Hooray, I have the biopsy results, shock! Has shown up small benign tumour, which will need watching and some mild inflammation in the bowel. How wonderful to look forward to regular dates with the a****e doctor, as my OH so fondly calls him, lol. Must remember not to get my boobs out for him, ho ho. Will be discussing my results with him on 22nd and then on to see the BC on 06 August. My head is all over the place really and I feel exhausted with the lack of sleep. Painted my nails at 5am this morning! Keeping my business going over the last few months has been a real challenge and I couldn’t have done it without the OH. My customers have been lovely, especially on the booby brain days! Love to all you ladies still on the journey like me. We are strong and will get through it. Had to laugh today, have now been called for my smear test, yet another part of my anatomy to show off to the medical profession. ? Think I might pass that delight at the moment! X Francine
Great news Francine,you can get on with next part of the journey now!Can understand your wish to postpone smear!!!Give your self a bit of respite!!
Thank you Jill. Had a bit of a rocky day today, waiting for the GP to call. Even after 7 months of it all, the waiting doesn’t get any easier. Will I be boobless by September, that’s the question?! Always wanted a boob reduction but it only shows you should be careful what you wish for, hmmm. Night all, x Francine
Now swelling has settled my boob looks like someone has taken a melon baller and taken a scoop out of it,but at least I still have it dint and all!!
Lumpectomy,dent has just become much more obvious!!
I think it just shocked me how obvious it was suddenly as initially you couldn’t really see much difference in shape due to swelling .Im still very grateful not to have had more radical surgery.
Glad you are in the mend Jill had my pre op today so it’s all wheels turning. Did any of you get more frightened as the day gets closer?? Starting to get nervous xx
Enjoy Spongebob!! Xxx
Yes Ange ,got more and more nervous as date approached .You will be glad to get rid of the buggers though won’t you.
Yes Jill I will be glad. I am convinced that all the mucking around with the Aussies has made them bigger. Will keep counting down. Friday is my last day at work so we are rolling now xx
Morning ladies, just popping in to wish you all well for the day. Mine will be spent doing my VAT return, so love being an unpaid tax collector for the government, and tidying up my home office. I’m feeling the pre op ‘need to get organised’ feeling again. I think in preparation for my appt on 6 Aug. I felt like this before my last two lumpectomies, as I didn’t know how I’d be feeling after. I think it’s an effort on my part to have some control in my life, as BC seems to tske a lot of that away from you. . There’s just a bit of extra planning to be done when you run a business as well but thank goodness I work from home and my customers can’t see me sitting in my jim jams! OH has had to come out of retirement to help out and take some strain off me. He had a heart attack ladt year so I worry about him also. It’s not been a great time for us, to put it mildly (!) but we’ve got through it. Been married for 40 years and haven’t quite managed to kill each other yet!
I remember how nervous I was coming up to my first op and had a lot of meltdowns over really quite silly things, one in Sainsburys, which I laugh about now - they’d run out of my favourite choccie biscuits which I was suddenly drsperate for! Then I couldn’t remember where I’d parked the car and had another epi. Husband had to come and rescue me and was completely bemused at his normally sensible wife crying her eyes out in the managers office! Seven months down the line and two ops later I have learned to accept my bad days, my booby days as I call them, and just take a day at a time. It all still feels very surreal even now. I’m looking forward to seeing my daughter in London next weekend for her birthday and being back in my home town for a bit (born and bred in London and spent 40 yrs there). Now i live in the smallest county in Brotain, Rutland.
Enough waffle, hugs to you all on this journey of ours and members of a club we didn’t want to join but which is full of lovely people. X Francine
Thank you ladies for all your positive words and hugs. Glad you had a good time last night Spongbob xx I love you ladies u are the ones keeping me sane xx
Sarah,I know someone else who had to wait an extra week for their results ,that stinks, it is just not fair to have this hanging over you for another week.Try and keep sane,not easy I know as everything just goes on hold until know what comes next.
Still can’t believe you have to wait til 6th August Francine ,but sounds like you are keeping busy .
Ah Spongebob, you nurses! Isn’t it great to have a gpod night out, awsy from BC. I worked at Hammersmith Hospital in London in admin and the nursrs’ night outs were the best! I think a hand with the hair wash will be a good idea. I’m not looking forward to trying to do those things with a drain in place, although some ladies on here get very creative with clingfilm it seems, if you know what I mean, lol. Have a good weekend all. X Francine
Sounds like u had a good night out. I am out tonight with a friend. Was last day at work today. My friends treated me to lunch and brought me some stuff for my hospital bag I am doing OK. Nervous but am happy the Aussies have not got long to live in me xxx
Kick the Aussies out!!!Have a good night Ange.
Hi Sarah and Jill. Had a fab night just what the doctor ordered xx only a few days left Spongebob xxx
Yes Jill Spongebob and I are both booked in for Tuesday. I am having a mx and snb. I had a biopsy previously in my nodes which was negative but I think they are just making extra sure. Xx
But in a couple of days time you won’t have it hanging over you anymore and can hopefully get on with what happens next.