It does Shazza. Annoying that we’ve been invited to an engagement party 2 days later and have tickets for Dynamo a week after that! x
That’s a bit annoying mind you Nikki may be ok especially for the Dynamo? Can you wait and see? X
We will see how she’s feeling I guess. Let the healing begin!x
Hope you will be both be joining us at some point on the October thread Barry. x
That’s not long Barry. I found my worst days were 3 and 4. The other things are niggly but if you are going out it will be an insentive. I admit I feel tired and the heartburn is pants but I am day 8 and so far so good xxx
Sooner the damn thing is over Barry the better though it’s always scary to get dates. This time next year we will be millionaires! Or better still all cured and healthy. X
I’ve just been corrected it’s Thursday 15th!
She hasn’t been told.
We’re in Milton Keynes for the rugby tonight
Glad you feel a bit more in control Claire. It does help when you can start to make plans doesn’t it? It’s the being in limbo bit that’s the worst.
Just start thinking about the lovely holiday you can have next year when all this nonsense is over. x
Glad you have some answers Claire, it helps! Yes good plan to focus on the treatment ahead and get it behind you. Sending love Lorna x
That’s good Claire at least you have more of an idea now, just think of the holiday you can have later I hated the waiting at the beginning but I promise you the further down the line you get the easier it seems to be to cope xxxx
Glad things are a little clearer Claire.Amanda did you have your appointment with Onc today?
I saw the surgeon today, for the follow up to the surgery. He is going to discuss my case more in this Thursdays MDT meeting, he is with me on trying to avoid node clearance, he doesn’t agree that my margins are not clear. No real type for tumour, more likely lobular from histology report. He thinks I will probably have chemo. MRI next Wednesday but that won’t make MDT that week, then he is away but will try to discuss it anyway, and get news to me. All very up in the air still… but so far they are still calling it grade 2 and stage 2.
More waiting and not knowing but that’s ok, just the way it is!
Amanda x
Well at least the surgeon sounds like he is listening to you Amanda and understands you need information as soon as they have it .You obviously have a complicated set of circumstances ,you will be able to go on the conference circuit with Peggy !!Have some treats tonight you deserve them.
Sounds complicated Amanda…Hope you get a clear prognosis soon. Must be hard x
Thanks guys, well I’m sort of resigned to not knowing much for quite a while, so long as they know how to tackle it, once they do decide, that’s the main thing!
Claire, I’m with Mr C and he is super nice! Who are you with? Traffic round Canterbury was awful this morning, took an hour and ten mins to get there! The MRI is going to be at WH as well, but at an easier time of day…I like WH but once I am having chemo and or radiotherapy, it’s got to be Kent & Canterbury because it’s a lot closer for me!
Amanda x
Claire, glad you managed to ask some questions and get some answers today. Amanda and Claire, I imagine we may end up having treatment at the same time as I’ll also be at Canterbury as its nearer than QEQM. My consultant is Mr C who was very good with me last week.
I have my pet/ct scan on Thursday, I’ve been trying not to think about it as i feel very anxious about it, however the day is getting ever nearer. I’m more worried as from looking on the forum everyone else seems to have mri’s and it makes me fear the worst as to why I’m having something different. I asked my breast nurse about it and she said it was standard procedure if one of the lymph nodes came back positive. I’ll be glad when this next stage is over!
Btw, went to the cinema today and watched two films, I highly recommend The Martian and Legend! Sissy xx
Glad you survived your first day Sarah ,think I will feel a bit of a spare part next week too as I will be office bound for first couple of weeks and I am used to being out and about in the community but only doing a few hours each week so hopefully it will go quickly.
Hi SB - Sarah, glad your first day at work has been good and everyone is glad to see you back. You will be looking after and cuddling those babies before you know it. XXXX Jill not long now. I don’t think I will be back for a while was hopingvtocworkmon good chemo week but doctors certificate has done a block so I am not insured to go in. Boss said I could do some bits from home- think I might xxxxx
Very wet here Peggy but warm,out with the dog in all weathers anyway.Is your first chemo this week?