Just been diagnosed

Hi Shirl
Thank you . I Hope all goes well with you on wednesday I know it isn’t easy, waiting is the pits
please keep us updated .
Please may i be your friend

Hi Purple, Hope you are OK. I haven’t had any tests on my thyroid / throat so can’t advise. Didn’t they explain why they were doing that test ?

I am also really sorry for disappearing for a while since I posted all my panic comments about waiting for my CT / Bone Scan / Inflammatory Breast Cancer Biopsy results but I still find it weird coming on here as it’s admitting I have the “C” word. I find it much easier telling people I am just ill or having “treatment” but the minute I say Cancer I want to cry my eyes out. Sorry.

I am very pleased to say that ALL my many test results came back clear and my blood tests were 100% perfect. My surgeon had been convinced I had secondaries and Inflammatory Breast Cancer and from day one was telling me that it might not be curable - talk about doom and gloom !!

My wonderful Breast Care Nurse actually rang me about an hour before I was leaving the house to get the results and told me the good news because she knew I would of had a melt down in the waiting room otherwise ;-( and when my mum and I entered the room the surgeon lady was actually smiling !! We didn’t know she could do that lol

It would appear that I had “Inflammation” due to an Infection in the breast (which someone has said could well of been my body’s way of reacting to the cancer there) - and basically this infection is what alerted me to a problem. Doesn’t change the fact that my doctor ignored it all - and that I was sent home for 2 months with BOTH a breast Infection AND Grade 3 IDC Cancer with Lymph Nodes Involved - but thank god I am now on the road to treatment and recovery.

So Weds 1st Feb I got the all clear from any nasty secondaries etc and then she also changed her mind about doing a mastectomy. No idea why as I had never been given a choice about saving the breast before but have decided to trust her completely.

So last Tuesday 7th Feb I had a WLE and full node clearance - it was a 5.5 hr surgery - which seemed an incredibly long time - especially as my boob looks FAB and once the multi colored bruising and swelling goes down then you’d never know it’s been touched.

I was awake at 10pm at night and by 10am next day I had eaten breakfast, got up and walked to the loo and was looking far too well to be in a hospital. 24hrs later I was sobbing my heart out and didn’t know why. The breast care nurse came round and smiled and said that it’s normal for it to “hit you” after surgery and said to expect several more days of tears - and she wasn’t wrong. But crying is good - and it’s not because of any pain - just emotions.

I know that I couldn’t wait for some treatment when I was first diagnosed and you will all hear people say that it’s easier once you have those test results - and truly it is - but be kind to yourselves ladies. The stress alone is a huge shock to the system, so let people spoil you. Forget work or housework, and give in to any tiredness.

I went in on Tuesday at 8am and left on Friday at 6pm and have pretty much laid on my settee ever since. Friends have been amazing - even washing my hair for me (as can’t put arm above head), and washing my smelly armpit (that I can’t reach yet), and taking my son out bowling today (as single mum), and bringing round meals (in fact casserole is due to be delivered any minute), and taking photos of my brightly coloured boob ready for when I feel up to doing an online blog.

Take each and every offer of help - no matter how small - and you will be surprised by who comes out of the woodwork and wants to help ! Even had contact from someone I fell out with years ago because Breast Cancer took her mother when she was a little girl and she’s mortified that I’ve been affected.

For all those that have just been diagnosed - Keep Positive - Be Strong if you feel like it but don’t be afraid to cry your eyes out either as you are perfectly entitled to.

I’m not sure doctors would approve of the treatment plan but the day after I came home I had wine and chocolates as well ! Worked for me as slept like a log (but I wasn’t taking ANY drugs then as hate taking drugs - however have now learnt that it was a mistake to stop them and taking Paracetomol 2 or 3 times a day and an anti inflammatory just twice a day - makes a HUGE difference).

I now have to wait (again) to see if they got a clear margin before finding out my next step in this rollercoaster ride but surgery was pretty painless and hospital food was surprisingly good !

Keep us informed Purple on your tests and when you start treatment. xxx

Hi Angelherts
Reading your blog has touched me so much.Similary l was ignored when l felt a lump,they thought it was a cist and sent me home. The lobula cancer wasn’t detected as early as it should have been l had to go back and keep telling them it was,nt right before they eventually did a biopsy on the lump. I’m feeling quite alone with feelings of anger that maybe if the doc’s had done the biopsy earlier the breast may have been saved like you. I have just had surgery, a mx last week but finding it impossible to look at myself and still grieving my loss. Sounds like you have good friends, like l have but how does anyone know what its like to lose such an important part of a womans body? I feel ugly and mutalated, l can’t face any mirrors, just cry like a baby every time. How do l get through this… any sugestions please.

Thanks angel just back from seein the chemo nurse, I start chemo this thursday wish me luck ladies xxxxxxxx

Oh Jeppy my heart goes out to you ! Sending you a virtual hug ((()))

I completely understand your anger towards your doctor and I’ve personally had to stop my family going into my surgery and getting nasty with my doctor. I have gone in and asked what their complaints procedure is and I will be writing to the practise manager but I wonder whether it’s worth it ;-(

I was very lucky as my Surgeon decided to do breast saving surgery and hopefully I will find out tomorrow that she has taken enough and I will get to keep my breast, but I was very prepared to have it taken at the beginning.

