Lol Jenny. My first words when they were trying to give me pain killer injection was “i don’t need anymore, I feel fine. Not ready to drive home though” nurses laughed too…they must hear some stories for sure x
Oh haha! They must hear some odd things. Good to know that there are always light moments to be found in every situation eh?
Evening ladies and welcome to new friends. Lovely to hear from you Nikki, you have such a lovely hubby! Talking of anaesthetics, my first WLE was on my birthday, back in Feb, and the anaesthetists sang Happy Birthday to me as I went under! It was rather surreal and apparently I was singing it when I came round in recovery, lol. Don’t remember it. I used to be very sick after anaesthetics but haven’t had this problem after my last 3 ops, plenty of anti sickness mess I think. I am a shiverer though and have to wrapped in foil, like a very large chicken?? you can just visualise it can’t you! Feeling more cheerful today and hoping I’ve turned a corner. Just want to get on with the rads now. Only 3 months to my annual mammogram so hope I’m not being zapped for nothing. Sending hugs to everyone. Xx
Good you’re feeling better fuffs …onwards and upwards! X
What a way to spend your birthday Fuffs but how sweet of the anaesthetists to sing to you. I think I fell a little bit in love with mine he was so lovely. Apparently when my husband came in to see me on the ward later I was going on about him rather a lot!! Must have been the morphine.
Evening ladies, thank you all for the warm welcome
You’ve made me laugh out loud with your anaesthetic stories, especially Jennifed! Lol
Sissy - I was really worried about my op too as I’d only had a GA once before when I was 9 years old. The anaesthetist was lovely. He told me I would be fine and that they would look after me. That’s the last thing I remember before coming round in recovery.
My BC is ER+ and I was told that’s a good thing as they can give me something to treat it - Tamoxifen in my case.
Popped into work today to see everyone and discuss the next stage of my treatment. Have decided to go back to work next week while I wait for a chemo start date.
Glad to hear you survived your first day back at work Lorna
Hope everyone else has had a good day xx
Good you’re going into work between op and treatment Nikki, good on you as you will need to rest after chemo I imagine. Every day is a day nearer the end of treatment so keep smiling everybody…it really is the only way to go. X x
Oops had a near miss today and nearly took my top off in the beauty salon! Went to get my eyebrows waxed and the girl was wearing a white tunic, looked rather clinical. Think I might need some sort of aversion therapy to break the habit, electric shock whenever I have the urge perhaps?!
Good luck with your surgeons appt Claire,make sure you write down any questions you have and ask them to write down/ explain things too .
Yes that’s me, a tart but an ageing one now! I had to apply for my state pension yesterday, which comes in to payment in Jan next year, felt rather strange. I never think of myself as that age, probably because I’m only 25 in my head, lol. However, the body says otherwise. Because I was born two months too late (I blame my parents) I’ve had to wait an extra 3 years to get it (so inconsiderate of them). However, I am very grateful to be here to get it at all, thanks to the NHS. They saved my life 6 months ago when I was rushed in to hospital and not forgetting the amazing East Mids Ambulance Service response team. Been an interesting year!! On a lighter note, instead of counting sheep last night, I worked out that by the time I have finished my rads, I would have exposed my boobs around 50 times in 10 months, lol. Thankfully not to anyone I shouldn’t have done I don’t think. Is this a record? It worked by the way so I can recommend it as a cure for insomnia ?
Write to the Guinness Book of records see if you can get an entry ?
Ha ha, love that insomnia cure Fuffs. I have a chart of all the different nationalities of professionals who have seen my boobs since I presented myself at my GP in early July. So far the Greece is in the lead.
I have a sedate coffee planned with a friend this afternoon so no top removal opportunities for me today I don’t think. Behave yourselves today all. :smileyhappy:
I’ve seen those sessions advertised in magazines - not sure whether or not to sign up so look forward to hearing what you think of it.
Hello all, quick question, after your biopsies did you find yourself bruised and sore afterwards. It’s been just over a week since mine and it still has a yellow bruise and is feeling sore. Sissy xx
I had more pain from the biopsy than I did from the lumpectomy.I was sore and bruised for a while.
yep, me too. Much attractive yellow bruising at the biopsy sites that lasted for a couple of weeks.
Yep I really bruised from my biopsies. I don’t think it helped that I had one lot and then they wanted to biopsy a second area too. Hurt for a while xx
I thought the biopsy was the worst part of it all, I was black and blue for weeks! The shock of them doing it when I only expected another mammogram didn’t help! Lol x
Nikki’s been given a start date of 14th October, Scary.
I know what you mean it makes it real doesn’t it Bazza? Once you get going with it you will feel better, she will be fine! Xxx