Big hugs Amanda, you really are getting a bad time. I had 3 areas all different grades and extra DCIS ( I didn’t know this until I got a copy of the onc letter. I made the mx descision as it seemed the quickest route. It’s not an easy decision, plus they them found spread so full ANC. Please stay strong Amanda- huge hugs xxxxx
Good grief Amanda,your body is certainly making it a challenge for the you isn’t it?One node positive doesn’t always mean chemo will depend on other factors too though and results of node clearance .
Yes Ange, I already said to the nurse “I’m up for a mx if that is going to be easiest/quickest” but I don’t think they will really know until after the MRI. I was thinking…well if it’s lobular the sort of three areas thingy might be more likely. I think the labs are still looking at it and trying to get more answers, she did say it wasn’t much bigger than it had been measured before, now still only10.1mm I think. It sounds a bit ‘multifaceted’ to me!
Well Jill, I do wish they had taken a few more nodes, it might only be in a few nodes but now will take them all which I know is for safety but seems a bit drastic! Oh well, I am totally in their hands so I have to trust them. Maybe the surgeon will have some more info on the tumour by Tuesday and we can also gets some dates booked!
Amanda x
True Amanda all we can do is trust them. It’s what they do every day. We will be with you all the way xxx
As they only take the sentinel nodes yours must have been only draining into one node which doesn’t really give you any idea about the others does it.Hopefully you will know more when you see surgeon , make sure you write down all the questions you have, so easy to forget what you want to ask when you are there.
Blimey Amanda thats a bit of a muddle but at least you have some answers now, pity they didnt tell you this earlier rather than tell you results wernt back when clearly they were and any news is better than not knowing i think, they will sort you out its just going
To take a bit more time than you had hoped Xxx
Yes, going to baking quite a lot longer than I had hoped Jobey! I got the impression they are still puzzling over my tumour, hopefully there will be more they can tell the surgeon by Tuesday. Writing my questions for the surgeon already Jill! Thanks Delly, the shared hugs and kisses do help! Yes, Mum died suddenly and unexpectedly five days before my first op…I had decided not to tell her about my diagnosis as cancer really freaked her out; I was very glad I didn’t!
Yes Claire, at WHH for 9.15 appointment on Tuesday, not the best time as I am travelling from Herne near Herne Bay which means negotiating the traffic around Canterbury at that time in the morning!
Amanda x
<Empty imported post>
Well that was profound posted before I had written anything!!
I know a few people who have had samples sent off to the states, it predicts chance of reoccurrence and so can inform decision re chemo in very borderline cases , think there are certain criteria you have to meet though .Going through all that has happened over last 4 months with stranger from Occy health and thinking about work after 4 months of cancer treatment has not really put me in a good place mentally tonight. , may have to get the Green and Blacks out and maybe a cheeky vodka …
Oh Jill, I wish you didn’t have to go back to work so soon…have you thought about the hours you are going to do yet? Green & Blacks and vodka sounds like a plan, in fact save time and stuff them all in a liquidiser together with some ice cream and make a milk shake!
I know know the roundabout you mean Claire, it is pretty hideous if your not absolutely sure where your going with traffic lights and lanes and speedy locals!
i have not seen my surgeon since the day of my op and he didn’t mention sending samples to America but if it is offered after my next surgery, I would definitely go for it!
Amanda x
Very limited internet at mum’s house so just a quickie to send you a hug Amanda. You deserve that cheeky vodka Jill. Xx
Green and blacks and vodka shake ,I’m on it!!!You should make one too Amanda,we could put some Tumeric in it to make it better for us…
Peggy, are you in Liverpool to see your Mum? I was there last weekend to see my Dad.
Yes Jill. Thought I ought to get a visit in before chemo starts. Alas this is a vodka free zone.
Bummer Peggy, you should have taken a hip flask !!!
You should make a choco vodka shake too Claire , you deserve one .Make sure you put some sprouts in it for goodness though !!!
Sounds good vodka and chocolate but alas I am on lots of chemo meds and don’t think it will help. Maybe next weekend xxx enjoy xxx
Next weekend Ange!!!
Amanda get mixing that shake!!!Don’t forget the sprouts …