Just been diagnosed

Big hugs to u Janey ((((( xxxxx )))))) and all the other lovely ladies goin through wot we are all goon through we will get through this we have each other to support us!!! Loads of love n positve thoughts comin your way xxxxxxxx xxxxxxx

Jane / Karen, thank you so very much for your kind messages and Jane really hope all goes ok on Friday, I will definately be thinking of you. I’m a mess again today, crying all the time and I’m sure these pains are getting worse and spreading around my body? Why do I think the worse, I suppose we all do but I just keep imagining the worst and its horrendous. My breast cancer nurse is coming tomorrow for the first time and I’m even dreading that - why? I think its realisation that I have cancer maybe? its really nice to hear everyone else’s story and WE WILL beat this ladies! Many thanks once again, you really are keeping me going with your positive responses. X

Hi, l’ve been too scared to find help before as that’s accepting that you have cancer and need support and l am a proud, strong independant person who has a business and family that needs me. But here l am, in pieces because just before christmas i was diagnosed with bc, my journey started a year ago after saying l had a lump, the tests they did only revealed a cist, including a mamagram which was clear. No one made me aware that a mamagram doesn’t show all cancers! Why don’t they tell you these things.It was only after months of worry that l went back and they did a biopsy just before christmas which showed lobular cancer. I Still find the whole thing very scary, and l am angry is that normal? l have to go in for a mastescomy on 8th Feb, 2 months after being diagnosed, l’ve had a lympth node biopsy aswell which proved flawed, so won’t be able to have a reconstruction straight away but l’ve had no other treatment since.The waiting is reducing me to what others described as ‘a quivering wreck’ I really feel let down and so worried they will find the cancer has spread. Reading some of the comments l feel confused about whether l’ve questioned enough about my treatment, or lack of it, and perhaps l should ask if l should be having chemo? How do you know what is right and wrong in terms of treatment, every person and their cancer is different apparently? Help…feeling lonely and scared. would rather run away than have my breast removed, People say be positive and normally l can but l don’t seem to have the answers for this… cancer is so mysterious… the doc’s don’t have the answers either it seems to me.

Knoxybabes I felt the same couldn’t stop cryin had pains got it into my head it had spread everywhere !! Had ct scan results last week phew came bk all clear once u get your results trust me u do feel better and have treatment plan , I call my little gremlin and an inconvience that’s got to come out, we are all hear for u sweetie keep ur chin up darlin :slight_smile: xxxxxxxx

Knoxybabes I felt the same couldn’t stop cryin had pains got it into my head it had spread everywhere !! Had ct scan results last week phew came bk all clear once u get your results trust me u do feel better and have treatment plan , I call my little gremlin and an inconvience that’s got to come out, we are all hear for u sweetie keep ur chin up darlin :slight_smile: xxxxxxxx

Purple42, thankyou so much for your luvly message - my head is utterly mashed but I have to get through this - I am 40 in August so have that to look forward to but its hard not thinking the worst. I just think I’m going to die and I can’t handle that but other times I try and be positive - I presume we all think the same in this situation? I can cope with my op on Monday it’s just waiting for results 10 days after the op I am struggling with - what it its spread? So many people on here appear to be having scans before there op, I haven’t been offered that? I’m going to have a glass of wine I think to try and put myself at ease!!! Will probably end up drinking the bottle!! Lol.
Many thanks once again. Jo. X (I know I’m not the only one going through this, I know you are to and I really, really dont’ mean to sound selfish, just so many q’s that are unanswered)!

The waiting goes on and on doesn’t it!

Karen: Thanks so much for your positive post - it really does help to hear of people who’ve been through something similar.

Jane: All the very best for Friday. Will be thinking of you. Please let us know how you get on.

Knoxybabes: My head is mashed too (what a brilliant description). Although I am having a CT scan before the op I’ve had conflicting info about when I’ll get results (possibly one or two weeks after surgery or maybe on the day of surgery itself) - this is just one more factor driving me bonkers with worry. All I can say is to try to keep strong (I’m a fine one to talk!) and hugs to all!

I was offered a scan cause they though it had spread I’ve got to have chemo before surgery to shrink it , trust me the waiting is the worst time!! I go about my daily routine now I’ve still got to have more tests I just think well it’s got to be done n I know there looking after me they deal with it everyday and they know what there doin :slight_smile: stay strong and try to keep positive ashard as it seems good luck to all the ladies havin there ops this week loads if love n hugs bring sent ur way :slight_smile: xxxxx

Hi Jeppy and welcome to the BCC forums

It sounds as though you have had a difficult time and in addition to the support and shared experiences you will have here our helpliners are here to offer you further support and information. You may find it helpful to call to talk through the concerns you have about your treatment, the lines are open Mon-Fri 9-5 and Sat 9-2 on 0808 800 6000

BCC can offer you further support and you can read about our services here:


