo’

Lots of hugs and positive vibes xxxx

Hiya Jane ur son should meet my son we are a dart mad family!!! We watch it play it and even go and see the pro,s met loads of famous players in fact we goin to watch the premier league in April something for us all to look forward to!!! Have a great day out with ur son xxxx

Thanks Lisa this forum does keeps me goin and reading all the stories .

My son is not copin very well with the news he has ashburgers soz can’t spell
lol we try just go about our daily lives the best we can my son is 18 next month oh boy are we goin to throw one hell of a party for him!!!

Love n hugs to u all Amanda xxxxxx

I am sorry to hear that you have been dignosed with BC.
I have an appointment today with my surgeon for a dignosis for my breast condition.
If it helps I know how you must feel right now, previously I had never given Cancer much thought but now I am dreading todays visit to the hospital myself.
However, if it’s any help to you my advice is to ask for help and support from the Breast Cancer Nurse Team, where you live as they will be able to help you through all the future decisions you have to make and not least of all to us women help us with dealing with the loss of our hair and breast.
Also my advice to you is to read as much as you can absorb about your condition if you feel that knowing “everything” will help you through it.
When you are feeling low talk to a Breast Cancer survivor on the phone there are many woman who have been through this experience and they can help you a great deal in the future, 24/7/365 days a week.

I should have all my test results (mammogram, ultrasound,biopsy), together with a dignosis today, so I am just one step behind you in your journey, take heart you are not alone, there are millions of us walking with you on this path.
God Bless you
In friendship

Thank you rose does any one get stabbing pains in the breast where the cancer is? I keep getting them not all the time but every now n again? Xxxx

i feel dreadful today, i keep getting indigestion and heartburn and more painful than ive ever experienced. i woke this morning really early and felt so low.have my mri on thursday and im scared. my breast area where the thickening is looks bigger to me now. i dont know how im going to get through this i feel weak and scared all the time and treatment hasnt even started yet.im terrified its gone somewhere else.helpppppppppp.

((((((((hugs))))))) Janey I feel the same got it in to my head it’s spread but till I go 2 moz for results I try not to think about it, my lump isn’t even hard no redness around it nothing , keep ur chin up and remember we are all here for you xxxxxxxx

good luck with your results tomorrow purple. will be thinking of you. try and get some sleep tonight!! alex xxx

Thanks alex will let u know how I got on xxxxxx

All the best for today Purple, thinking of you.

Good luck with the MRI tomorrow Janey.

(Although I’m not officially diagnosed yet, I get results of biopsies on Friday, the consultant told me that I do probably have cancer).

Such a stressful time for all. Take care.

Aww thank you sweetheart good luck with u to and remember we are.all here for u darlin xxxxxx