I think now you’ve had the surgery the shock and enormity of it all will hit you and you need to just give in to these emotions. Don’t think too far ahead yet.

I met a lovely lady in the hospital that has had reconstructive surgery now and she had a FAB pair of boobies - so don’t despair. You could end up with nice Jordan fake boobs and an amazingly cleavage without the huge credit card bill :wink:

Some ladies have found their fake boobie some comfortable and discreet under clothes that they’ve decided not to bother with reconstructive surgery. It’s just too soon to be thinking about that now.

Ok - I know I am being very light hearted but what I am trying to say is that it’s right to grieve and feel such a loss and although your friends can’t truly put themselves in your shoes, they will be able to empathise and will be there for you when you are ready to look at yourself.

There are many ladies on here that have had the MX and you should try and reach out to some of them. They are a fantastic bunch on here. You won’t look ugly and mutalated, you will look beautiful and strong and your friends and family will be overwhelmingly proud of you for coping with this incredibly tough journey.

Take care and give everything time xxx

Hi I’ve just been diagnosed with breast cancer, not sure what grade it is but it has spread to my lymph nodes under my armpit. I’m waiting for a CT scan and to start my chemo sometime in the next week or two. Cant stop worrying that it has spread, just want to get on with it now, the waiting is driving me crazy! Comforting to know that im not alone.

Hi Shell1975 - Sorry to hear you’ve joined us but take heart that it is actually very rare for the cancer to spread past your lymph nodes.

Think of you lymphs as your “Bouncers” who are there to make sure the little “yobs” don’t escape until the police (your surgeon) gets there. I used to visualise my bouncers giving the yobs a good beating every time I had a twinge in my breast or armpit and after my CT Scan I “promoted” my bouncers to highly trained martial art NINJAS (in my head - obviously not in reality).

For me it worked because it hadn’t spread but 8 out of the 19 nodes were infected and have been removed.

I will keep my fingers crossed for you… Angie

Hi angie thanks for your kind words they made me feel a bit better, today has been a particularily stressful one, but I shall remember that they are ninjas I think, hope mine are as tough as yours x

Hi shell1975- my mum has just had been diagnosed with breast cancer and that it has spread to the lymph nodes, she has her ct scan on Sunday to determine whether it has spread and what grade it is! Have you had your ct scan date through? Will be thinking of you! Lots of love and prayers coming your way xxxx

Hi Shell1975

Sorry to hear your news but welcome to this site. There are two threads: Chemo in Feb and Chemo in March: The Fab Febs and the Marvellous Marches
You will find lots of support from the ladies here, Personally I started on the January 2012 Surgery Buddies, now on the Feb and March chemo as I start mine on Wednesday. I was dx on 12th December, mx on 12th January.

Jeppy: you must be so annoyed with being ignored. I’m sure if you rang the helpline on here they would give you advice if you wanted to take it further.
You WILL get used to looking at your self, it gets easier but I don’t think you ever come to terms with it, I haven’t yet. But just think of it as beating a disease, as my daughter said to me, you are still you, Mum, just a little less of you. You ARE still you. I had an excellent nurse on the ward who helped me to look at myself, I had feelings exactly like you, I feel ugly and mutilated, but I will beat breast cancer. I’m lucky enough to be part of a drug trial (with chemo) that is looking to prevent primary bc. Anything that will help ladies in the future to beat this horrible, horrible disease. Talk to the ladies on the Feb or March chemo threads, we are a canny bunch, and there are always ladies posting who are “through the tunnel and out the other end”.

I felt terrific support when I was going through surgery, we all hold ‘virtual hands’ at various stages through our treatment. It’s just so difficult to understand how there are 48,000 women diagnosed every year with breast cancer! (and 300 men).

Let us know how you are getting on
Hugs and xxxx

Hi Kate and Di. Thankyou for your messages I’ve got my ct scan tomorrow, hopefully I will find out what I’m dealing with asap, it’s definitely the waiting for definite diagnosis that’s the worst. It’s funny how all I want now is it to have stayed in my breast and under my arm and hasnt gone anywhere else. Last week I was hoping I didn’t have BC at all. Perspective changes so quickly doesn’t it. Think I will be starting chemo in march so I will join that thread. again thanks for your support. Shell x

Hi shell- Thinking of you today with your ct scan! Xxxxxx

Good luck with ur ct scan today shell thinking of u darlin xxxxxx

Hi guys had my scan. Got app to see consultant Tomorrow and start chemo Monday things moved fast today

Hi shell, how did you get on with you appointment today?xxxxx

Hi Kate. Appointment went ok but they didn’t have Ct results, got to wait till tomorrow, having my portacath put in tomorrow too. Had a bit of a wobble earlier thing it all just hit me. My friend called just as I was stressing which made me feel a bit better , she us the most amazing friend, gonna come with me on Monday. Do they usually let people sit with you when your having chemo. Hope so she will make me laugh even when I’m a bit scared. Hope you are all ok x