Just diagnosed and wanting to talk to people who understand

I will see how it develops,I was already having bad hot flushes and menopausal symptoms for fun before so looking forward to seeing what else it can throw at me!!

Sarah , how did you get on?

Hi Jill. It was ok. The oncologist was really nice. It’s pretty much as I expected 6 sessions of chemo and the 3 weeks of chemo then operation then tablets for possibly 10 years. I think she said HER2 negative but not sure what she meant. All dependant on ct scan which should be the end of this week. So much information to take in I’m exhausted. How are you today? Xxxxxxx

Oh and I got some co-co dams mol) but they haven’t done much yet xxxxxx

Spellcheck on I phones grrrr lol co- coda mol! Xxxx

It is really hard to take in they say to you isn’t it,Im still not sure exactly what I was told just what happens next. If you are HER positive they give you Herceptin,sounds like you are ER positive like a lot if us and are being given Tamoxifen for 10 years like me.Why do you need another op?Hope they give you date for scan ASAP so you can stop worrying .I am fed up today as side effects of tamoxifen starting to kick in and realising that you have to do this for 10 yrs ,it’s a blooming long time.

Maybe lo ca dam molls will be better !!!

Some painkillers work best over a couple of days see how you go.

We knew what you meant Sarah!! I had my dressings off today. Cut was longer than I expected :frowning: have a small amount of swelling but they have said that will die down. No to rest and wait for results :slight_smile: xxx

It’s scary having dressings off,do you have date for results Ange?

I have to have operation as they have put a tissue expander and then hopefully I can have implants but like everything in this bloody roller coaster ride I have probably got that wrong too. Lol. I know I won’t be on herceptin and she did say the name of the tablets but what I’ve asked for is a copy of the letter they are aending to my g.p as suggested on here. I know not only do we have all this and then menopause to boot. I hope that once you have taken them for a while it will settle down for you Jill? Xxxxxxxxx

Aww ange. Do you feel ok now bandages off. We have all been thinking of you. :slight_smile: it’s a week tomorrow for you isn’t it? I think that spell check has messed up my last message but I left my glasses upstairs. Lol xxxxx

Yes ,Im hoping once my body gets used to it things will settle down Sarah. it really is hard to grasp everything they tell you and they use medical jargon that you need a medical dictionary to understand . I kept asking them to re -explain things they said and write it down ,I’m not sure that went down that well but heh!

I have worked in nearly all departments in health care. But not much in the way of cancer. I’ve worked in a eye hospital and that’s a language all on it’s own and right now that’s what this seems like aswell. i am going to ask for all of my letters it might make sense one day xxxxxxxx

Yes ,lots of abbreviations, don’t think the medics even realise they are using them, it is so hard to take in information when you are anxious.

I have found breastcancer.org to be really helpful with all the jargon when getting results. I thought I understood it all when the nurse was explaining but reading it in there really makes sense. punch in your readings individually and it will tell you exactly what it means and how it’s usually treated.

sending love 

Lorna x

Thanks Lorna, you certainly need help interpreting what you have been told .Where are you up to with treatment?

Hi Jill and Sarah my results are due on 12th August so the waiting starts again. Did not like having the dressings off. Incision is longer than I though it goes right across. It is very neat but where it is swelling it looks like a mini boob :slight_smile: I have been assured this will go down. It’s a weird feeling not sure I like it but it’s part of my journey :slight_smile: xxx thanks for your support ladies xxx

Lorna,best not read stories of peoples more negative experiences I think ,just try and concentrate on you.Easier said than done I know.If you look at the stats the vast majority of us will still be here moaning in10 yrs time try and focus on this.

Ange 12th August?Surely they will have results before then that’s a long time to wait?Is it because surgeon is on leave?