Just diagnosed and wanting to talk to people who understand

Will send it you tomorrow Claire,had a couple of beers may not get it right !

Oh Sheena, wouldnt it be great if you didn’t have to make all these decisions yourself ?I didn’t tell anyone apart from on this forum that I was going for results today as I couldn’t cope with then having to deal with texts etc asking how I got on when I really wasn’t in a place to deal with it .Is your anxiety to do with fear of chemo or uncertainty about its benefits?

Great news Jill. At least 15 more chances for you to get your boobs out then for the rads! You know you love it! Don’t forget to get your free prescriptions organised with the GP, you are eligible as a BC patient. I’m too old to worry about that as I get them free anyway but I know some younger ladies were never told about this. I’m on Anastrazole which i have to thank for the wonderful hot flushes at night, which is just what I need when it’s warm, not. Still if it keeps the BC at bay, i’ll happily put up with it. I did resist the urge to get my boobs out for the dentist although it was touch and go when he put his mask on. ?? xx

Oh yes ,the mask ,may push you over the edge…mine still looks like a potato so Im not tempted .I have my exemption card picked up my first free tamoxifen today…

Hi Sheena

Did the onc go through the stats with you, i.e.what would be the % difference in having or not having chemo as regards recurrence rates? I was borderline for chemo, Grade 3 invasive but no nodes involved and chemo only was likely to produce a 3% benefit, taking in to account my age, 62. Thus I decided against it and onc agreed with that. It’s a very difficult decision for younger ladies I think but don’t feel that you have to be rushed in to it. Xx Francine

Thanks Jill , we will all beat the BC!! All in our own ways :slight_smile: xx

I am glad I decided on delayed reconstruction. I have had enough waiting I want them out now. Wait seems far too long. Even though they are being through xxx

Sarah I’d say do it.

I had a ‘farewell tit’ party three days before my mastectomy, drank my body weight in red wine and was absolutely fine for the surgery.

Go for it Sarah and drink what you like! I certainly did ? dread to think how much ive consumed these past few months!! Xx

Hi Madange

I am posting a link to the BCC information which explains pathology reports, hope you find this helpful, to talk any queries over please contact our helpliners on 0808 800 6000, lines are open 9-5 weekdays and Sat 10-2:


Take care
Lucy BCC

It’s the way the letter is worded “lady was asking for a presumptive date for surgery and in the first instance we would be aiming perhaps for the 3 rd week of July” what do u think am going to try and ring my nurse but I do know today is clinic day :frowning:

Thank you Blondie223. I am not going to change my mind on mx. He said only 40% success with a lumpectomy so could go through op lots of times. Just want them out now. Thank u xx

Hi girls,
Good to see so much positivity on here! Mad Ange the 5 number would refer to how much oestrogen dependant tumours are eg. Mine is 8/8 for both er+ and pros+. It ahould be a number out of 8. As for the b grades your guess is as good as mine!
I really hope you get some information from the hospital today. And yes you can opt for recon with the mx. Get it all done and dusted. They should give you a choice between implants or a diep flap. That is taken fat from stomach to reconstruct. I know of many younger girls like me who have had brilliant results with immediate recon. Hope that help?. And hang in there girls I finished treatment yesterday you all will too and its a great feeling xxxx

Gosh, what will you do without appointments for cancer treatment !!!Does it feel weird to be back out there?

Well it hasnt hit me yet. Not back in work for another 2 weeks as got bad fatigue from rads. But was told its normal but to go back to work after 2 wks as radiation peaks in body about 10 days after. Rads is ok though. I will miss the hospital and the staff and fellow patients. I have grown to live The Royal Marsden when i hated going there at the start. You can all do it girls and know it feels damm good to be cancer free!!! Xxxx

That should say love RM iphones!!! Xxxx

Radiologist told Takeabreath that she would not recommend working for a month after due to fatigue.I am trying to work out what to do,right now Im not physically or mentally up to work but will be another 4 to 6 weeks before next stage and then at least another 5 weeks off I guess.my job requires you to be really on the ball mentally,no allowances made for being distracted by cancer treatment.

Take the time off you need and try not to worry. Remember this isnt just a cold or flu we are facing and your employers are bound by law to treat you respectfully re time off. Xxxx

Know exactly what u mean. U do worry dont you and feel even though thats not the case that your jobs on the line. I’m a secondary school teacher so timing wise this has been brilliant. Back in for last week of term then school holidays one of the only perks of the job. Lol ?xxx

Hi francine

She gave me 2% benefit,  it was grade 2 invasive no nodes involved but 3 removed as a precaution,  it was large she said,  can’t remember now the size. I turned 53 in june so not sure if my age is a factor too

I just worry if I don’t have chemo and there is something lurking in me I may regret not taking this chance 

didn’t sleep late night and am so unbelievably tearful today

sheena x