Just diagnosed and wanting to talk to people who understand

Ange it is a long time to be off work isn’t it and also cancer ends up being all you think about .If you will enjoy doing a few bits from home and having a different focus, do it.My brain has rotted!!!

Hi Jill, yes Friday. Eeek. Have my meeting with nurses on the unit this afternoon and big hair chop tomorrow. x

Big week then.Good luck!

With regards to holidays. Where do people get their travel insurance from?

Insurancewith and Eurotunnel have been recommended to me.First one was set up by a lady who had breast cancer.

That was daring of you Jo. I’ve done a quick quote for the USA and was £107, so much cheaper than a previous quote.

I am interested to hear about people’s work experiences, sometimes that pressure and worry must be awful with everything else you have to cope with…but on the other hand, once you get back into it , it must help ‘normalise’ things a bit.


Being a ‘housewife’ I know I am incredibly lucky not to have to work and worry about impatient or demanding employers but on the down side, I have not got much to keep my mind off cancer, I still think about it, changing to beds and cleaning the bathrooms, as you probably do on top of your jobs! I know I am very lucky to be able to stay home.


Has anyone got a sure fire way of distracting themselves? I am hoping it might be a little easier once I know what is going on and have a treatment plan in place, it’s just dominating everything at the moment! ?


Amanda x


Amanda it will get better once you know what is happening and when and it gradually stops being the only thing you think about .A lot of us have been off work since diagnosis/op so you are not on your own in having nothing else to distract you .

Amanda, I’m exactly like you with the thinking. No matter what I do it’s always there, yesterday we went to the cinema and watched a couple of films, but even then it’s just there in my mind. The only time I don’t think about it is when I’m asleep, but then when I wake it’s the first thing I think of. I, like you, gave no treatment plan as yet and am still waiting to find out what happens first. I’ve been off work the last three weeks which has and hasn’t helped. Leading up to the diagnosis I spent most of the days either laying in bed or laying on the sofa watching box sets. Since the diagnosis I have managed to get out and about a bit more and popped in to work today for an hour to visit my managers and team.I’m due back at work on Tuesday night, which I am looking forward to as I think I’ll need the distraction whilst awaiting my scan results. I’m a front line police officer, which as you can imagine can be quite a distracting job, however I’m not sure if I want to go back out on the streets or weather I’ll stay behind the scenes for a bit. Sissy xx

Wow, a police officer Sissy, you are brave! my second daughter used to be a special in Canterbury some years ago, usually doing the night shifts, some of the stuff she’d tell me made my hair stand on end!


I quite like doing the ‘adult colouring books’ and puzzles for distraction and when my daughter is doing uni work, her boyfriend and I sometimes play a ‘search and solve’ sort of game on his laptop. They all work quite well for a while but then it’s wham…back to cancer…I guess I will get used it, it’s just taking so long to really get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan.


Amanda x

When I’m at work I’m fine because I’m trained to do the job. However, I wish I could be more brave in relation to this. I’ve taken up watching more of sets than normal on Netflix and treated myself to Apple TV for the bedroom tv. I’ve also got some adult colouring books and puzzler magazines which work okay for a while. And knitting, I’ve knitted two scarves in the last few weeks! sissy xx

Evening everyone. Thinking about distraction techniques, I’ve found walking whilst listening to music on my iPod helps. Have found myself not able to listen to certain songs I used to like however, makes me feel emotional and a bit sad. Running my own business has been a boon as it takes my mind of things, especially when I have to do the VAT return! Mind you the cons are that you have to keep working to bring the money in even when you’re feeling tired or unwell. OH has come out of retirement to help out so I can take some down time during my 5 weeks of rads, start on 14 October. Expect I’ll start to feel the effects after a couple of weeks. Bit concerned as I have a sore throat tonight and think I may be coming down with a cold. Typical, wonder if they will start if I do have one next week?

Well, I like to collect side effects Jo ,keeps it interesting !!!I

I’m the other annoying one with no problems in the rad front…except for the tiredness that is. They don’t so much as take your temperature before rads so doubt a cold will stop proceedings. …subs back! Enjoy your day everyone x

All the best Sarah, hope your recovery continues to go well and you are soon back cuddling your babies.

Good luck Sarah, onwards and upwards! Lots of love Lorna x

Take care Sarah. All the best for you xx

Currently at the hospital as Nikki is having an ECG done before her chemo next week. Getting the most out of the NHS right now.

I don’t suppose a lot of us should be here but I feel strongly I owe it to be around to welcome, support anyone having to join us as people were for me back in April x x

For me the title of the thread doesn’t matter now. It’s knowing who’s here and if anyone new joins (sorry I talk as though it’s me going through this) x