Just diagnosed and wanting to talk to people who understand

Yes good luck tomorrow…thinking of you x

Ange big hugs to you for tomorrow I’m so sorry to hear that your not getting the support you need. Is there anyone that can help you this week? Just make sure you drink as much water as possible to flush it through. We are here for you. Have you got friends and family that can help for the rest of the week? Xxxxxxxxxx

Hi Sarah I am sure I will be fine. I will call some of my friends of I need help. Getting really fed up of keep having to log on :frowning: speak to you guys when i have completed the first one :slight_smile: xxx

Good luck for tomorrow Ange … Sending a big hug your way xxxx

And good luck from me too Ange. Will be thinking of you tomorrow. xx

You know what I would do Ange,I would tell people your doctor has told you must rest and not be under stress during chemo ,therefore on these days particular days you need help and even if you do not get side effects that hamper you too much ,don’t tell them that let them look after toddler, take to your bed, eat ice cream and whatever else you fancy and watch Jeremy Kyle, don’t let on you are ok.I guess they are trying to reassure you when they play down the side effects and are probably a little scared of what is going to happen too, however it is not actually very helpful.Can toddler go to nursery for some sessions?

So sorry, you aren’t getting the support, Ange. It sounds like those around you are in denial. They most probably don’t mean any harm and are trying to make you and themselves feel better about it all, but it’s not what you need right now. Are you not able to tell those very close to you that their minimising the situation is making things worse for you? And as for practical help - well you definitely need more of that. Are you able to say exactly what you want? All the very best for tomorrow.


About diet, I have bought the Marsden cookbook and tried out one of the recipes last night. It was delicious and everyone liked it, which is pretty impressive with my lot. I would say that if you are going through chemo, this would be a useful book. However, I was a little disappointed as I need to lose weight and will have problems doing this throughout the treatment, and the book mostly concentrates on keeping strength up, I feel. Also, there are cakes etc with plenty of sugar in, including a recipe from Mary Berry. I find this a bit surprising.


To be honest, I am completely bambuzzled about what we need to be doing re diet once the treatment is over. I have various books now. Some suggestions would be fine, if the only thing you did with your life was shop for ingredients and prepare food. Cooking stuff in dehydrators for 10 hours? I couldn’t deal with that sort of commitment and I need to be cooking things that the rest of the family will eat.


More veg, less diary, sugar and red meat seems a viable approach.


I heard the good doctor on Radio 4 too and I think he said that those of us who already have a diagnosis should stay away from alcohol altogether. I have cut back already, but no white wine ever again??? 

All the best today Ange. I hope it goes OK. Hugs xx

Thinking of you ange you will be fine xxxxxxxx

Boss coming round this am to discuss return to work plan.My plan is to win the lottery in the next 2 weeks and not bother!!!Hope things go ok today Ange and that you have a plan in place for tomorrow ,make sure you prioritise you at the moment,make sure you tell people what you need loudly!!!

Thats my plan Jill begore we are back to reality on Monday!

Good luck today Ange, hope everything goes much better than you might expect! Sometimes you need to really spell it out to family about how you really feel, almost like you are talking to a child!


More bad news for me to day, my post op appointment with the surgeon has been cancelled and moved to the 6th October! Apparently the histology was not ready…my op was on the 11th and now I have to wait another week… I’m going to pieces now. I’m waiting for a call from the breast care nurse this afternoon but I know she won’t tell me anything because the MDT won’t have discussed my result until this Thursday, even if they are through!


I feel like just giving up and not even bothering with any more treatment to be honest!


Amanda x

Amanda, I know just how you feel so I’m sending you big hugs. The waiting does your head in and it never gets any easier. I went through it 4 times and you’d think you’d get used to it. All I can say is hang in there. I’m having a real wobble about seeing the rads consultant tomorrow. Everyone seems to think that because they finally managed to get a clear margin at the third attempt I should be feeling great but I don’t. I just don’t feel that I can put my body through any more and mentally I’m burnt out. Will make a decision tomorrow about the rads. I have another mammogram due in January anyway so wonder if there’s any point. If they pick something else up I’ll be having a mx anyway. Feel very guilty whingeing as I’m not having chemo like some of you (Ange, think you’re amazing and you tell that lot they need to step up) Don’t feel like getting out of bed today at all, very unlike me.

Amanda, sympathy from me too. I’ve had a couple of interminable delays since diagnosis and it’s horrific waiting. None as bad as how long you have had to wait though. You will get there in the end. Much strength. x


Fuffs, I’m having a not wanting to get out of bed day as well (yesterday was pretty much the same). I actually think I might have PMT as it’s really that kind of edginess/weepiness that I feel but it’s been almost two months now since last time which my Onc put down to me having gone through physical and mental trauma these last few months. Although I am 51 so who knows what’s going on at this stage in life? I almost hope it is as it would make me feel a bit normal again. Enough of me. I’m not surprised you feel the way you do after three attempts at clear margins. That must have been incredibly stressful and all that surgery and the anasthetics are a big strain physically. Look after yourself. x

Francine ,your body has been through alot this year I’m not surprised you are knackered and can’t face anymore treatment .I don’t think you will start rads until at least 6 weeks after your op so hopefully you may feel a bit better by then.Just one last hurdle,rads are boring but most people survive them pretty well and they won’t start til you are well healed.They do you give you a big boost in terms of stoping a reoccurrence and maybe prevent yet more surgery.Let us know how you get on tomorrow ,keep your options open.

Amanda,I would be tempted to kick up a stink and say you want to see someone (anyone) who is in a position to discuss your results with you as soon as they have been discussed.Almost a month after op for results is not acceptable.

Agree with you Jill about making a fuss. I got my results back 9 days after op and that week had a bank holiday in it as well. It was the one part of my treatment where I’ve not felt the waiting was too long.


How is your post-rads infection doing now Jill? Hope you are on the mend. x

Thanks ladies, I know I have to keep at it…I would just like to know what it is their planning! Still waiting to hear from the BCN but I don’t think much will come of it though.


I can highly recommend tearing up a cardboard box to fit it in the recycling and a way of letting of steam and cleaning the kitchen cupboards and sink!


Gosh, three times to get clear margins Fluffs, not good! Have you tried Predict to try and help you decide about more treatment? I have been looking at it but obviously don’t have enough histology information as yet, to get the best use out of it, for one I don’t have a ‘Ki-67 status’ let alone the node involvement!  predict.nhs.uk/predict.html


Group hug, everyone!


Amanda x




They are only a educated guess at what may happen in the future ,everyone is different and so many unknowns,I think it can give you a ball park figure when it comes to the benefit of hormone therapy which may help decision making if you are struggling with side effects. Amanda don’t take anymore messing about they are taking the p***s now making you wait 4 weeks.Peggy, I have got rid if the infection now so hopefully my skin will start healing , just feeling very tired may be the after effects of rads or the infection or both .

Oh Amanda i so feel for you, i had a 13 day wait for mine and had it been a day over i would have been at the hospital screaming the place down!! Kick up a damn fuss today if nothing else it will help you release some pent up frustration! Its just so cruel to do this to you and for sure someone at the clinic must know something by now, dont give up love, Never give in to thisbB*****d disease , it dragged me lower than ive ever been but im back on top now and you will.get there too!! XxxJo