Best wishes

Hi all, this is my first post, I was diagnosed with BC on the 13th January but wasn’t really told much else apart from the size 22mm x 14mm and that the lymph nodes were clear on the scan. I had a WLE and SNB on the 24th January, all happenned very quickly (we are in BUPA so don’t know if we got it quicker than the NHS), I get my results on the 6th February. Like everyone else on here the waiting is just torture, I alternate between wild optimism to the worst possible outcome imaginable, most of the time i’m a ball of snot and tears. When I went in for the diagnosis, the nurse phoned me that morning to ask if I could go in earlier than the agreed time, later when we were all the talking, the nurse told me that they asked me to go in earlier as my case my “straightforward and treatable”. I’m taking a lot of positives from this, but in light of the fact they haven’t really told me anything how can they say that? Do they generally have an idea of what they’re dealing with but wont commit until they have all the facts?

Hello chascat

Welcome to the forums. I’m sorry to hear of your diagnosis, the first few weeks are always difficult when coming to terms with your diagnosis and treatment.

As well as the support you will receive on the forums you might find it helpful to order the BCC resources pack. It has been specifically designed for those newly diagnosed and contains information to help you understand your diagnosis, test results and the various treatments available. If you would like to order a copy just follow the link bellow:-

www2.breastcancercare.org.uk/pub … cer-bcc145

You may also like to talk things through with one of the helpline staff, they are there to offer emotional support as well as provide information. The free phone number is 0808 800 6000 and lines are open 9-5 Monday to Friday and 9-2 Saturday.

Best wishes
June, moderator

Hi Chascat
like you l go from the deepest low to picking myself up and saying ‘you can do this’ a million times, life is a roller coaster and bc is the scarest of them all.I don’t think they have all the answers for treatment of bc, until they have the results from everything. Hopefully they are right in your case Chas and you are a straightforward case, good luck for the 8th. Keep busy and keep saying i’m an easy case to yourself to keep positive.
Sometimes with cancer l think it’s trial and error, (hopefully not so many error’s though) as l have been told things that at another apt ‘oh sorry, can’t do that’. What l find frustrating is the varying ways they deal with you, one minute you will probably have a treatment then oh sorry no you can’t. Why say it in the first place if they dont have all the facts. Doctors, l’m afraid l still find it hard to trust what they tell me, But that’s because they missed my cancer for nearly a year. My fathers cancer was also miss diagnosed, but that was 20 years ago and l know things have changed since then. Take care, good luck on your journey Jeppy x

I now know what type my bc is it’s tnbc grade 3 with locally advanced ,I’ve got to have neo- adjuvant chemo with fect for 4 cycles followed by taxotere every 3 weeks for 4 cycles then surgery as they have to shrink the tumour first all so confused wonder if it’s because I have the con implant inthats why I have no hormones? Advise needed pls xxxxx

Hi Purple

My Tumour is triple negative too. I am also having chemo before surgery to shrink it. I am due my second “juicing” on monday. I think they check if your tumour is receptive to three different hormones. Our tumours are not receptive to any of them ( think this means that the hormones are not helping them to grow). Hence the triple negative. Dont think it has anything to do with contraceptive implant.

Does that help?

Nicola xx

Thank you sweetie that makes me feel alot better :slight_smile: also had the implant removed today doctors orders xxxxx

Thought I would post as the sleep fairy is keeping me awake lol

Had a ultrasound on my throat( thyroid) yesterday and a biopsy that was unpleasant as no local was used anyone else had this done?

Hi all am new to this sight and have been reading all posts regarding breast cancer,
It was confirmed on 2nd of this month that i have breast cancer,test from the lymph node confirmed cancer cells,but fortunately breast only showed a grade1 invasive ductal carcinoma so am more fortunate than some of you .
I go for my pre-op this friday and having a mastectomy and axillary node clearance on 22nd this month.
Thank You for reading

Firstly, welcome to the forums, I am sure you will find it a great source of information and support.

I’m sorry to read of your diagnosis, the first few days and weeks are always difficult when coming to terms with things and getting to grips with your treatment plans, etc.

You might find it helpful to order the BCC resources pack. It has been specifically designed for those newly diagnosed and contains information to help you better understand your diagnosis, test results and the various treatments available. If you would like to order a copy just follow the link bellow:-

www2.breastcancercare.org.uk/pub … cer-bcc145

Also, do give the helpline a ring if you need any further support or information. They’re on 0808 800 6000. Open 9-5 Monday to Friday and 9-2 Saturday.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

hi just found out i have lobular breast cancer had lump removed 2 weeks ago it was a size of a walnut waiting to go to jr on wednesday for results hope all goes well with u . shirl

Dear Shirl

I’d like to just echo what Sam said in the post above yours about the helpline. Do give them a call- they are there for information and support.

Take care

Very best wishes

BCC Facilitator