Just diagnosed and wanting to talk to people who understand

Really feel for you Sheena. I was in the same place. Follow your gut on this one. I did and don’t regret it. Xxxx

Glad you feeling calmer Ange.3 weeks and Kylie and Jason sent packing…

Sheena don’t envy your decision , if you look at stats things like diet ,exercise and not drinking too much have similar percentage impact.Impossible choice .

Thanks Jill. Sheena I have been told that there maybe a possibility I will end up with chemo. All I can say is if it gives me more chance seeing my boys grow up I will do it. Difficult choice but u have lots of support here whatever u decide xx

Sheena, very difficult and horrible decision I know. I think I would have probably gome for the chemo if I was your age, as its Grade 3 invasive but my age and other health problems influenced my drcision to decline it. It seems that all I’ve done is make hard decisions since I was diagnosed in Jan and still more to come. I do feel emotionally and physically worn out with it all and having to keep my business running at the same time. Thank goodness for my OH who had been a tower of strength. Hoping my GP will have my endoscopy results tomorrow so I’ll get some idea if the mx can go ahead. Sending hugs to everyone. X Francine

Hope your results give you the go ahead to get on with the next stage.Remember to keep your top on…

Hi sponge bob. Thanks for your reply. I decided that I wanted a mx with delayed recinstruction as I didn’t really fancy being out for such a period of time and aftercare. My consultant said that was fine and gave me a provisional date. Then I got the gobbledegook letter and went into melt down ( it happens sometimes) spoke to my Bn all good still due op on 21 at just seeing Mr Plastic to plan for the future xxx hope u r ok xx

Well guess what, still no results from the hospital for the endoscopy biopsies, I’m very fed up. My GP says he has no idea when they will be through, helpful chap! No sign of follow up out patient appt either, 2 months down the line. Will have to get my surgeon’s secretary to chase them up now, as he is getting increasingly concerned about the delay in booking surgery. I am too. WishI hafn’t bothered with the two lumpectomies now and gone straight to mx. It would all have been well over by now. Anyway, we’re off to Harrogate to pick up my shiny red car tomorrow and staying overnight. Really looking forward to getting away even of it’s just for a short time. Going to have a BC free weekend (I wish) no talk about it or thinking about it and a good few gin and tonics ??? hugs to all. Xx Francine

How frustrating Francine,hopefully your surgeon will have more luck in getting things moving.Enjoy Harrogate and your shiny new car.

I want a camper van,what does our choice say about us I wonder?I fancy just being able to drive off with dog(May take husband?) and park up somewhere beautiful.Im not a very good driver though so God help me parking the thing!!

I want a camper van,what does our choice say about us I wonder?I fancy just being able to drive off with dog( may take husband) and park up somewhere beautiful.Im not a very good driver though so God help me parking the thing!!

I seem to be repeating myself!

Sounds good SB,anywhere near the sea is fine by me ,hate being too far away from the coast.I fancy Cornwall or North Yorks Coast.

Cornish clotted cream afternoon tea…

Safely ensconced in Harrogate after long train journey and shiny red Golf is now mine! All sorts of fancy gismos which I have to find my way about. Loving the auto box, just put in drive and go. Frightened myself a couple of times, rather fast.
Watching poor old Heather Watson being smashed by Serena Williams at Wimbledon on the hotel tele. Going out for a chinese tonight, my first for 6 months so I’m already salivating! Might even have a drink, mad person, lol. Tum, be warned! Have a lovely weekend everyone xx Francine

Love Harrogate ,lovely old stone buildings , we will be driving through next week on our way to Filey ,have lovely time Francine ,forget about this c **p for a while .

Enjoy Harrogate and your new car :slight_smile:

Morning ladies. Safely back ihome with Gloria, my shiny trd Golf! It seemed the right name for her. Had a very nice weekend in Harrogate, lovely place, delicious chinese meal at the very amazing Royal Bath restaurant, incredible building. Haven’t driven for more than 6 months, due to surgeries. Hospital etc and it felt so good to be ‘normal’ again. I was a bit nervous so took it gently, as I could feel my unferarm scar pulling. Solved this by dropping the steering wheel a bit. I teally neefed to drive again, as I seemed to have lost my confidence and had to ‘get back on the horse’. Will have another spell not driving when I have my mx, if I ever get a date. Still waiting for my endoscopy biopsy results and OH says he’s going to kick ass today as he thinks I’ve had enough stress with it all. He’s right, I’m worn out hassling people. Trying to get two hospitals to talk to each other is a nightmare. Going to chill out later and watch some tennis. Higs to all. Francine x

Hi Sarah
Good luck for tomorrow. Normally anasethist will give you lots of local anasethetic whilst you are in theatre on a drip. Works a treat as u wake up in no pain. I would say too if you’re nervous as I was ask for diazepam it really calms you. In anasethic room i felt really calm and serene :slight_smile: Good luck the worst is behind you xxxxx

Good luck Sarah. This time tomorrow it will all be cut out :slight_smile: Still waiting for confirmation of my op. This waiting is probably the worse time ever. X